What Sign Do You Think...

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by CLCNY30 on Monday, September 13, 2010 and has 27 replies.
That student that just won't stfu in class is? I'm trying to place what this chick could possibly be, (sitting in class right now, trying to use the clicking of the typing to drown out the wheezing sound of her voice...it's sort of working...)
This is only our second class, and I already know more about her than I do my best friend. She has to answer every question personally, and is--as I type, holding up the class by showing the professor her artwork online. Her voice is just excruciating, like an old dying mouse--just sickly sounding and high-pitched...and she has to share EVERYTHING she's done in her teenage life, because lord knows that's enough life to live to have experienced as much as Ghandi did *insert eye roll*.
Listen...I think it's cool you're really into the class and your talent, etc. Show him before/after class please. How do you not feel the rest of us staring daggers at you? You've gotta be a very oblivious sign...hm...
And what sign is this old woman talking about how printing presses were back in the 60's? Why do you have to take us way back, with no point to your tales? Are these companies you're naming still in existence?
And this lil nervous-looking blonde kid who keeps cracking his knuckles every 10 minutes...what sign are you??
Jesus I wanna go home...
God, I wish I could find out, LOL
I don't even know where to begin in guessing. I'm too f'n tired.
LOL, I'd say it was a Gemini too. When I was in HS, I made a substitute teacher cry because she couldn't get me to just keep quiet. She had to take me to another room to reprimand me.. and imagine my shock when she actually started to cry out of frustration. Of course, I shut up then. LOL.
aries/sag females
gemini males

^ they like to talk
Posted by blueberryboat
aries/sag females
gemini males
^ they like to talk

Like is an understatement.
I have a Gem male and Sag female in my class, they talk non stop and laugh constantly.
Well damn!!!
ugh...now my OCD is gonna make me think of ways to ask her when her bday is.
Dammit...thanks alot guys Sad
Gemini male hands down.
(edited from the hidden post above)
Seriously??? Daaamn! Even the Gemini are coming in to confirm!
I don't know Gemini like that, so I have NO clue, but oh man...now I srsly gotta know what she is...
Ugh, it's so f'n annoying, everything he SAYS she has to act like it's just her and him in the room.
He mentions a type of printing method that died in '94
her: tee hee, I was 4 years old
He mentions that people are prejudiced towards Times New Roman as it's the Windows default font
her: tee hee, I love Times--I think it's just classic, and not too fancy, and...
He mentions a design class he took in HS that really opened up his eyes
her: tee hee, I'm a cadet, and I need x amount of credits to... and my fav. class in high school was...
I was ready to rip my f'n mouse out the damn desk, and wrap the cord around her neck.
Posted by Ccdarling
Posted by CLCNY30

Well I was going to say Gemini or Sag but NOT CUTE, rules out Gemini and Sag ha ha. Must be another sign with a Gemini moon smile.
click to expand

Oh, no no--I meant the teacher, he's not cute, it's not that she's flirting with him or anything, lol.
I just don't understand. Don't people get attention at home? Maybe that's it...maybe her parents ignore her or something...
iono. I just can't wait for this class to end.
Posted by Ccdarling
Posted by CLCNY30

Well I was going to say Gemini or Sag but NOT CUTE, rules out Gemini and Sag ha ha. Must be another sign with a Gemini moon smile.
click to expand

Would definitely have to agree. NOT CUTE would rule out GEM suns, hahaha.
Lol true. A lot of gems are actually pretty damn attractive. Ugh. Pretty boys/girls.
LOL, you guys are going off on a tangent smile
It's the female classmate that's talkative
the male teacher is talkative too, but...he's teaching, lol
it's the female classmate that won't stfu.
I'm honestly surprised no one is mentioning Virgos.
Isn't that what we get accused of? Talking of ourselves entirely too much?
Posted by CLCNY30
I'm honestly surprised no one is mentioning Virgos.
Isn't that what we get accused of? Talking of ourselves entirely too much?

