okay..was in class (12th grade) and i was with a group of friends i had to do a project with...we were all sitting around and im the type of person that will says something and everyone will laugh...but what i say isnt necessarily funny, but everyone laughs anyway. so this guy drew...i kinda am interested in is trying to talk to me...i say 'drew, why does everyone laugh at everything i say and it aint even funny..?" then he says 'because your just being yourself and i respect that"...i was like okay and we kept talking
sooo we start talking about different celebrities and drew says i think broklyn deker is so pretty...and i ask drew..whos broklyn decker? and then i ask if shes white...he says yeah then i say drew, do you like white girls...then he smiles and says yea and looks down for awhile...then he LOOKS BACK UP AND SAYS..i like any type of people and then he goes..."sarah, i like you, would you go out on a date with me?( the whole time he said this he had on a straight face and was looking at me directly)...i was shocked because it just came out of nowhere and he was really forward with it...
so after he said that infront of me and everyone...they start asking me SARAH WOULD YOU GO?? WOULD YOU GO?? and i just sit there because i dont know what to say then he (drew) was like okay ill stop asking you before you get angry then once he left my friend asks if i would go and i reply with..'he's cute' and she told him then he started smiling and walked away.. this was YESTERDAY..and TODAY he acted like everything was normal he still talked and joked around though.
so my question is.. was this guy serious..did he mean it...?? PLEASE HELPPP???
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
A Virgo is very conscientious about how they appear, and would go to any means to avoid being embarrassed. To ask a girl out is risky, because she could laugh in your face, and tell you not in a million.
Hence: it's very unlikely a Virgo would take that risk
If a Virgo is into you, and really likes you ... he is more likely to remain silent and incognito, while sending you stares and chancing quiet encounters where he doesn't have to say or do anything.
For him to be bold and laughing and acting out in front of others is a clear indication that he isn't interested in you.
Virgos just don't behave that way when they like a girl.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I guess since you're talking about a boy, rather than a man .... it may vary a tad.
In any case, you're children ... so, you won't really get any advice that you'd understand anyway.
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Jan 19, 2011Comments: 2 · Posts: 540 · Topics: 11
Yes.It takes alot of courage for a teen boy to ask a female especially a teen age girl anything.In front of witnesses!!In front of friends!!In front of classmates that you both will see again!!!Don't leave him hanging!!!Good Luck.
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Jun 20, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 2709 · Topics: 7
When I was in high school I was never afraid to do things that the other "boys" would laugh at.
Like carry a stupid flower around in between classes to give to the girl I liked. Put flowers in her locker and have her find them throughout the day.
Dont you know I was aware of how dumb I must have looked. Back in the 90's it was still considered fruity to be romantic or any attempts at it.
And while P-Angel has a point that Virgo would not declare his interest in public. It is quite possible that he was taking advantage of the situation and had finally built enough courage to ask you to sort of test the waters.
He took a big chance at being rejected in public, he figured he had nothing to lose. Been there.
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May 26, 2011Comments: 73 · Posts: 247 · Topics: 1
Yes, he likes you and must feel very confident that you like him. Try it!