Posted by saggurl88Yeah I'm in the same boat....losing interest slightly and also very disappointed lol. In our recent convo I even lied about something stupid cause I was ticked off hahaha. Suck my D virgo you dont know me like that
The Virgo I was dealing with did this to me. He didn’t know where I stood so he started being highly inappropriate. Telling me he was single and he could do what he wanted. I told him he sure could!
Commenting on women’s butts, boobs and whatever else he thought would get a rise out of me. I didn’t do anything to let him know something was wrong. Just smiled and agreed with him. He got worse and worse and it just turned me off more and more.
I don’t know if he was just trying to see what pushed my buttons or what. He told me he wanted to see me upset but he was so disrespectful that I just lost interest instead of getting mad.
It was fine at first. I actually forgot about him. And now he just messaged me that he missed me. I don’t get it.
Posted by PowerDonuthow did you know his height omg lol
Did he claim to date beauty queens despite being 5'4?
Posted by aquatar1Yeah the Virgo seems like he wasn't interested in me with all the diarrhea spewing out of his mouth about his bad behavior. I wasn't dissapointed, just mostly disgusted at him as a human being lol His negative attitude didn't help his case either.Posted by saggurl88Yeah I'm in the same boat....losing interest slightly and also very disappointed lol. In our recent convo I even lied about something stupid cause I was ticked off hahaha. Suck my D virgo you dont know me like that
The Virgo I was dealing with did this to me. He didn’t know where I stood so he started being highly inappropriate. Telling me he was single and he could do what he wanted. I told him he sure could!
Commenting on women’s butts, boobs and whatever else he thought would get a rise out of me. I didn’t do anything to let him know something was wrong. Just smiled and agreed with him. He got worse and worse and it just turned me off more and more.
I don’t know if he was just trying to see what pushed my buttons or what. He told me he wanted to see me upset but he was so disrespectful that I just lost interest instead of getting mad.
It was fine at first. I actually forgot about him. And now he just messaged me that he missed me. I don’t get to expand
Posted by dilettanteCause its awkward lol. I dont know if he does, I dont think he does....I always thought he was a pretty boring , decent guy so this whole love drugs and the fast life personality for me is like ??? wat. loll
why dont u just ask him why tf he keeps talking about other ladies in front of you?
does he have leo in his chart? like leo venus?
Posted by dilettanteI'm sorry you had to go through that ugh virgos are frustrating. I dont know if I wanna ask him about this cause at this point, whats the point lol. It's just interesting how he's proper and sweet with everyone else/every other girl but with me its this whole other personality where I'm concerned like jeez lol
the virgo im involved w/ pulled similar shit until i directly asked what the actual fuck.
it sounds like this dude is checking your boundaries. trying to get you to initiate a convo about where yall stand.
Posted by dilettantePosted by aquatar1ya it was frustrating at first until i just said fuck it & now i tell him whats on my mind.Posted by dilettanteI'm sorry you had to go through that ugh virgos are frustrating. I dont know if I wanna ask him about this cause at this point, whats the point lol. It's just interesting how he's proper and sweet with everyone else/every other girl but with me its this whole other personality where I'm concerned like jeez lol
the virgo im involved w/ pulled similar shit until i directly asked what the actual fuck.
it sounds like this dude is checking your boundaries. trying to get you to initiate a convo about where yall stand.
he can be frustrating but most of the frustration went away when i started putting my foot down.
unlike yr virgo, the one i am dealing w/ isnt an asshole to me. he just likes telling me when ppl flirt w/ him. in which case, i just respond sarcastically, “ommmggggg ppl just loooooveee youuu cuz yr soooo kyyyuuuttteeeee ooh la la!!!!!!”click to expand
Posted by dilettantePosted by aquatar1Posted by dilettantePosted by aquatar1ya it was frustrating at first until i just said fuck it & now i tell him whats on my mind.Posted by dilettanteI'm sorry you had to go through that ugh virgos are frustrating. I dont know if I wanna ask him about this cause at this point, whats the point lol. It's just interesting how he's proper and sweet with everyone else/every other girl but with me its this whole other personality where I'm concerned like jeez lol
the virgo im involved w/ pulled similar shit until i directly asked what the actual fuck.
