Why are Virgos said to love cleaning?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by fauxfuchsia on Tuesday, December 29, 2015 and has 14 replies.
I hate cleaning. So time consuming and sometimes you have to get dirty in the process. When I do clean, it's perfect, but I don't enjoy it.

Virgo's, how do you feel about cleaning?
Possibly the biggest clichè as regards Virgos.
Posted by Rambunctious76
You hate cleaning cos you have a feral moon lol

haha that probably has something to do with it

Posted by Palerio
Possibly the biggest clichè as regards Virgos.
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maybe it's because we're good at it and won't stand for doing a crappy job
worst cliche
Posted by fauxfuchsia
Posted by Rambunctious76
You hate cleaning cos you have a feral moon lol

haha that probably has something to do with it

Posted by Palerio
Possibly the biggest clichè as regards Virgos.

maybe it's because we're good at it and won't stand for doing a crappy job
worst cliche
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I think it's just a matter of being decorous and showing a little self-love, which is why it comes natural to you, besides, you don't want the world to see you're a hot mess inside, hence cleaning could be seen, most of the time, as a self-defence mechanism.

I don't think Virgos find the act necessarily enjoyable, not more than any other signs, it's just something that has to be done properly like anything you do.

That's why people think you're freaks, while I honestly don't see the obsession behind it.

"He may live with a mess on the living room carpet, but you can bet he's cleaning up his psyche."

To begin with, we can throw away everybody's favourite image of that eternal ashtray-emptier and furniture-duster. The neat, orderly, tidy soul with the perfectly balanced bank account and the immaculate kitchen is a picture which sends most Virgos into fits of cynical laughter.

It has been suggested, too, that there are two types of Virgos, the neat ones and the sloppy ones. This is probably true as far as it goes. There are two types of any sign - the introverted and extroverted. The extroverted version of any zodiacal sign tends to express himself out in the world. So the extroverted Aries finds challenges in the world, the extroverted Sagittarian explores the world, the extroverted Pisces projects his visions into the world, and so on. The extroverted Virgo no doubt tries to apply his need to classify and order and synthesize at a worldly level. The introverted versions of the signs express their natures through an inner reality. So the introverted Capricorn is spiritually or psychologically ambitious, the introverted Sagittarian travels the boundless leagues of the mind and spirit, the introverted Pisces communes with the depths of his own inner ocean with its mysterious denizens, and the introverted Virgo attempts to synthesize and order himself. Which means that the sink may well accumulate a truly ripe treasure-trove of week-old dishes, the house may accumulate a formidable array of objects in general disarray, and the world may go well to pieces so far as Virgo is concerned - so long as he's performing that long, alchemical labour within his own depths, on himself.

I live in between two extremes on cleaning - either it's a total complete mess or you can eat food from my floor when I'm in an obsessive cleaning phase that always seems to hit me at night time.

I'm more concerned about cleaning my psyche and I find a certain poetry in a mess, the bohemian laissez-faire dolce farniente vida. But make no mistake, there's always order to my madness, I know where each and every item lies.

If I had to wager a guess...I would steer clear of obsessive compulsive Virgos when it comes to cleaning, they seem to be very intolerant of flaws. Flaws make my life go round.
Posted by Damnata
Poetry in a mess

Up there in my list of Virgo quirks.

It's truly fascinating when it comes to Pisces.
Posted by Damnata
I live in between two extremes on cleaning - either it's a total complete mess or you can eat food from my floor when I'm in an obsessive cleaning phase that always seems to hit me at night time.

I'm more concerned about cleaning my psyche and I find a certain poetry in a mess, the bohemian laissez-faire dolce farniente vida. But make no mistake, there's always order to my madness, I know where each and every item lies.

If I had to wager a guess...I would steer clear of obsessive compulsive Virgos when it comes to cleaning, they seem to be very intolerant of flaws. Flaws make my life go round.

i'm the exact same
Posted by starwars
i'm so messy but so organized in my head, I don't know how to explain it..

I swear my mum has strong virgo in her somewhere though because she always wants everything to be clean and organised. Sometimes she'll clean up my room a little bit because she can't stand it, but it drives me crazy because as disorganised as it looks, I know exactly where everything is and it has a weird order in my head that makes no sense to anyone but me.
Posted by starwars
Posted by fauxfuchsia
I swear my mum has strong virgo in her somewhere though because she always wants everything to be clean and organised. Sometimes she'll clean up my room a little bit because she can't stand it, but it drives me crazy because as disorganised as it looks, I know exactly where everything is and it has a weird order in my head that makes no sense to anyone but me.

haha same! whats your mom sign? mom is pisces shes obsessed with cleaning! she cleans the walls and ceilings!! im like youre wasting your time no one will sit on the ceiling
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yeah mine is like that too

she's an aries
she doesn't know her birth time, and neither does my dad, so i dont have either of my parents charts and i reallllly want them
thinking of sneaking their documents to scan so i can apply for their birth certificates tbh
I don't like cleaning but i like my house to look clean because I can't stand messy places and it's something needs to be done because my house is one my responsibility now and also clean places gives me peace of mind and sense of control in my environment.

Also My wife and I set some house rules for both of us like how we gonna maintain our house as clean as possible. If there's a little mess we clean it right away that means no dishes in the sink at the end day, no foods in the bedroom unless we have movie night or if there's a splash of water on the countertops or on the floor we wipe and dry it right away.

I can be messy a person from time to time but i try my best not to be hahaha. I swear I'm the biggest procrastinator but the less I procrastinate and do the things right away, then less things I have to worry about later on and less hustle and I can do my real activities that i find enjoyable.
Having things clean and organized, makes you feel more value and comfort in your life when things are tidy.
Posted by starwars
Posted by Palerio
Possibly the biggest clichè as regards Virgos.

along with being a housewife material bullbutterLaughing
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No wait... that butter isn't true? I'm devastated to hear it.

Tell me you're lying!