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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
I wanted to be an astronaut but (surprise!) did not become one! Above all though I wanted a girlfriend as I was somewhat shy (still am - maybe some things never change?) By the time I got to be about 10 years old I was beginning to feel that I was born in the wrong country (I am English but felt and still feel that I should have been Canadian or from somewhere like Minnesota). Can't really remember any favourite hobbies now except that I liked reading (humorous) comics a lot. My father was/is very much of a family man and in fact rather overprotective: my mother who died in 2009 was something of a nag and a control freak when I was growing up and I did not get on with her that well. There was quite a bit of sibling rivalry with my sister, but it was instigated by her rather than me. As a Virgo I did not and still do not make friends easily. Academically I found it hard to concentrate partly because I was always distracted by girls but too shy to know what to do about it!
I wish my parents had been more fun people and not so over-cautious and pessimistic about everything, and as I have said ideally I should have been born in North America.
I have a 10-year-old son who is French and lives in France with his French mother (my ex-girlfriend): people tell me that he looks a lot like me but I think that as a Sag he is probably happier and more outgoing than I was when I was a kid!