This topic was created in the Virgo forum by >deVon< on Thursday, January 31, 2008 and has 33 replies.
I started out shy. It took a couple of years for me to come out of my shell. It helped to have an older lover teach me a few things too. = ) By the time I was 23, I'd do anything with a female short of S&M... but only that because it simply does nothing for me at all... boring.
I suppose if "freak" is what a person is looking for, then this shouldn't be hard to find .. there's a lot of perverts in the world and the male ones are looking for women who want freak under the sheets.

As for the male Virgo .. I find him to be the worse lover I've ever had, in one aspect, and not so bad in another.
The good side .. he's attentive, moves perfected, reliable
However, it's all for himself within his routine, which makes him a "bad" lover.
For example: Let's say I wanted S&M and he didn't .. he wouldn't do it, because to him, it means nothing. Whereas to be a good lover means the aim is supposed to be about WANTING, the desire to please the other in whatever turns them on. He won't .. he'll only do whatever turns HIM on and this makes a horrible lover.
If my man wanted to do something I didn't like, like say beastiality, for example .. if it turned him on, then my desire would be to give him whatever it was, no matter how kinky.
That's the whole point in being a good lover .. to be a freak under the sheets is about DESIRE to gratify.
To be tied up in bed is ONLY thrilling because you've been put into submission .. if the partner is standing there going, "I'm sorry, you want me to stop" ... then you turn ice-cold to this freaky act, because that's all it was .. an act ... it's about passion and desire.
If the partner isn't "feeling" it surge through his/her body .. then being a freak is just being a pervert.

:: DXP or my ISP burped! ::
My first lover was a Taurus woman; it was the easiest relationship I've ever had, and it hurt like hell to break up with her...
can a taurus female turn a virgo male on?
Hell, yes! And without doing a damn thing but giving him the Bedroom Eyes. Only my Scorp has more erotic power in her gaze than the Taurus...
As for love-making: To this day, when I hear the song Miracles by Jefferson Starship, I recall our marathon sessions - once two Earth Signs get moving, they don't want to stop!
If so how good is the turn on???
You ripple like a river when I touch you
When I pluck your body like a string
When I start dancin' inside ya
Oh baby, you make me wanna sing
Does that answer your question??

Ferghus & I are DXP's Virgo Twins, so to add to what he wrote: If we love you, we'll do just about anything you want to, and not consider it FREAKY.
The wind only needs be blowing in the right direction to do that ....
Or a horse's ass !!!

FC .. I'm never going to forget that, lol
I think there's a difference between being technically freaky and being naturally freaky. As a virgo and given the virgo men that I have known, we'll usually do anything our partner asks if we're into that person. It might not be something we ourselves get off on, but if it makes our partner happy, great.
Once we settle into a relationship, I think we're more content to relax, stop acting like a performing monkey, and start exploring the things that make us happy sexually.
"Once we settle into a relationship, I think we're more content to relax, stop acting like a performing monkey, and start exploring the things that make us happy sexually."

You know .. a lot of Virgo women have come in here (dxp) and made claims that their relationships were going great, and then after a period of time, the guy stops sleeping with them ... and their main upset is this neglect of sex.
So, in this train of thought, as relevant to the above paste .. is it safe to assume that in the beginning of these relationships, the female Virgo was just "performing" to make an impression? When in reality, it's not really what is making them sexually happy?
It just seems curious that you would say that, while so many Virgo women have complained that what falters in their relationships after they've settled in was .. SEX.
On a side note that isn't even relevant to this "freaky" stuff, except in the aspect of it being absent .....

.. higher spiritual growth can be obtained. I've often wondered about super religious people refraining from sex (except with alter boys) and thought to myself that sexuality is a part of life and should be expressed for quality, that we are suppose to be experiencing this.

Wrong though, yet again ... to refrain from sexual activities raises your vibrational frequencies.
is it safe to assume that in the beginning of these relationships, the female Virgo was just "performing" to make an impression? When in reality, it's not really what is making them sexually happy?
Good question and of course I can only answer for myself, but yes. When I meet a man and start sleeping with him, I tend to "perform" more often than not. It's kind of harsh to use the word perform, though. I'm not faking anything. It's just that I'm orienting myself almost completely towards his pleasure and making my own enjoyment either secondary or something to be derived from making him happy. It's not a conscious "let me pretend to be something I'm not" but rather more of a "let me put my needs aside and focus on him and what he may want."
One stupid thing about that attitude I'm finding is that when you first start sleeping with someone, you really don't know what turns them on. When you're performing, then, that means there's a whole lot of guesswork and assumptions involved about what that person may or may not like. All of that really speaks to the need to be authentic and making sex something that's shared rather than something that's "done to" another.
It seems there's a natural relationship between that initial view of sex and virgo women complaining that sex falters as the relationship progresses. This is something that I'm still learning, but I think it has a lot to do with this idea of "start as you mean to go on." If you're a woman sleeping with a man and you're orienting yourself entirely to his needs, what incentive does he have to do a damned thing?
I know that I usually wait for some sense of reciprocity and fair play to kick in - I've made you happy for the first three months of our sexual relationship, so now it's time for you to show your appreciation by making me happy. Unfortunately, it's never worked out that way.
Hmpf. Food for thought. Certainly says a lot about how nonsensical it is to constantly try and please others.
"If you're a woman sleeping with a man and you're orienting yourself entirely to his needs, what incentive does he have to do a damned thing?"

