What Were You Like As A Child?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by CLCNY30 on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 and has 8 replies.
I'm curious to know smile
What were your hopes and dreams then? Are you making them happen/have they happened already?
What were your favorite hobbies?
What was your relationship with your parents? Siblings?
What were you like, academically?
What do you wish were different about that childhood?
And if you have children, do they remind you of yourselves at their age?
Posted by CLCNY30
I'm curious to know smile
What were your hopes and dreams then? Are you making them happen/have they happened already?

As a child, I had a lot of those. My mind was always going; an eternal loop of things I wanted to do and experience. Even if I didn't understand those things, I wanted to do them. I wanted to achieve so much. For a while, I grew up KNOWING I wanted to go into the medical field of some sort. I wanted to be a chemist, I wanted to be a nurse, a doctor, an obstetrician, a scientist in general. Needless to say, I'm not going to be any of those at this point. My dreams changed when I realized I didn't want to go to med school and that I wanted to change my major in college from biology to psychology. Now my goals are focused on getting my masters and working in the field of criminology.
What were your favorite hobbies?

I had so many: soccer, drawing, riding my bike, playing in general. I had a huge imagination, so I was always doing something to cater to that. My mom wanted to push me to do a lot of things like playing the piano or cheerleading (I was living in Germany btw), but I wanted none of that. I read a lot too. I think it was to help my overacting brain and I just really loved stories. When I couldn't really read yet, I had my mom read to me every night.

What was your relationship with your parents? Siblings?
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I was raised by my mother my entire life. My relationship with my dad is a little difficult to explain, so I'll leave that out except to say that my parents were never married. When I was younger, my mom was my rock seeing as she was my only parent (although, my dad was around more often then when he could be). As I got older though, our relationship took a dynamic turn, especially when I was starting to deal with some hardships. My mom and I fought A LOT. We didn't really have an understanding of each other up until my senior year of high school (my mother is an Aqua in almost every aspect). As of now, she's like my best friend. My brother is a completely different story. He is my best friend and has remained that way since I was a child. He's eight years my senior and has always been a guardian type figure to me. When I was younger, he definitely took care of me, even when he wouldn't let me come into his room or hang out with his friends (My brother is a taurus).

What were you like, academically?

I was heavy into my academics as a kid; I still am now, if I'm not more so at this stage in my life. I loved learning. It was like a drug because it allowed me to put my mind to work. When I was younger, I was a little quiet, but there were times when I could talk out of turn; but they were rare. I always paid attention to the details of my school work and I never wanted to do something half-assed. I wanted to make the grade, and I did. I knew I was a fairly smart person, but when I was younger, I was kind of ashamed about it. I didn't want to be ridiculed by my peers, so I remained pretty quiet about it and rarely answered questions even if I knew the answer. But if there was anything in my life that I gave 100% towards, it was my schoolwork.

What do you wish were different about that childhood?
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To be honest, I dont' think I would take anything back. I got to travel a lot when I was a kid, and experienced things that definitely shaped me to be who I am today. I don't look back and wish I could change things; there is no point. I wouldn't even know what to change because there is so much.

-What were your hopes and dreams then? Are you making them happen/have they happened already?
I wanted to be a Pediatrician for a long while...until I studied my own and saw how boring things were from her end, lmfao. I then wanted to be a lawyer, after successfully defending the case of a student who was accused of stealing by a teacher in a little mock trial our class had (she later realized that $ 50.00 she accused him of stealing out of her purse was, in fact, given to her husband...by HER, that very same morning...what a 'tard). As I got a little older, I wanted to be a nurse/midwife--I actually got accepted into an all-expenses-paid nursing program, and had a 3.5gpa...but I wasn't feeling it...I mean, I loved the subject (especially Anatomy and Physiology I & II! MAN I loved those classes) but if I'm not feeling it in my soul, I don't want to trap myself into doing it, and regretting it when I'm older. I finally discovered my passion of Computer Graphics and Animation, and I'm pulling a solid 4.0 the whole way smile I was made for this!

-What were your favorite hobbies?
I was a nerd, of sorts, lmfao. Classic Virgo child, learned to read/talk at an early age, so I was reading 6th grade level books in the 3rd grade, and 12th grade level in junior high. I remember going to the library to get a Danielle Steel novel at 12, and having the librarian tsk tsk me, before denying me permission to check it out. Well damn her, I went and bought it from Waldenbooks anyway, LOL. Don't ever tell me no, that's not an order for me, that's a challenge. I was HEAVILY into crossword puzzles, I loved learning new terms and words and was always buying them up. If I ever got bored at home, and it was raining or my parents weren't home so I was stuck inside, I'd grab one of our encyclopedias and just turn to random pages and start reading up on different countries, and tribes, and foods, and currency...I got my little brother (an Aries) into it too, lol. I was always good at wordfind--I was about 7, older brother 13, and stepbrothers 13 and 17. My mother challenged us all (herself included) to a wordfind race, and whoever won got money (I forget how much) and to decide what to eat for dinner that night (I think I chose tacos, and cake, LOL). 50 word find, pretty big words, and being the youngest playing, I won--found them all in about 10 minutes. I loved being so damn good over the food and money though, I'll never forget that smile I was also (and still am
) a jigsaw freak. Put on the television, give me an interesting jigsaw and I'm in heaven. I also loved drawing, and singing, and writing...man, I was one creative little girl, lol. I hope my children inherit those qualities.

