What do Females find in Virgo males In looks

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by MouseyGirl on Wednesday, July 12, 2006 and has 30 replies.
We like them for there smartness and the way they help you when you need them.
But what do we find sexy about them?
Well, I saw one virgo man who had the most beautiful complexion along with a stocky build.
My virgo ex had a nice complexion too and stocky build soooooooooo, that what I find attractive, I'm soooooo not picky in terms of physical attributes, nope that's all a bunch of silly stuff to me smile
Yeah I have to agree the inside counts. But i was curious on what opinons what girls or guy would think how virgos males and what makes them soo attractive.
Every male Virgo I know looks different, so it would be hard to say. They say that Virgo's have deep eyes, and mine does, but, I know Virgo's who don't.
There seems to be a quietness about them. A genuine shyness, especially when around an object of love interest. That bashfulness, coupled with they unassuming eyes, makes them seem aloof - and that would be the biggest attraction.
So, for me, isn't necessarily a physical attribute, rather, the way they carry themselves. The only time this seems to not be attractive, is when they are deflated, their gaite seems to clearly show their feelings, even if they don't recognize how they are feeling, which is often the case. Most of thier moods looks pretty good in their stance, except that one.
The ones I've encounter are graceful, noble, have wicked sense of humors, very sensual, reserved. You can see their minds clicking behind those glinting eyes. Intelligent but sometimes misguided, well-meaning, tough. They can be downright sweetness itself of turn your world upside.
Another thing, about their eyes:
I don't know if the eyes are as people seem to think. Yes, they are beautiful, no doubt. However, only with two emotions do you see anything except a blank stare that makes them look soul-less.
Anger and lust - those are the only two expressions that change in their eyes. The rest of the time, there's no expression in the eyes, just a steadfast expression that appears stupid, it in itself. Meaning, no feeling or thought behind it.
Normally, when people have various feelings within themselves, their orbs are the pathway to the soul that's feeling the different vibrations and you can usually tell how someone is feeling by the expression in their eyes. A Virgo is a hard case to figure by visual expressions, because other than the blankness, there is only the two extremes: anger/hate & lust/love
Someone said on another thread that Virgo's don't have souls . . . hmmmmmm, they may be right.
Well Im in love in with this Virgo right.
Everytime we finsh a good conversation me and my virgo and up looking in to each others eyes and I notice his smiles while he does this.
Its the eyes I have to say so nice,deep and blue.
P.s I mean when we stare into each others eyes it goes completely silet while we stare.
OOOOOO MY YES!!!!! I totally forgot about the eyes !!!!! Yepper, they can be just as intense as a scorpios Winking Yes, gotta love the eyes Big Grin
hehehe, MouseyGirl, you are so googled-eyed over your man that when you try to correct your typos, you typo again, lol
I wonder what's on your mind?
I think it's the combination of his innocent eyes and that dumb smile that he always has on his face. You just look at him and want to take care of him.
P-angel said: That bashfulness, coupled with they unassuming eyes, makes them seem aloof - and that would be the biggest attraction.
This is definitely attractive, but also what makes us feel rejected by them sometimes I think.
Message posted by: gslove on 7/13/2006 10:04:27 AM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.137
I think it's the combination of his innocent eyes and that dumb smile that he always has on his face. You just look at him and want to take care of him.
You almost have the sense that he NEEDS taking care of because of the blankness in the eyes and the dumb smile. He makes himself "appear" mentally challenged.
Well I don't know about mentally challenged, but definitely emotionally challenged which I guess when you think about it does make them mentally challenged. LOL
Your right, not mentally, rather, emotionally.
Which makes more sense, really, because we all know that they aren't mentally challenged. On the Contrary.
Emotionally . . . hell yeah. This is proven daily.
So, in essence, that would make sense that the only changes in the deep eyes, would be with anger and lust. Those emotions are so intense that their eyes would change involuntarily, eventhough they don't comprehend the surging inside as "feelings".
I'll have to go on a personal mission with all my Virgo friends in real life and watch them more closely, test them emotionally and see if their eyes change. And, during these times, does this dumb smile that suggests ignorance to what others are feeling and sensing, change as well.
Oh well In way I kinda find this post fun coz your picking on them.
But yet again I really love this guy
The other day He hit me in butt with a wet tow that really hurt
so I grb the wet tow and started hitting him with it we could not stop after 15-20 mintutes lol
Lmao DY?.
See ? they've got under your skin too, forcing you to explain yourself?.lol, that?s damn fish strategies, to make their chameleon nature more acceptable..!
And about Pee angle?.
Do you really take her seriously..??..... comeon, give me a break..! or I'll start doubting you too..
Lol? you got that right buddy..smile
Damn fishes?
OKay lol
I havent seen mine fully nude but he know how to trap me if you know what i mean?
P.s I mean I havernt seen my virgo fully nude I mean
"Boy, do our eyes tell STORIES!!!" Oh yeah. I can size up a VGuy in a heart beat by the look in his eyes.
oh well
Dyr: "I've NEVER HAD a "poker face" - uh, a Winning One, that is!!"
No wonder the man loves poker so much, he's got the "Face". Maybe we should pack our bags and head to Vegas. lol
I was reading online where the richest people are Virgo's. Perhaps, this is his way to the gold. And, he loves Texas Hold 'Em. I guess everyone does.
I don't think you guys show as many emotions with your eyes as you think you do. At least in comparison with other people. There is deepness, no doubt. But, that deepness pretty much is hate/love.
Reading someone isn't just in the eyes, silly.
You have to FEEL emotion to SHOW emotion, you know what I mean?
Dyr, I misunderstood then.
When you say, smiling with your eyes, you mean the outside of your eyes, the shape of your eyes. My husband can speak sentences with he eye lids and lashes. I thought you all were talking about the eyeball itself. It only flashes with those two emotions.
I just misunderstood. My mistake.
Girls love my icey Virgo eyes and my well-dressed, clean, fresh scented Virgo body.
tall, lean and hair free with roguish good looks, and the way he smiles and shakes the hair out of his eyes. So cute and sexy! I just wonder if he knows it... I hope not.

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