The tone has been set ... he can just coast. Perhaps, in this theory, the Virgo is better suited with a partner who is aggressive and sexually controlling. However, in that case the woman will never have the courage to express her desires for fear.
Another way to look at this would be .. people often say that the Virgo is boring in bed, and perhaps this isn't entirely true. It may "appear" this way because she hasn't expressed her desires, and so the man is left feeling like .. "Is this it?"
So, with deeper penetration into the Virgo (lol, mentally, I mean), one could find that IT is there, it's just hidden.
Perhaps, in this theory, the Virgo is better suited with a partner who is aggressive and sexually controlling. However, in that case the woman will never have the courage to express her desires for fear.
There's a lot to be said for that. The whole fear element is really dependent on how you interpret aggressive and controlling, though, isn't it? I happen to like sexually aggressive and controlling partners because I tend to read that as overwhelming attraction rather than something pathological (perhaps this is really twisted, but hey). In that sense, I can actually be more at home exploring my own needs because I figure me doing so probably won't dampen that aggressive enthusiasm. Don't know. Need to think this one through a bit more.
Another way to look at this would be .. people often say that the Virgo is boring in bed, and perhaps this isn't entirely true. It may "appear" this way because she hasn't expressed her desires, and so the man is left feeling like .. "Is this it?"
Well put.

