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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
I saw in an earlier thread that your Venus is what really represents how you'll act when in love. Being new to anything other than sun signs, I sought to find out my Venus and compare it to the description of Virgo sun signs in love. Reading that description below, and then going to to compare your sun to your Venus, which do you feel portrays you most in love?
*I titled the thread for Virgos, but please feel free to join in if you're of another sign, and compare your sun sign to your venus sign, re: love.
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Virgo description in love:
Virgos are often one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. They are so careful to conceal their emotions; they are often seen as cold or uncaring. But don't let the Virgos fool you! Underneath their shield is a sensitive, sensuous being, very capable of giving as well as receiving love.
Virgo Women
On the outside, Virgo women seem calm, cool, and collected, almost to the point of being remote. But, do not let her outward demeanor fool you. Virgo women have emotions surging through their veins, but these emotions so intense, they often scare her. She can be seen as reserved or aloof because of she realises the intensity of her emotions and is trying to control them through self-discipline. Her distant nature also helps her ward off the advances of the wrong men.
Like all Earth signs, Virgo is a mysterious mixture of both sensuality and conservatism. Virgo women are often very cautious when becoming involved with others. She weighs relationships very carefully because she fears ending up trapped with the wrong man. Because of this, falling in love may take some time. As a relationship grows and the Virgo woman learns to trust her mate, she will reveal her sensitive side. The Virgo woman doesn't mind waiting for Mr. Right. In fact, she would rather stay home, curled up with a good book than date Mr. Wrong. She is a believer in true love and once she finds it, her control will loosen. She will become a passionate, sensitive lover, but only once she is sure you are the one.
Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Virgo Men
Like Virgo women, Virgo men also put on the fa?ade of being totally in control of their emotions. He can be cautious, yet also sensitive and adoring when with the right mate. Virgo men often have a problem expressing their deepest feelings. He is often attracted to his opposite - a woman that is extroverted and lively. But this often causes problems in his love life as emotional people and situations both attract and disturb him.
In the long run, the Virgo man is looking for a woman of high standards. He can be seen as demanding and has a way of making his dissatisfaction with his woman known. While a woman might see this as bothersome, she needs to realise the demands and faultfindings are proof that he truly cares or he would not bother. Do not expect him to romance you in the classical Hollywood movie way. There may not be candlelight dinners or roses, but a Virgo man can offer a women loyalty and passion beyond her wildest dreams.
The Perfect Date
What type of date should you take a Virgo woman on or expect from a Virgo man? Because Virgos like to take things nice and slow at first, something with a quiet setting like a caf? or movie (nothing to risqu?) is a great first date. Remember that for some Virgos dating doesn't come easy because they have a hard time relaxing and letting their guards down. So don't try to overdo it, especially on the first date.
Virgos also enjoy visiting museums or something as simple as a long walk. If you want to date a Virgo man, suggest an arcade. They are so analytical, they are sure to love it!
Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Compatible Signs
Which signs are compatible with Virgos? A Taurus and Virgo have much in common and the Taurus' strong passions may ignite those of the Virgo. Cancers are affectionate, yet not forceful and Virgos appreciate that. While there can be a problem with both signs being overcritical, they will certainly draw each other out of their shells. Amazingly enough, Virgos are often very compatible with others of their own sign. In fact, they tend to bring out the best in each other. Scorpios are fiercely loyal, which makes Virgos feel loved. They also admire each other's minds. Because Virgos are often perfectionists, they mesh well with Capricorn's drive and ambition.
Incompatible Signs
A Virgo should avoid relationships with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces.
Some signs find Virgos a bit too demanding and distant. But, if you are in love with a Virgo, try to understand them better and appreciate their good traits. Knowing that their demanding nature only shows that they care for you may help make things a little easier on you. Also remember that they will take relationships slowly. Love between any two signs is possible if both are willing to compromise and appreciate the other sign for who they are.
at this point I'm pretty compatible with my in..he did it! (opened up to me) we're on the same line again and he seemed relieved, and OMG he's approaching me on his own...yay!! Ok of to se that link 
Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Posted by Pisces2202
at this point I'm pretty compatible with my in..he did it! (opened up to me) we're on the same line again and he seemed relieved, and OMG he's approaching me on his own...yay!! Ok of to se that link 
That's so great!