Not at all. Most virgos I know aren't very talkative during class, and if we do talk, it's more in depth and about some topic of our interest or pertaining to the subject at hand. I don't talk in class just to talk unless something catches my interest. Usually I'm paying attention or daydreaming.
Gem's hands down. You have to figure since there are two people in one body, they're just BURSTING to say something to everyone else.
I have a Gem moon and I've had gals tell me that once I start going off on something, I dont shut up! lol
Posted by KingPisces
Oh and I want to make it official that CL and I are smoking the peace pipe...And I think someone slipped some funny shit in it 'cause I'm starting to see talking cats....

LOL! Cats DO talk, where you been?

As for the Gem comments, I'm still shocked. I really don't know enough to be able to agree/disagree.
Leo male I could see though, LOL.
Posted by Candeh15
Posted by CLCNY30
I'm honestly surprised no one is mentioning Virgos.
Isn't that what we get accused of? Talking of ourselves entirely too much?

Not at all. Most virgos I know aren't very talkative during class, and if we do talk, it's more in depth and about some topic of our interest or pertaining to the subject at hand. I don't talk in class just to talk unless something catches my interest. Usually I'm paying attention or daydreaming.
click to expand

You know what, I agree. I'll speak up if I'm sure I understand something, or to ask a question I think others are afraid to ask. But this chick was just volunteering information, I mean if there were more hours to the class, we'd know where all her birthmarks are, her mother's maiden name, SS#, pin #s, like damn chick! ShhhhhH!
Yeah, I forgot to say that I got banned from the library for a time too because the librarian kept ringing the dang bell on me because i'd hop from table to table talking people up like I was the host of a party, haha. That's why when I had to study, I have to do it where there are NO people. Seriously. Otherwise, I get distracted and end up chatting with whomever's there.
The virgos I know have always been quiet in class to the point of being reserved. They are chatty though when you get them one-on-one.
Posted by TwistedTwin
Yeah, I forgot to say that I got banned from the library for a time too because the librarian kept ringing the dang bell on me because i'd hop from table to table talking people up like I was the host of a party, haha. That's why when I had to study, I have to do it where there are NO people. Seriously. Otherwise, I get distracted and end up chatting with whomever's there.
The virgos I know have always been quiet in class to the point of being reserved. They are chatty though when you get them one-on-one.

Yea, the Twins are always fun to engage in conversation with. You never know what you're going to get out of you Gems Tongue
awww, twisted! LOL.
So you were that kid in elementary school who would get little notes on your report card about interrupting class, and distracting the kids you sat next to??
Posted by CLCNY30
awww, twisted! LOL.
So you were that kid in elementary school who would get little notes on your report card about interrupting class, and distracting the kids you sat next to??

I don't remember much about elementary because everybody seemed as noisy as I was -- or at least I was always in that group but in HS -- well, I'd just be sent straight to the principal's office straight away. The principal happened to be a German nun that was uber strict, haha. But that just wasn't for being noisy, it was other stuff too. I used to hold positions of leadership then so the scolding always had to do with how I should be setting an example for order and not chaos, LOL.
Oh dear God, it's agony.
And it's so f'n BORING! UGH! It's a...dammit, I don't even know how to describe it--basically it's an elective class that centers around using type/font/lettering to make images.
I don't have the patience for that sh*t.
And with chatty cathy talking about her cat nibbles, and the mice he leaves in her shoes, I'm ready to drop it.
Damn, I thought I was a motormouth until I met my match in a gem. LOL. She tired me out but I also didn't want to keep up the convo because I didn't care much for her.
*getting terrified of gems now...*
the virgo comment is pretty off. i was pulled aside specifically today in a class of 125 by the professor who was cussing up a storm at me asking why i dont give a shit about his damn class, that my body language says i would like to be anywhere in the world but there. i had to explain to him its completely the opposite. certain things i hear in class will strike a note with me, then its off to day dream land to explore whatever random idea it is he just put into my head. he also noted my lack of socialization with all the other students. luckily i was able to get it across in a way he understood. all virgos (at least the males) i know have never been real interested in talking in class.