v-lady: "If you're a woman sleeping with a man and you're orienting yourself entirely to his needs, what incentive does he have to do a damned thing?"
If the man loves you, he wants to pleasure you. Love is the incentive for him. Otherwise, you're just another piece of ass.
I'm the Virgo, and yet I've been the SexPert with most of my lovers, and much more willing to try new things.
"I happen to like sexually aggressive and controlling partners because I tend to read that as overwhelming attraction rather than something pathological (perhaps this is really twisted, but hey)."
Lots of women want a man to act like a man in bed. Take charge. Run the show. Nothing crazy about your preference. My LibraEX wasn't like that, but my Scorp shares your attitude. Maybe it's more traditional?
My Scorp loves it when I lose control -- maybe she sees that as evidence of my love and passion for her, that it can override my Virgo logic?
Anyway, nothing wrong with you wanting to please your man... But, why not let him know what you want? If he loves you, he'll try to satisfy you, too...
I'd like to add... define "Freak". Define what you think is "average" or "normal".
My guess is, "average" is "at night, between the sheets, in bed, with the lights off, missionary position, wham, bam, thank'e mame, 2 min. later, roll over and go to sleep". So I suspect anything deviating from that, would be considered "freaky" by a "norm". LOL
>For example: Let's say I wanted S&M and he didn't .. he wouldn't do it, because to him, it means nothing.
Good point P. It's a flaw. It's one of my flaws. My exwife tied me up once and had her way with me, I didn't like it... because I need to touch. But you're right... I should have let her have her fun, as long as we didn't do that sort of thing all the time. Then maybe she would have played along on things I liked but she didn't. I realize now, that I could go along with even S&M to a point. I could play act and maybe even enjoy (because she enjoys it)as long as there was no pain involved for me. Because some people love to roleplay.
>If we love you, we'll do just about anything you want to, and not consider it FREAKY.
Unless it's something we don't like, LOL. But in hindsight, you're right Dy... I didn't consider being tied up "freaky", I just didn't enjoy it. But I should have put up with it, because it wasn't painfull, and she liked doing it, and I should have allowed her to be in control even if I only "played along"... because I did love her and wanted her to have fun. I just didn't realize at that time that sexual "fun" includes more than touch and orgasm. My Bad. I know better now. So take note young V-dudes.
>Or a horse's ass !!!
>FC .. I'm never going to forget that, lol
It's true! LOL. I think Madonna once said "guys will f*ck mud". Well, I for one would never do mud... but a horses ass ::rolls eyes:: LOL
>I know that I usually wait for some sense of reciprocity and fair play to kick in - I've made you happy for the first three months of our sexual relationship, so now it's time for you to show your appreciation by making me happy. Unfortunately, it's never worked out that way.
We all have to learn somehow. Something I learned in school is "Common sense is Knowledge learned through experience". Women need to stop blaming men for their lack of sexual happiness. Women need to learn how to pleasure themselves, as all guys do, then when they are with a man, have their pleasure in his presence. Hopefully he will participate.
Cont. next
>Women need to learn how to pleasure themselves, as all guys do, then when they are with a man, have their pleasure in his presence. Hopefully he will participate.
If he doesn't, you need to have a talk. Maybe even he pleases you FIRST, then himself. That can lead to mutual pleasing. We all have to learn somehow. None of us can read minds. We may become better at sensing what's needed of us, but that only happens after we have some experience and know what signs to watch for.
I started out being selfish, but I didn't know any better. After losing a gal I liked a lot, I needed to know why, so educated myself. But even then, I didn't have the whole picture. I remember learning, incorrectly, that a guy should please his woman first, before he gets pleased. What I know now, is not all women want to have an orgasm every time they have sex. Now I say, your orgasm is up to you. I'll help in anyway you'd like, but there is no pressure from me. We're here to have fun. If you're having fun, I'm having fun.
So young V-guys, learn what it takes to please a woman in general, and be open to do what a woman needs to enjoy your connection. Learn to prolong your passion so it's not over in 2 minutes, or 30 minutes, as most women, take a LOT longer to reach orgasm, if that's what they want, than the average guy. Learn not to fall asleep after you're done. You can. Takes time, but you can learn to stay awake, you can learn to please her, because you'll be pleasing yourself in the process. It's in your best interest.
I'm a freak, and I don't think there's ANYTHING wrong with that.....I know the darkest corners of my mind, and am whole within myself and stronger for knowing it. If someone asks me if I'm a freak, I'll be subtle, and watch them fidget with the idea. Sometimes I do have to admitt that some fantasies are better off in the abstract....but everything else is meant to be explored......there in lies the IS the truth.......that's the person without any defenses.....this is the real, and if you want to know a person......bed 'em: not JUST to get info, but if you're in love, a deep love that you want to give that person a piece of yourself.....than do it. I don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks about me or my sexual ideas.....they're mine and I'll gaurd them like I do all personal info, untill that is I meet the girl that makes me want to give her everything....
I've been obssessed with the idea of sex for the longest time....what I learned is that what seperates me from most other men, is that I'm aware of the unselfish/selfish aspects of it. It's more than just getting your rocks's connecting with someone and getting inside their head, and heart.....right to the soul of the your own soul, and it's bringing you two together....or it can rip you apart from the inside gets ugly sometimes, but I'd rather it did, so I don't have to hold back the way I feel towards the person I'm with.
It's hell trying to express the depths of my feelings with words; what the hell can a word say that a touch can't do 100x's over? or the way a look in your eye couldn't.......I don't use words at all to communicate feelings (except for dire I want the person to know 'me' the deepest, ugliest parts along with the best parts.....most time I feel like I can only be 'half' of who I am, and feel fucked up for it: I gotta meet my equal, nothing else can do.

VE: "I've been obssessed with the idea of sex for the longest time..."
Therein lies your problem, young Padawan. Sex is not an Idea. It is not a Theoretical Construct within The Matrix. It is action & reaction, action & reaction, action & reaction, action & reaction, ~~ action & reaction, until combustion. And if you're lucky - and rested! - there'll be another round of action & reaction leading to another combustion. And another, and another, until your well runs dry...
My advice to you: Less thinking, and more f0cking.
ROFLMAO......I know, damn that was getting right to the point there dy.....changin' up your methods old dawg?! lol Yeah, but it's the FEELING I was more talking about actually but either way your point logic just beats all!......just a passionate conviction I hold onto ya know.....there's some fire in this gut of mine, it's just's not sex UNLESS you're in it all the way.....that's where I'm a complete perfectionist....the PERFECT expression of my feelings to make the experience worth holdin' on for....if you catch my drift...
WOW..You guys are making me look at "Sex" in a whole new light..
It's quite interesting coming from a Virgos point of view but i totally understand it, you guy are making so clear for me..