I'm curious as to what you think of the Virgo male description up there?Virgo Men
Like Virgo women, Virgo men also put on the fa?ade of being totally in control of their emotions. He can be cautious, yet also sensitive and adoring when with the right mate. Virgo men often have a problem expressing their deepest feelings. He is often attracted to his opposite - a woman that is extroverted and lively. But this often causes problems in his love life as emotional people and situations both attract and disturb him.
In the long run, the Virgo man is looking for a woman of high standards. He can be seen as demanding and has a way of making his dissatisfaction with his woman known. While a woman might see this as bothersome, she needs to realise the demands and faultfindings are proof that he truly cares or he would not bother. Do not expect him to romance you in the classical Hollywood movie way. There may not be candlelight dinners or roses, but a Virgo man can offer a women loyalty and passion beyond her wildest dreams.
Well I only have experience with 1 virgo, and he's mine, so I won't say this will the personalties of every virgo around, but this discription fits my virguy perfectly. Ok some things I will twist a bit, but it's quite correct 
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1112 · Topics: 21
Incompatible Signs
A Virgo should avoid relationships with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces.
Some signs find Virgos a bit too demanding and distant. But, if you are in love with a Virgo, try to understand them better and appreciate their good traits. Knowing that their demanding nature only shows that they care for you may help make things a little easier on you. Also remember that they will take relationships slowly. Love between any two signs is possible if both are willing to compromise and appreciate the other sign for who they are.
Virgos should avoid relationships with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces.
So please explain to me how one of my dearest friends, a Virgo man, has been very happily married to his Gemini wife for over 40 yrs?
Anyone who believes what others write about signs and relationships need to get a dose of reality. Signs don't define who a person is or what they may become. At the core is the reality that people are individuals first and foremost; each person has inherent desires, needs and the ability to express love and receive love from whomever they find attractive and want to share their life with. The majority of people look for qualities as a good personality, a caring nature, a great sense of humor and a good work ethic when dating someone. those qualities can be found in any sign and any match. In the end, it's about two people who relate and care for each other. Two people who are mature enough to handle the ups and downs of marriage and life in general. If you're entire life and dating criteria is based only on which sign some article states you're compatible with, you're in for a tough road ahead at finding someone who fits the perfect set of standards and expectations. Long term relationships are built on trust, respect and unconditional love. Last time I checked, all signs were capable of those qualities.
A sign is helping to understand certain personality traits. Doesn't mean or say anything how your relationship works.
We don't have to explain why this virgo is married to a gemini...they love eachother.
Signed Up:
Jan 15, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 50
Posted by CLCNY30
Because Virgos are often perfectionists, they mesh well with Capricorn's drive and ambition.
interesting......Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Posted by capris
Posted by CLCNY30
Because Virgos are often perfectionists, they mesh well with Capricorn's drive and ambition.
click to expand
This I can personally say I've often found to be true. Any caps I've ever met I've had an instant bond with, and it's usually becuase we both admitted to overthinking/dissecting situations, and people. It's not necessarily a good thing (it seems to drive us both insane, causing many a sleepless night) but it's a trait we seemed to share.Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Virgos should avoid relationships with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces.
So please explain to me how one of my dearest friends, a Virgo man, has been very happily married to his Gemini wife for over 40 yrs?
Anyone who believes what others write about signs and relationships need to get a dose of reality. Signs don't define who a person is or what they may become. At the core is the reality that people are individuals first and foremost; each person has inherent desires, needs and the ability to express love and receive love from whomever they find attractive and want to share their life with. The majority of people look for qualities as a good personality, a caring nature, a great sense of humor and a good work ethic when dating someone. those qualities can be found in any sign and any match. In the end, it's about two people who relate and care for each other. Two people who are mature enough to handle the ups and downs of marriage and life in general. If you're entire life and dating criteria is based only on which sign some article states you're compatible with, you're in for a tough road ahead at finding someone who fits the perfect set of standards and expectations. Long term relationships are built on trust, respect and unconditional love. Last time I checked, all signs were capable of those qualities.
You are absolutely right--there is no way to fit everyone of every sign into the generalizations of their sign. I think environment, upbringing, etc. plays a HUGE role in who you are, traits you exhibit, etc. I never pay any mind to sites that claim "this sign should avoid relationships with this sign" because you go to another site, and they're saying those same two signs are highly compatible. I believe any two signs can make it work if they're willing to try to understand one another, and see things from each other's POV.Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1823 · Topics: 70
Posted by gemini64
Incompatible Signs
A Virgo should avoid relationships with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces.