it sounds like this dude is checking your boundaries. trying to get you to initiate a convo about where yall stand.
he can be frustrating but most of the frustration went away when i started putting my foot down.
unlike yr virgo, the one i am dealing w/ isnt an asshole to me. he just likes telling me when ppl flirt w/ him. in which case, i just respond sarcastically, “ommmggggg ppl just loooooveee youuu cuz yr soooo kyyyuuuttteeeee ooh la la!!!!!!”
hahahaa you're amazing. yeah I'm not the person for that cause I dont mess with BS so i just have gone along with it so far and for every bit of crap he tells me I tell him one too lmaoo. You have girls in your inbox? well let me tell you about these dudes in mine. haha
but you are messing w/ BS if you are playing games & doing it back. romance shouldnt be a competition. in my experience, thats just going to egg on his behavior. attempting to make him jealous isnt gonna work.
from what i notice, virgos take everything at face value. if you say something, he will take it & not question.
being the one to not play games & just plainly state whats really on my mind, has worked wonders.
next time he does it, just tell him to shut the fuck up.
are yall intimate? like physically? or just talking rn?click to expand
Posted by dilettanteWouldnt he understand then that I would assume hes not into me if hes telling me about his suuper fun life and all that? Like if you're into someone you're supposed to be sweet, polite, impress them etc. I'm nottt impressed lol. It just makes me feel friendzoned cause like why would you talk about this stuff with someone you care about?Posted by aquatar1mmm ya k if yall are just talking, seems to me like he is trying to get you to initiate a convo about yr intentions. like this is his way of getting you to show/admit you like him.Posted by dilettantePosted by aquatar1Posted by dilettantePosted by aquatar1ya it was frustrating at first until i just said fuck it & now i tell him whats on my mind.Posted by dilettanteI'm sorry you had to go through that ugh virgos are frustrating. I dont know if I wanna ask him about this cause at this point, whats the point lol. It's just interesting how he's proper and sweet with everyone else/every other girl but with me its this whole other personality where I'm concerned like jeez lol
the virgo im involved w/ pulled similar shit until i directly asked what the actual fuck.
it sounds like this dude is checking your boundaries. trying to get you to initiate a convo about where yall stand.
he can be frustrating but most of the frustration went away when i started putting my foot down.
unlike yr virgo, the one i am dealing w/ isnt an asshole to me. he just likes telling me when ppl flirt w/ him. in which case, i just respond sarcastically, “ommmggggg ppl just loooooveee youuu cuz yr soooo kyyyuuuttteeeee ooh la la!!!!!!”
hahahaa you're amazing. yeah I'm not the person for that cause I dont mess with BS so i just have gone along with it so far and for every bit of crap he tells me I tell him one too lmaoo. You have girls in your inbox? well let me tell you about these dudes in mine. haha
but you are messing w/ BS if you are playing games & doing it back. romance shouldnt be a competition. in my experience, thats just going to egg on his behavior. attempting to make him jealous isnt gonna work.
from what i notice, virgos take everything at face value. if you say something, he will take it & not question.
being the one to not play games & just plainly state whats really on my mind, has worked wonders.
next time he does it, just tell him to shut the fuck up.
are yall intimate? like physically? or just talking rn?
We're just talking lol. I feel rude being like "yo stfu" lol. I dont know how to make it clear I'm not here for it...maybe if I end conversations once he starts going in that direction? cause its rude to me in my opinion
ime, virgos prefer other ppl to do the initiating, especially if feelings are involved. aint no way a virgo is gonna go out onna limb if they arent sure the other party is vibing.
do you know his placements? i’m curious what his moon/merc/venus/mars/jupiter are inclick to expand
Posted by aquatar1Posted by dilettanteCause its awkward lol. I dont know if he does, I dont think he does....I always thought he was a pretty boring , decent guy so this whole love drugs and the fast life personality for me is like ??? wat. loll
why dont u just ask him why tf he keeps talking about other ladies in front of you?
does he have leo in his chart? like leo venus?click to expand
Posted by dilettanteBingo
the virgo im involved w/ pulled similar shit until i directly asked what the actual fuck.
it sounds like this dude is checking your boundaries. trying to get you to initiate a convo about where yall stand.
