why virgos are DISTANT COLD and MOODY ??

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Salvatore4869 on Thursday, February 7, 2013 and has 6 replies.
my virgo best friend(girl) confuses me a lot,sometimes she's been normal, then she turn within,distant ,cold and very mad,when i apologize she says : you did nothing,i need space until it reaches the sky :/ i feel really unconfortable right now so what should i do to bring peace to our relationship again?
cause we're awesome!
Just remember it's really not about you, don't take it personally. At all.
Not all Virgos behave this way. none of my virgo friends act like this. But I would fall back and spend time with other or new friends. YOu alaready spoke to her, so all you can do is distance yourself as well. SOme people just like to feel important or reaasured.
whens she's distant and cold it doesnt necessarily mean you did something she might just have alot on her mind and needs some time to calculate her thoughts i have those kind of mood swings sometimes when im having a bad day or have a lot on my mind
So if it's not about the other person why not say that? Or why not be a little gentle and reassure them? I want to make my BF happy, and I am not super clingy, I need space too -- but I feel like he makes plans with me during the week and then doesn't follow through -- but then on the weekends he is always sweet and kind and attentive and I realize he really is in love with me. It's very confusing. Do you think when Virgo's are in work mode that they need more space? I'm having a hard time not taking his frequent need for space not personally when I would like for our relationship to move further and I think he does too eventually.