Some signs find Virgos a bit too demanding and distant. But, if you are in love with a Virgo, try to understand them better and appreciate their good traits. Knowing that their demanding nature only shows that they care for you may help make things a little easier on you. Also remember that they will take relationships slowly. Love between any two signs is possible if both are willing to compromise and appreciate the other sign for who they are.
Virgos should avoid relationships with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces.
So please explain to me how one of my dearest friends, a Virgo man, has been very happily married to his Gemini wife for over 40 yrs?
Anyone who believes what others write about signs and relationships need to get a dose of reality. Signs don't define who a person is or what they may become. At the core is the reality that people are individuals first and foremost; each person has inherent desires, needs and the ability to express love and receive love from whomever they find attractive and want to share their life with. The majority of people look for qualities as a good personality, a caring nature, a great sense of humor and a good work ethic when dating someone. those qualities can be found in any sign and any match. In the end, it's about two people who relate and care for each other. Two people who are mature enough to handle the ups and downs of marriage and life in general. If you're entire life and dating criteria is based only on which sign some article states you're compatible with, you're in for a tough road ahead at finding someone who fits the perfect set of standards and expectations. Long term relationships are built on trust, respect and unconditional love. Last time I checked, all signs were capable of those qualities.
This is where the role of Moon and Venus comes to place into people's chart and how they deal with emotions, attractions and compatibility. Astrology are much more complex and not limited to SUN signs alone. They may not be compatible in their SUN department but highly compatible compatible above all else, the relationship could still work and really last for a long time.
Venus is in Aries....
Venus in Aries is the most impulsive of all the Venus signs, leaping straight into relationships, usually on the basis of romantic attraction alone. Practical difficulties are no deterrent at all to them. There is something of the knight in shining armour about these people - they like to feel that they are rescuing someone from a miserable existence and carrying them off to eternal bliss.
Idealistic and somewhat naive, the Venus in Aries person expects the best of everyone. Straightforward and direct to the point of bluntness themselves, it never occurs to them that some people are devious and manipulative. Because of this they feel terribly hurt and let down when people betray their trust.
Venus in Aries likes to take the initiative and tends to come on pretty strong, which can be very alarming to more timid types. Aries has little time for the subtle approach, preferring things to happen now, and lacking patience with people who cannot make up their minds.
Because Venus is the relating principle and Aries is concerned with being itself, there is going to be some degree of internal conflict between the self and the other; and it may be quite difficult for the Venus in Aries person to work out a balance between the need for independence and personal self-expression and the need for relationship and sharing.
Venus in Aries needs space and freedom in relationships, and appreciates independence in others. As lovers, they are warm and demonstrative, giving their love freely and open-heartedly. They need, and can create, an element of excitement in their relationships, so that life is never dull for someone involved with them.
The person with Venus in Aries tends to demand attention and will definitely want to be the number one attraction in their partner's life. Their love is full of heat and intensity which can quickly change to dramatic rage when they feel hurt. Venus in Aries gives drama and passion, together with romanticism and naive hopefulness. For the Venus in Aries person, the eternally burning flame of hope is what makes life worth living; and they will never cease to pursue their vision of the perfect love.
And everything is true...Oh dear lord, hae mercy!!
Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Posted by Beergo85
This is where the role of Moon and Venus comes to place into people's chart and how they deal with emotions, attractions and compatibility. Astrology are much more complex and not limited to SUN signs alone. They may not be compatible in their SUN department but highly compatible compatible above all else, the relationship could still work and really last for a long time.
very cool--and comforting to know. I've been reading Virgo descriptions for a long time, and would cringe at how cold and unemotional they made us seem. Oh, I know we have extremes--I know VERY cold Virgos, but I know so many more emotional, not to mention over-emotional Virgos, who are so passionate and such hopeless romantics, it's beautiful! It's nice to know there's so much more to it than Sun signs--ty, I will also look up Mars as well.Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Posted by LadyLibra12
Pleasing Venus in Scorpio involves demonstrating your complete commitment and loyalty to them. Appreciate their guts when it comes to love and intimacy -- they're proud of their courage in these matters. If you can, and they're deserving, relinquish some of the control in the relationship. Let them feel they own you, without taking it to extremes. Remember, though, that some Venus in Scorpio lovers can and will take advantage of you on a subtle level, if only to keep you all to themselves. Let them have their secrets and their silences.
I do not have the sexual part of Venus in Scorpio, not at all, and I don't delude myself: I'm definitely not attractive to others, judging on the basis of their words and actions.