Posted by dilettantePosted by aquatar1dont slip into the “he should know how to act” trope. you cant have a secret moral compass. if you dont state what your boundaries are, he will not know. ppl are not mind readers ...Posted by dilettanteWouldnt he understand then that I would assume hes not into me if hes telling me about his suuper fun life and all that? Like if you're into someone you're supposed to be sweet, polite, impress them etc. I'm nottt impressed lol. It just makes me feel friendzoned cause like why would you talk about this stuff with someone you care about?Posted by aquatar1mmm ya k if yall are just talking, seems to me like he is trying to get you to initiate a convo about yr intentions. like this is his way of getting you to show/admit you like him.Posted by dilettantePosted by aquatar1Posted by dilettantePosted by aquatar1ya it was frustrating at first until i just said fuck it & now i tell him whats on my mind.Posted by dilettanteI'm sorry you had to go through that ugh virgos are frustrating. I dont know if I wanna ask him about this cause at this point, whats the point lol. It's just interesting how he's proper and sweet with everyone else/every other girl but with me its this whole other personality where I'm concerned like jeez lol
the virgo im involved w/ pulled similar shit until i directly asked what the actual fuck.
it sounds like this dude is checking your boundaries. trying to get you to initiate a convo about where yall stand.
he can be frustrating but most of the frustration went away when i started putting my foot down.
unlike yr virgo, the one i am dealing w/ isnt an asshole to me. he just likes telling me when ppl flirt w/ him. in which case, i just respond sarcastically, “ommmggggg ppl just loooooveee youuu cuz yr soooo kyyyuuuttteeeee ooh la la!!!!!!”
hahahaa you're amazing. yeah I'm not the person for that cause I dont mess with BS so i just have gone along with it so far and for every bit of crap he tells me I tell him one too lmaoo. You have girls in your inbox? well let me tell you about these dudes in mine. haha
but you are messing w/ BS if you are playing games & doing it back. romance shouldnt be a competition. in my experience, thats just going to egg on his behavior. attempting to make him jealous isnt gonna work.
from what i notice, virgos take everything at face value. if you say something, he will take it & not question.
being the one to not play games & just plainly state whats really on my mind, has worked wonders.
next time he does it, just tell him to shut the fuck up.
are yall intimate? like physically? or just talking rn?
We're just talking lol. I feel rude being like "yo stfu" lol. I dont know how to make it clear I'm not here for it...maybe if I end conversations once he starts going in that direction? cause its rude to me in my opinion
ime, virgos prefer other ppl to do the initiating, especially if feelings are involved. aint no way a virgo is gonna go out onna limb if they arent sure the other party is vibing.
do you know his placements? i’m curious what his moon/merc/venus/mars/jupiter are in
I dont have his birth time so idk how accurate the chart is, but without a birth time it says Sun is virgo, Venus is Virgo, Mars in Libra, Mercury Virgo, Rising Libra.... idk lol
from yr username i gather yr an aquarius? aquas are notorious for the unknown mysterious moral code they have but dont share... which leaves ppl hella confused when the aqua gets mad & cuts them out of their life.
tell him what you look for, what you like, what you want. & if he doesnt like it, fuck the trash to expand
Posted by aquatar1To turn you off
I was talking to a virgo male for a while, he was very sweet and reserved and very nice and proper during that time.
and then out of nowhere it seems like, he relaxed a LOT around me and got a little too comfortable to where hes sharing details I dont need to know and talking about how much he loves certain (reckless) activities, and allll the choices he has in this fun life of his etc.
