Virgos secret

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by babygurl3434 on Tuesday, June 6, 2006 and has 15 replies.
They are secretly very dirty minded if you no what i mean
So why are they called virgins
Soooo you guys like to copy lol
Its not different than what a Pisces would do

What you mean by dat i'm my own person the question is are you
oh no
These days, Virgos have to emulate other signs more to be noticed.
This doesn't apply to water signs.
Don't look at me; I always reference my sources. When you're in Publishing is a little habit you get into called - INTEGRITY.
What do you mean virgo101
Virgo's don't have to do anything to attract a water sign.
I am hypersexual; but I can detatch myself very easily. I like maintaining a philosophy of love being with sex as; the ultimate expression of just that; love, without compromising my humaneness; I used to think sex 'dirty' or 'hard' but when I realized it was an expression of love; I could easily express myself!!. I am highly sexual, and gave scorps runs for their money, and they've often told me I am quite the passionate lover, and have explosive energy; I just luv a the!!.
I'm pretty sure I don't RESPOND to ANYONES energy; I usually am more dominant, and demonstrative in the bed, but perhaps there was a lazy nite er!!. My mars is in aries, and my pluto in scorpio; explosive combo!!
Well, out of all three earth signs, capricorns can control their sex drive the best -- they can turn it on and off without much effort.
Virgos tie with taurus in relation to sexual energy.
I want that ONE WOMAN TO CAST MY SPELL ON; *sigh* SCORPIO COME HERE!!!! Let's practice our multiplication tables, starting with 12's....
*fiery stare*
Why should you be intimidated by anyone?. As long as you bleed red blood, I can't be afraid; it isn't rational to be afraid of someone based on their star sign; If you THINK you have power, than get off ur duff, and show me...I have no time to entertain the superficial, or self-appointed. I am me, and never have to alter myself to be more pwerful; my power lies inside, and beams outwardly. If you threaten me, you will be given something back in retribution; (I LUUUUUUV THAT WORD...*drools*). Besides, a bitter Virgo, can be JUST AS BAD, AS A BETRAYED SCORP; MAYBE THAT'S WHY WERE NOT INTIMIDATED BY EACH OTHER; WE CAN COME TO A MUTUAL RESPECT OF EACH OTHER, AND WE SEE DEEPER IN EACH OTHER BY MAKING EACH OTHER UNDER-GO A 'CHANGE' VIRGOS BECOME INTUITIVE, SCORPS BECOME MORE LOGICAL IN APPROACH.Also, maturity is a big factor; who has time to play games; I want to live life, not worry about how you/I can come up with the latest plan in vengeance; let go, and move on.....unless your scorned lol!!, Oh wow, it is IDEAL that you move on, and not take things so personally scorp, and for Virgo to be less logical....but that is 'ideal' not 'real'....we are who we are, and are responsible for bringing something unique to the that obsessive, preditorial instincts, or cold, detached rationalizations; LOL!! Come on guys, we all ere, but it's human; it's what brings color, and life to our world.
they can turn it on and off without much effort.

hahahahaha... cappisweetie ur sweetTongue

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