Will a Virgo Man Come Back After a Break Up?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by C134 on Sunday, January 8, 2017 and has 9 replies.
I am a female Scorpio and recently after a couple of years relationship my boyfriend all of a sudden broke up with me.

It was completely out of the blue and very unexpected. We had the ideal life together - our friends and family got on extremely well, we had the same goals in life, never had an argument, same hobbies and interests but all of a sudden he said he didn't feel the same about us anymore.

His parents had a very bad breakup when he was a teenager which I think have caused him problems which he is unaware of and he is very very work obsessed - I think I have just been put to the back of his priorities.

When he mentioned he didn't feel the same I think I have scared him as I was quite emotional and maybe put to much pressure on him by needed reassurance so after a couple of weeks he ended it with us. All I know is he just doesn't feel the same. He has completely cut off all contact with me and we haven't spoke since he ended it last month.

I don't know how to deal with this as I really do love him and I can see a future with him I just don't know how to act about this situation?? Do I give him space and then get in touch in a month or so? Will he even reply? It's all been very sudden. I feel he is cutting contact to forget about it all! Please help!
I'm sorry you're going through this. My only advice is to move on. If it is meant to be he will come back to you.
Has he met someone else?

Either way, what can you do, other than move on and live your life


Virgo men are weird and very hard to deal with...

Me and my virgo guy were in "getting to know each other" stage a year ago. The first time he disappeared was after 2 months, when he decided that our relationship was not going to work because of the distance as he was living in another city at that time - no talking, no explanation, nothing. I moved on as I had no feelings for him at that time.

After 5 months I checked his account on a dating site, he wrote me, said he couldn't forget me (but did nothing during these months) and we started all over again and it was awesome. Future plans, compliments, he opened up to me, said I was perfect bla bla, we were talking about everything (he was still living abroad at that time), and everything seemed sooo well, same interests, same points of view, same goals, everything was perfect, he even planned moving to live together but..he came back, we had a great date and spent amazing time after which he became distant and disappeared again Big Grin This time because I "didn't understand" him in one situation during our date..whatever..I tried to talk, tried to make things clear, but he decided I needed a better one, all his beautiful words suddenly vanished, all his mind set changed and here I am Big Grin still waiting for him to reappearBig Grin

Virgos are this way. They create their picture and if something goes not their way they run away. They always run away from problems and never solve them. They just shut down. You may even not realize there was something wrong. The best thing is to move on. If you are special to him, he might come back, but..

I guarantee he will get in contact with you if you leave him be, we won't even get into a relationship with you unless we see ourselves with you long term.

If he left like that more than likely something else has become more important than you but he will return in due time.

Just walk away
I do believe in the self-sabotage type of thing . I do unfortunately tend to idealize someone , and if that person doesn't quite "fit" anymore or if there are too many " cons" , even the smallest details . You might never hear from me again . I think it's because I'm quite critical and the fact that we are always looking for the " best " person .

We are cautious , at least as a woman I am and I want to protect myself so I won't jump in a relationst

I have venus in leo f / sun in virgo f
Yes I think it's quite hard as we did very much get on with no arguments or problems. I think the only pressure I put on him was by asking if things were going to be ok, but looking back that was a impossible question.

Since he ended it we haven't spoke at all, I don't know if I should leave it a while and if he hasn't contact me maybe I should contact him?... I don't want to give up fully on us but don't want to wait around forever especially if this will happen again.
Posted by yupvirgoo
Some of us do this self-sabotage bullshyte all the time.

But yeah he might come back coz there's really no problem.

Still... you shouldn't have to deal with his crap.


also, when you say "you're too emotional and put too much pressure" on him.. did you guys have a huge argument and that's why he ended things? do you constantly have arguments?
Typical for us to zone in on inconsistencies. Winking

There is something off with the OP's story.

Virgos are very committed towards a long term and two years is a lot of time invested into a relationship to abruptly cut off.


Expand on this:

Posted by C134

When he mentioned he didn't feel the same I think I have scared him as I was quite emotional and maybe put to much pressure on him by needed reassurance so after a couple of weeks he ended it with us. All I know is he just doesn't feel the same. He has completely cut off all contact with me and we haven't spoke since he ended it last month.

click to expand
Secondly, was it a clear break up as in 'We are over' or 'Our relationship is finished'? Or did he just tell you 'he doesn't feel the same.' From my view, it implies his mental state and is in a decision making process, but nothing concrete was confirmed.

No he did not specify we are over but from the way he was walking i knew it was... he said things such as I am never going to find someone as good as you, your a wonderful person and never change but I just don't feel as strongly for you. He doesn't know when his feelings changed and said I haven't done anything wrong. But recently he has been working much much more and I think that is something to do with it, he is work obsessed. We have not spoke since.