However, much of the rest of the description is true. 
Aw! Hey, don't be like that
maybe you haven't met the partner who's tapped into it? If you're very young, it's just so hard to tell right now, you know? And why would you say you're not attractive to others?? Don't let people impose standards of beauty on you make you feel like you have to look a certain way, or wear certain things to be beautiful. I have to say, I'm not close to Libras, at all, I've had bad encounters, but wow--I've never spoken to one who's spoken this way, it really makes me sad to have read what you said about yourself.Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Posted by Pisces2202
The person with Venus in Aries tends to demand attention and will definitely want to be the number one attraction in their partner's life. Their love is full of heat and intensity which can quickly change to dramatic rage when they feel hurt. Venus in Aries gives drama and passion, together with romanticism and naive hopefulness. For the Venus in Aries person, the eternally burning flame of hope is what makes life worth living; and they will never cease to pursue their vision of the perfect love.
And everything is true...Oh dear lord, hae mercy!!
The Pisces guy I like has Venus in Aries.
It says in certain parts of the description that they get bored easily though, and need constant stimulation or they'll create drama just to liven things up, LOL. I've honestly never heard the word "naive" be used to describe an Aries, that's pretty interesting.Signed Up:
Aug 27, 2008Comments: 3 · Posts: 4208 · Topics: 163
The Virgo men thing describes me to a T
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Posted by Cajunspirit
The Virgo men thing describes me to a T
What is your venus and mars?Posted by Cajunspirit
The Virgo men thing describes me to a T
I think the description describes mine pretty well too, he's been a tough nut to crack. He's leo venus & mars...I know, I'm a glutton for punishment.Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
^^^as long as you can understand him, and you two connect, that's all that matters 
Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Oh wow, okay so I have Venus in Virgo, and Mars in Cancer...interesting...
If your Venus is in Virgo, you're unassuming, reserved and a loyal friend or partner. You may not show a lot of emotion outwardly, but are sensitive to what others think. This doesn't keep you from being critical of those you care about, always trying to help them better themselves. You're discriminating, and might blow little things out of proportion. Once committed, you're the ideal "helpmate," since you tune into creating daily harmony. In Love and Romance: You're attracted to people who are clean, and don't have a lot of nasty habits. Getting into a car with a floorboard full of trash can spoil your mood, even as the date is just beginning. You appreciate punctuality, and someone that has a wholesome quality. You prefer to slowly build mutual respect, than to fan the flames of passion. Sometimes you're detached and hard to reach at an emotional level. Your tendency to criticize can be wicked, if not balanced with ample affection. In the bedroom, you can be endearingly modest, but are responsive to touch, and over time, will reveal more layers of the sensual self. The Big Attraction: You're someone with a lot of integrity, and that is appealing to the right person. There's no game playing here, just a steady nature that likes to be "of service" to those they love. You're self-contained, and a bit of a loner, and this is intriguing. There's a sense of mystery about you, since you're protective of your privacy. You likely get high marks for your skill in the bedroom, even as you're emotionally distant at times. You're trustworthy, and a right match for someone that understands your remote, yet physically sensitive demeanor.
Ok, that was eerily accurate...
Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
With Mars in Cancer you have a sensitive and moody sexual energy. Your need for emotional connection must be satisfied in order for you to fully enjoy physical sex. In fact, you are likely to become emotionally attached to anyone you sleep with. It's difficult for you to separate love and sex since they are, for your sign anyway, two sides of the same coin. You have a primal need to nurture and protect both yourself and those you love. This can make Mars in Cancer a sign that becomes too self protective and even passive aggressive in the pursuit of desires. Mixed signals are likely from this sign. When you are in pursuit of your desires however, you're likely to be very romantic. Mars in Cancer is roused to action when something pulls at the heart. Your emotions rule your motivation and passion. You can be intensely engaged in activities that allow you to ride those waves of feeling. It??s hard for you to fake interest, if you??re heart??s not into it. Your vitality fluctuates, and sometimes you're inhibited by insecurity. But you move mountains, with this cardinal Mars, when the mood hits. You crave emotional honesty, and will pick up on discord right away. You act to secure your life and relationships. Your sexuality is enveloping, nurturing, seductive and emotional. You??re fiercely protective of those you love.
