This topic was created in the Virgo forum by VIRGOEXALTED on Monday, February 5, 2007 and has 6 replies.
greetings earthlingz (RC's gonna have my ass for stealin' her line)....been wonderin' all, or at least MOST of the zodiacal signs have two home planets yet virgo only one CONFIRMED (I use this term loosely)home planet and it is mercury.....I believe there is another.....could anyone provide me with the information as to WHY mercury was selected as our 'current resident', and if at all possible to theorize a new home for this sign?
I suspect Uranus, Jupiter, Vulcan, and Pluto to be new planet, but this is just a theory.....
what's new with VIRGOS
last time I heard about vulcan, the news said that archimedes made a mathematical error or something cause the planet isn't there.
dude you are too much like Aqua. I would go with Uranus and Mercury.
lol anywho. I asked my dad what he thought. And honestly, I did not get a good answer from him. He just told me the same stuff he always tells me in his serious tone. "Mercury is the ONLY planet that rules over virgo" I tried to throw other ideas at him but he kept me in circles..then I asked him "So what is the conclusion" and he said "That guy is an idiot and you all can yap to each other your nonsense cause that's all it is"
o_O yeah, my dad thinks we're all stupid.
lol hehehehehe.....sounds like he won 'father of the year' about as much as my Scorpion father lol hehehe Tongue don't worry I wouldn't be VE if I let stuff like that crush me! Ha! lol Guys like him DREAM of crushing my idealism Hahahahahahah! Silliness I assure you! Tongue

Although, he is entitled to his beliefs....hehehehe this guy souds like a hoot to get riled up though!! lol Tongue
The older generation tends towards dogmatism....RC, let try to be gentle with their ignorant ways! lol Like teaching them about using the hammer, and other simple, primitive tools! lol Ask him, AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!!.....'do you consider yourself to be an intelligent being..... numbers aside?' lol How could dogamatism be intelligent? If the mind is not open, and willing to expand how can one learn, and BE as intelligent as one states they are, or is this all bluff, and blunderbuss? Mercury just dosen't cut it any more ya know? Out with the old and in with the new!! I'd love to meet this guy! I think he'd put me in a grave early from dying from busted stites! lol Tongue
I think it's the element; earth is stubborn, and not easily moved and when combined with the mutablity of mercury, and it's mode of expression (mutable) then I suppose you've numerically have a close minded, blue-blooded, petty minded, brooding genius! lol That dosen't sound right does it? All of the zodiac has something of GREAT importantce to bestow upon the world, and we must all dig deep, and find this...there is something within all of us that if it weren't present the balance of life couldn't sustain itself....Virgos are vital as are Aquas, Gems, Leo, and all of us! We just need to search.

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