Is this a big stay away signal or something? I'm confused. I thought virgos were the cute, proper and intellectual sign and not f-boys. wtf? lol
Posted by dilettanteI dont know if he does...hes quite responsible in most areas of his life which is why this shocked me. Also at one point he had me listen to a song and then later told him he relates to it from past experience (its a past relationship) and i was like ??? how do I even take this information, why am i listening to love songs about his past like wtf lol. Maybe he really is trying to tell me to go away...Posted by aquatar1np & good luck. hopefully it works out well.Posted by dilettantePosted by aquatar1dont slip into the “he should know how to act” trope. you cant have a secret moral compass. if you dont state what your boundaries are, he will not know. ppl are not mind readers ...Posted by dilettanteWouldnt he understand then that I would assume hes not into me if hes telling me about his suuper fun life and all that? Like if you're into someone you're supposed to be sweet, polite, impress them etc. I'm nottt impressed lol. It just makes me feel friendzoned cause like why would you talk about this stuff with someone you care about?Posted by aquatar1mmm ya k if yall are just talking, seems to me like he is trying to get you to initiate a convo about yr intentions. like this is his way of getting you to show/admit you like him.Posted by dilettantePosted by aquatar1Posted by dilettantePosted by aquatar1ya it was frustrating at first until i just said fuck it & now i tell him whats on my mind.Posted by dilettanteI'm sorry you had to go through that ugh virgos are frustrating. I dont know if I wanna ask him about this cause at this point, whats the point lol. It's just interesting how he's proper and sweet with everyone else/every other girl but with me its this whole other personality where I'm concerned like jeez lol
the virgo im involved w/ pulled similar shit until i directly asked what the actual fuck.
it sounds like this dude is checking your boundaries. trying to get you to initiate a convo about where yall stand.
he can be frustrating but most of the frustration went away when i started putting my foot down.
unlike yr virgo, the one i am dealing w/ isnt an asshole to me. he just likes telling me when ppl flirt w/ him. in which case, i just respond sarcastically, “ommmggggg ppl just loooooveee youuu cuz yr soooo kyyyuuuttteeeee ooh la la!!!!!!”
hahahaa you're amazing. yeah I'm not the person for that cause I dont mess with BS so i just have gone along with it so far and for every bit of crap he tells me I tell him one too lmaoo. You have girls in your inbox? well let me tell you about these dudes in mine. haha
but you are messing w/ BS if you are playing games & doing it back. romance shouldnt be a competition. in my experience, thats just going to egg on his behavior. attempting to make him jealous isnt gonna work.
from what i notice, virgos take everything at face value. if you say something, he will take it & not question.
being the one to not play games & just plainly state whats really on my mind, has worked wonders.
next time he does it, just tell him to shut the fuck up.
are yall intimate? like physically? or just talking rn?
We're just talking lol. I feel rude being like "yo stfu" lol. I dont know how to make it clear I'm not here for it...maybe if I end conversations once he starts going in that direction? cause its rude to me in my opinion
ime, virgos prefer other ppl to do the initiating, especially if feelings are involved. aint no way a virgo is gonna go out onna limb if they arent sure the other party is vibing.
do you know his placements? i’m curious what his moon/merc/venus/mars/jupiter are in
I dont have his birth time so idk how accurate the chart is, but without a birth time it says Sun is virgo, Venus is Virgo, Mars in Libra, Mercury Virgo, Rising Libra.... idk lol
from yr username i gather yr an aquarius? aquas are notorious for the unknown mysterious moral code they have but dont share... which leaves ppl hella confused when the aqua gets mad & cuts them out of their life.
tell him what you look for, what you like, what you want. & if he doesnt like it, fuck the trash man.
Thank you for all your help! I'll def take that into consideration, you're right.
but also... if he rly likes drugs & the “fast life”, be careful. addiction adds an entirely fucked up wash over the situation & it will never be a balanced to expand
Posted by aquatar1Lying isn't anything new for an Aquarius, or any air sign for that matter. Earth signs present themselves as together but in reality they are all over the place.Posted by saggurl88Yeah I'm in the same boat....losing interest slightly and also very disappointed lol. In our recent convo I even lied about something stupid cause I was ticked off hahaha. Suck my D virgo you dont know me like that
The Virgo I was dealing with did this to me. He didn’t know where I stood so he started being highly inappropriate. Telling me he was single and he could do what he wanted. I told him he sure could!
Commenting on women’s butts, boobs and whatever else he thought would get a rise out of me. I didn’t do anything to let him know something was wrong. Just smiled and agreed with him. He got worse and worse and it just turned me off more and more.
I don’t know if he was just trying to see what pushed my buttons or what. He told me he wanted to see me upset but he was so disrespectful that I just lost interest instead of getting mad.
It was fine at first. I actually forgot about him. And now he just messaged me that he missed me. I don’t get to expand