Wow...explains a lot. Especially about not just being able to have flings and meaningless sex. Now when guys bug me about it, I can just yell "IT'S NOT MY FAULT! IT'S MY MARS IN CANCER!" and then go running from the room with my arms flailing about my head Kermit D. Frog style .
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
Posted by gemini64
Incompatible Signs
A Virgo should avoid relationships with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces.
Some signs find Virgos a bit too demanding and distant. But, if you are in love with a Virgo, try to understand them better and appreciate their good traits. Knowing that their demanding nature only shows that they care for you may help make things a little easier on you. Also remember that they will take relationships slowly. Love between any two signs is possible if both are willing to compromise and appreciate the other sign for who they are.
Virgos should avoid relationships with Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces.
So please explain to me how one of my dearest friends, a Virgo man, has been very happily married to his Gemini wife for over 40 yrs?
Anyone who believes what others write about signs and relationships need to get a dose of reality. Signs don't define who a person is or what they may become. At the core is the reality that people are individuals first and foremost; each person has inherent desires, needs and the ability to express love and receive love from whomever they find attractive and want to share their life with. The majority of people look for qualities as a good personality, a caring nature, a great sense of humor and a good work ethic when dating someone. those qualities can be found in any sign and any match. In the end, it's about two people who relate and care for each other. Two people who are mature enough to handle the ups and downs of marriage and life in general. If you're entire life and dating criteria is based only on which sign some article states you're compatible with, you're in for a tough road ahead at finding someone who fits the perfect set of standards and expectations. Long term relationships are built on trust, respect and unconditional love. Last time I checked, all signs were capable of those qualities.
I agree.Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
Posted by CLCNY30
With Mars in Cancer you have a sensitive and moody sexual energy. Your need for emotional connection must be satisfied in order for you to fully enjoy physical sex. In fact, you are likely to become emotionally attached to anyone you sleep with. It's difficult for you to separate love and sex since they are, for your sign anyway, two sides of the same coin. You have a primal need to nurture and protect both yourself and those you love. This can make Mars in Cancer a sign that becomes too self protective and even passive aggressive in the pursuit of desires. Mixed signals are likely from this sign. When you are in pursuit of your desires however, you're likely to be very romantic. Mars in Cancer is roused to action when something pulls at the heart. Your emotions rule your motivation and passion. You can be intensely engaged in activities that allow you to ride those waves of feeling. It??s hard for you to fake interest, if you??re heart??s not into it. Your vitality fluctuates, and sometimes you're inhibited by insecurity. But you move mountains, with this cardinal Mars, when the mood hits. You crave emotional honesty, and will pick up on discord right away. You act to secure your life and relationships. Your sexuality is enveloping, nurturing, seductive and emotional. You??re fiercely protective of those you love.
Wow...explains a lot. Especially about not just being able to have flings and meaningless sex. Now when guys bug me about it, I can just yell "IT'S NOT MY FAULT! IT'S MY MARS IN CANCER!" and then go running from the room with my arms flailing about my head Kermit D. Frog style .
This^^^hell to da yeah!!! I do concur.Signed Up:
Apr 01, 2011Comments: 145 · Posts: 2210 · Topics: 91
Signed Up:
Apr 01, 2011Comments: 145 · Posts: 2210 · Topics: 91
Virgo Women
On the outside, Virgo women seem calm, cool, and collected, almost to the point of being remote. But, do not let her outward demeanor fool you. Virgo women have emotions surging through their veins, but these emotions so intense, they often scare her. She can be seen as reserved or aloof because of she realises the intensity of her emotions and is trying to control them through self-discipline. Her distant nature also helps her ward off the advances of the wrong men.
Like all Earth signs, Virgo is a mysterious mixture of both sensuality and conservatism. Virgo women are often very cautious when becoming involved with others. She weighs relationships very carefully because she fears ending up trapped with the wrong man. Because of this, falling in love may take some time. As a relationship grows and the Virgo woman learns to trust her mate, she will reveal her sensitive side. The Virgo woman doesn't mind waiting for Mr. Right. In fact, she would rather stay home, curled up with a good book than date Mr. Wrong. She is a believer in true love and once she finds it, her control will loosen. She will become a passionate, sensitive lover, but only once she is sure you are the one.
Signed Up:
Apr 21, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4640 · Topics: 455
love what an interesting word u wonder if people kno what love truly means now and days.
Signed Up:
Apr 21, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4640 · Topics: 455
Posted by Layna
LV! Long time no see! 
how are yah im stopping by i be gone soon enough good speaking to you.