- What was your relationship with your parents? Siblings?
My mother (a Taurus) was just unecessarily callous and abusive towards us. I'm still not very close to her today, but her being in another state helps, LOL. Oddly enough, I was her only girl, and she just treated me so badly...I have no clue how I made it through those parts of my childhood. My father, a Scorpio loved me more than I could ever describe, and constantly bragged about how smart and pretty he thought his baby girl was smile His words didn't make up for my mother's abuse, but it was so comforting to hear that at least one parent wanted me to know they were glad I was here(he passed away from lung cancer a few years ago). My stepfather is a Virgo, and...I dunno, there was always this...friction between us...I didn't realize until I got older that he resented my skintone (O_O) Back in the West Indies, he got teased for being very dark skin, and considered my tone (which, I swear, is not light--just lighter than his) something to sneer at. He actually told me one time, when I was about 15, "you know, if you were my real daughter, you wouldn't be so light...". I even remember one thanksgiving where I was coming down with the flu, and was forced to join in on dinner. I get really pale when I'm sick, and my nose is visibly red, and my stepfather went into a RAGE, accusing me of putting baby powder on my face to mock him. Baby...powder...! I was like "you iz ca-rayzee!!!" and got up from the table, DARING him to follow. Yeah, he was my early lesson of Virgo men, and it just wasn't a good one...we don't speak nowadays, except for on each other's bdays...I'm fine w/that, LOL. I have an older half-sister (also a Virgo) and brother (Gemini?) by my father that I'm decent with, we're not that close. I have 2 stepbrothers (Sag, and Gem), who I'm also not close too, a little brother by my mother and stepfather (Aries) who I grew up around the most, and a whole sibling (Leo) that I'm close to.
- What were you like, academically?
I was liked by both teachers and students--never being the Teacher's Pet, but not being that bad student who never passed tests. I was always in Honor's classes, Honor's English being the subject I excelled at. I HATED (and still f'n do) History and Social Studies. UGH! I hated math all the way up until about the 8th grade, when I realized I LOVED learning new formulas, and using them to find the answers to complex questions, LOL! To this day I still thrill in taking those online IQ tests, and whipping out some scrap paper to figure equations out. My biggest problem was being overly-talkative. I was always one of the popular kids, and with that came the great responsibility of keeping up the chatter, lmfao. I was also one of the class clowns, so yeah...it was pretty hard to quiet me, lol. I also loved art, and chorus--and eventually started liking typing class when I went from 20wpm to 80wpm in one summer (Mavis Beacon rocks!!!) I loved challenging teachers, lmfao. I was THAT student. I was relatively quiet until I'd get one teacher who'd try to pick on me, to teach the other popular kids an example, and they soon realized they picked the wrooooooong kid, LOL. It's an adrenaline rush, haha, that's the best way to describe it...I think I secretly hope people will pick on me so I have a reason to tell them off Winking
- What do you wish were different about that childhood?
Really wish I could go back in time to kidnap myself from my mother's bulls.hit. She was an animal towards me. I still have bruises all over, from when she'd come home to take her work-related aggravation out on us. Horrible. She's made her own bed though, none of us visit, and her grandkids have gotten a dose of her cruelness as well, and don't want to be around her. Other than that, I dunno...I was happy, outside of the house smile had lots of friends, and enjoyed school...so yeah, that's about it.
I wanted to be an astronaut but (surprise!) did not become one! Above all though I wanted a girlfriend as I was somewhat shy (still am - maybe some things never change?) By the time I got to be about 10 years old I was beginning to feel that I was born in the wrong country (I am English but felt and still feel that I should have been Canadian or from somewhere like Minnesota). Can't really remember any favourite hobbies now except that I liked reading (humorous) comics a lot. My father was/is very much of a family man and in fact rather overprotective: my mother who died in 2009 was something of a nag and a control freak when I was growing up and I did not get on with her that well. There was quite a bit of sibling rivalry with my sister, but it was instigated by her rather than me. As a Virgo I did not and still do not make friends easily. Academically I found it hard to concentrate partly because I was always distracted by girls but too shy to know what to do about it!
I wish my parents had been more fun people and not so over-cautious and pessimistic about everything, and as I have said ideally I should have been born in North America.
I have a 10-year-old son who is French and lives in France with his French mother (my ex-girlfriend): people tell me that he looks a lot like me but I think that as a Sag he is probably happier and more outgoing than I was when I was a kid!