what does friendship mean to a virgo male?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by missterry on Wednesday, March 5, 2014 and has 5 replies.
I have been friends with a virgo male for three years now and lately i have been distancing myself from the friendship as I feel we are toxic for one another as friends. There was a time during the friendship when we became more than friends and caught feelings for one another but decided it was for the best not to pursue anything as it would have damaged our plutonic relationship. Still on speaking terms and being buddies our friendship lasted another year talking/meeting/texting daily. Now things have soured and he has changed for the worst always taking his crap out on me. Is that how virgo tend to treat their friends? I have read they are very loyal friends and often come back into peoples lives depending on how important they are/were to them. Will he try to contact me even though i have decided to end things? What does our friendship mean to him if that is how he has been treating me as of late?
Posted by missterry
plutonic relationship

Posted by missterry
always taking his crap out on me

You have no spine, do you?
Posted by missterry
Will he try to contact me even though i have decided to end things?
click to expand

Oh so you want to game him. No.
Posted by Ixion120
and point out behind you, how far you have come all while simultaneously pointing forward and showing you how far you have left to go.

This so nice in principle but in reality...it's dismissive towards the other person.
We think we're helping them but in fact we're hurting them by doing this.
In my experience with friendships.
I wasn't taking it literally...but we have a strong need to fix and help people and they never learn how to stand on their feet.
Posted by missterry
There was a time during the friendship when we became more than friends and caught feelings for one another .....
Still on speaking terms and being buddies our friendship lasted another year talking/meeting/texting daily.

by buddies .... do you mean fuck buddies?