Wonder about a virgo man?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by capricorn21 on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 and has 6 replies.
I have dated many signs but to no avail none fit. Recently I have met a virgo man an I am absolutely fond of him. I was just wondering what to expect? He has been married once before and she left him for someone else so he is leary of trusting woman again but all I can do is be myself( cheerful, intelligent, and kind). I can't tell what he ever thinking but I'm assuming that virgo men are all about actions is this correct? If so he must be really fond of me because of some of the considerate thing he does for me.
All I know is that he has the most alluring, charming smile I have ever seen in a men.
I am a capricorn woman is this a good fit?
Hi Capricorn21 Big Grin
I'm cappysweetie smile Welcome to the boards.
I'd advise you to go to the capricorn board if you want insight on this particular combo -- most of them reside over there and not here.

However, I will come back and give my insight as to whether or not the virgo/Capricorn combo is a good fit ^_^. I believe any sign can fit you, it really depends on the natal chart.
I will get into more details later but I do believe you'll get more advice on the cap board especially since you are a capricorn lol
I glad you listened to me Winking
Thanks for the insight virgogotme. From your view wat is a male virgo personality like?
Any good website that has zodiac descriptions will give you a good idea of what to expect from a virgo.
capricorn I know how you feel.I was smitten(kinda still am) by a virgo man I met 2 yrs ago. unfortunatley, we live in different states and I think he got scared and has pulled back. I read all I could about Cap/Vir, and according to astrology we make a great couple. I needed more insight, real life experiences, so I came across this site and I am glad I did b/c I now understand them better. They are known to "pullaway" if they really care for you, which doesnt make sense to me..they are very analitical, which is what I assume happened to mine...you really need lots of PATIENCE with them, but I hear they are worth the wait..best of luck