Why is this the case

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by shiinelikethemoon on Wednesday, December 9, 2009 and has 7 replies.
This is where your Cancer nature has a problem.
DON'T freak out when he does not want to talk or gives you the quiet treatment!
BE patient and understanding that he needs space and time alone!
THERE is nothing wrong with you or the relationship!
KEEP a cool head and don't take offense!
I personally think his having a sook!
But not wanting to talk yep sounds reasonable. I wont call him then..
Boy will I hear it later though. But his the one who doesn??t want to talk OBVIOUSLY! The phone is off smile
Okkkk keeping my cool!
ill wait for him to message me smile.. and be sweet as pie and make sure his feeling ok.
We Virgos love our moments of solitude. No different than when the lovely crab scuttles away and goes into their shell.
Ok Update! even though he turns his phone off! i did call.
He asks me why I didn??t call. he was waiting for me to call him like usual 3-4 times before lunch..
we had a little chat and i mentioned to him i always call and its good to even things out abit.
He said we where in a relationship and not to worry i should call him. so i disagreed and told him that sometimes he might want some space and that i wont call him as much soo often.
???? he becomes sympathetic and tells me no your my girlfriend you can call me seriously call me as much as you want. just call me OK..
why doesnt he just say Hey babe i love that you call me>? i wouldn??t want you to cut it down it fine the way things are?

Posted by shiinelikethemoon

???? he becomes sympathetic and tells me no your my girlfriend you can call me seriously call me as much as you want. just call me OK..
why doesnt he just say Hey babe i love that you call me>? i wouldn??t want you to cut it down it fine the way things are?

Haha, I would not say "Hey babe I love that you call me" either.
It just isn't something Virgo to say.
I would say exactly what he said.
Stop overanalysing, sheesh Tongue
loll alright smile