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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Women Who Hit On VirGuys... and Women Who Don't!
While I don't know the Sign of every woman who has approached or rebuffed me, of the ones I do know...
Women Who Hit On VirGuys
#1 - Cancer. The flirting is sweet, respectable, but flirting nonetheless.
#2 - Pisces. Most likely to be overtly sexual in flirting. Not afraid to touch a VG.
#3 - Gemini. Not just talkers - doers! Can be quite assertive in her approach.
Women Who Don't Hit On VirGuys
#1 - Capricorn. To my knowledge, I've NEVER had a Cappy Woman approach me.
#2 - Aquarius. Very circumspect in her conversation - to the point I can't call it flirting.
#3 - Taurus. For the first time in my life, I was the chaser / hunter / desperate horny guy. Not an easy catch!
Women Who Might Hit On VirGuys
#1 - Sagittarius. If she needs a drinking partner - and/or a quick fuck behind the club.
#2 - Libra. Uses words so well, it's hard to tell.
#3 - Scorpio. Only if she really really wants you - and you're too scared to approach her yourself.
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
My results dove-tail nicely with my Theory: There's a natural attraction between Water Gals & Earth Boys - opposites attract?? - because we complement each other so well. Air & Fire don't mix as well with Water as Earth does, whereas Fire needs Air to breathe and Earth will only suffocate it; and Earth with Air only makes a dust storm until it settles...
Okay, nice list though my own experience is just a little different.
Taurus Woman? It has been true for me that when they like you, you will definitely know it. Taurus girls in my experience will flat out ask you on a date, thereby quickly dispensing any doubts you might have had. I had one actually physically hurl herself on my body during a street festival in our small town, where both of us are fairly well known. (Not recommended behavior to reel in a Virgo male by the way.)
Scorpio WomanFirstly, nothing scares me period. So perhaps that is why I have found, Scorpio woman wholly not beyond calling me up, knocking on my door, as in "hi I was just on the same planet and I thought I'd drop in", or downright stalking me.(Stalking, also not a recommended behavior for attracting Virgos.)
Cancer Woman It is not all flirting with these gals, trust me on this brother.
As for the rest, I'd say you are spot on.
PiscesSo very feminine when they choose to be, a real turn on, but there is nothing past the bedroom in my experience.
GeminisBlasted Gems! Always physically alluring, and mentally captivating. However to a Virgo, games are for kids, and sooner or later Gemini's games will destroy any chance at a real relationship.
Capricorn ladiesToo cool for school. I never met one I was both physically and mentally attracted to, so I have no clue whether or not they felt the same as I have never pursued a relationship with one.
Aquarius Woman Sweetly awkward and outwardly quirky, what Virgo male does not find this strangely attractive?
However as Dyar pointed out, we can never know where we are with them, and uncertainty is never Virgo's style .
SagittariusAgreed, best leave it at friends.We make good ones any way, if we can avoid pissing each other off.
Libra womanAgain I agree, who can tell with them. I never dated a libra, though a few of my friends have ex-libras hanging about. My impression of these ladies were that they were all very classy nut cases. Beautiful, refined and complete wrecks in one way or another.
Well I think that about sums it up for me, any Virgo males experiences differ from Dyers or myself?
Does it mean that as log as it is done in a non-disturbing way, Virgo males actually do like to be hit on??
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
SPA: Aquarian women don't find virgo men sexy at all.
At least one Aqua Gal found this Virgo sexy, and I fucked her brains out... (she liked it rough)
She was the slimmest woman I've ever been with, but her agility / flexibility made up for her lack of tits & ass.
Great to talk to, but no physical / emotional connection between us. Once the curiosity was over, neither one of us was ever in the mood again...
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Cajun: Aquarius women seem numb and emotionless towards me.
IMHO, they're emotions are on an opposite plane from Virgo: We bury ours deep underground, while Aqua emotions are somewhere up in the clouds - or over the rainbow...
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
they're emotions = their emotions
:: Honestly! Bad Virgo! Bad Virgo! ::
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Strings: Dy, we already know about your puppy love back in high school. (And I'm guessing you hit on her first?)
We picked at each other unmercifully for months before I finally realized that I wanted her...
Yes, I made the first move - tentative to be sure, but for a young VG, unmistakable in intent...
It was well worth the effort. Woulda, shoulda, coulda married The One - and lived happily ever after.
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Aug 27, 2008Comments: 3 · Posts: 4208 · Topics: 163
Well we can't see the clouds whilst underground, huh Dyar?