>>FC,VE and DY..ugh you guys sound just like the, im considering getting into a relationship with
freaky...i use the word kinky. my virguy calls kinky "anything you havent had the nerve to try for yourself yet." thereby implying that you have an interest in doing so. (different from the decription of "perverse", defined as something you really dont want to do.) but then again...where is the line??? is my own picture of my self so "XYZ" that someone like me, the way i present myself to the outside world, is able to let down and participate.
i have asked DXP about this virguy (we are both virgo) is TOTALLY into the home movie thing. has a big collection staring himself. i was grossed out/jelous all sorts of emotions i could not express not define. i could not understand the reason for wanting to do this, i could not understand why he still watches them. i refused to participate, called the co-stars all sorts of names for participating.
i asked DXP who would be most willing to initiaTE/participate in the hopes of asking questions. meanwhile i have gained a greater understanding on my own. my vguy is totally visual. of course i still dont really understand why he watches old movies of himself vs new porn CDs. however, he has gone so far as to agree with me that these were his "glory days" as he is in his latter 40's now.
my impression of myself is "good girl". of course i would not do this on film! but i now realize, my kink is doing it in public. i have many times displayed on the daytime beach, in a busy park, in a resturant restroom. but i want to feel anonamous, i dont want to know people are watching, i want them to sneek a shocked...appalled. and i like to peek at other folks as well...but basically watching porn flicks is a total turn off to me...ACTING! (btw when i watch his flick w/him my stomach turns...when i watch all alone...what a turn on)
during the course of my discovering my true feelings regarding staring in a home movie, i suggested to b/f that we make one. i qualified it (hide my feelings) by saying that i would rather he "use" a flick of me, rather that old G/Fs. he told me i was discusting! and refused.
somebody help me understand...i dont even understand myself!
Virgo just takes sex or the powerful urges for it, and turns it into something positive/productive......I was never ashamed or shy of the experience.....I just wanted it to be done with someone I could bond with....someone who understands me in and out.....and all the freakiness that comes out: My desire is to be in a deep form of love that will last, and grow: Honestly I've felt alone my whole life, looking for the peice of me that would make me feel 'whole/perfect' to me, it's romance, and passion my polar forms of rationality and detatchment....You can't take the sign in the litteral meaning of the term....we're not all saints....God KNOWS I sin....Tongue lol
FC, be love the control....Tongue lol
we all love 'stirrin' up the pot'....if you catch my
Virgos are freak extrordinaires: most just keep the 'true' part of their natures hidden under that 'mind over feeling' philosophy.....As of yet, Scorpio is the only one who can understand that aspect of me....
Do all virguys/girls like to stare directly in your eyes (i guess the virgo stare) while doing the do?

OneSexyGem: "Do all virguys/girls like to stare directly in your eyes (i guess the virgo stare) while doing the do?"
I can't speak for ALL, but I certainly like eye contact while doing the horizontal bop...
lol @ the horizontal bop...
sounds like a roller coaster ride Winking
>FC, be love the control.... lol
Sure I do. I'm a guy and guys generally like to be in control. THo I'll agree with DY here, that I often wish a woman would share more often... invite ME to bed, have her way with ME. I don't like always having to start. I tried to tell my last GF but it never got thru to her for some reason, or maybe she was too shy. I dunno.
I wished when she was horney, that she'd walk up to me naked, (while I'm sitting at my computer drop a pencil on the floor and turn around, bend over to pick it up, so her butt is in my face.... then climb up on the bed, get on all fours with her butt to me, and say, "hey babe, take a look at this".
Why is it we guys always have to ask. Always have to be the ones to start something. It's too one sided.
Do all virguys/girls like to stare directly in your eyes (i guess the virgo stare) while doing the do?
I do. Especially when I'm about to fall off the edge (cum) I need to stare into her soul while feeling that intensity, because I need to share it. When she falls off the edge, it's up to her... my Cancer gal would laugh and laugh and I'd hold her and laugh with her. : )
OneSexyGem: "Do all virguys/girls like to stare directly in your eyes (i guess the virgo stare) while doing the do?"
Not only while doin the do, but also while just kissing too. I dont know if this classifies me as a freak and bizare, but for me, its the whole "eyes are the window to the soul" thing. Not only am I going to penetrate your body, but Im going to penetrate your vision as well. Think of 'the stare' as one more appendage to offer your lover!
>And honestly, now i spend most days walking like a cowboy!
OMG, LOL... I gotta good chuckle out of that Blu : )
Blumorning, it can be rather uncomfortable! When my Virguy did that I get all goofy and smile
Then if I ask him "what are you looking at?"
I get the obvious answer "what? I can't look at you now?"
freak=anyone who is so sexually open and expressive it borderlines 'taboo'......clear enough? DC Winking
If we do not want to do something...there is usually a good reason.
1. Something smells bad.
2.Something is going to stain the sheets ( oils, what have you.)
3. Standing upside down wearing saran wrap and getting beat with leather usually doesn't cut it.
4. Sharing is a humongous no no...unless it's your friend and she's hot.

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