Would You Tolerate this?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Jwalker on Friday, April 20, 2007 and has 19 replies.
I swear, if it's not crazy to me, but I have recently been accused of having too much to drink when I go out for dinner and have 3 beers. I only drink in moderate amounts (at least I think that's moderate) on the week-end. Occassionaly, a bunch of us will get together on a Wed. or Thurs night, but 3 to 4 beers is STILL all I have. I'm getting pissed that there are comments made to me about this by my B/F, (who just recently gave up drinking). Before this "new him" he could drink a whole bottle of wine or even 2 bottles of champagne by himself. What do you think...isn't this a selfish thing to do? I mean try to cut ME off because HE decided to change? I enjoy my beer at the end of the week, and it's not like i get POOP-FACED. I want to print your responses for him thanks.
I am confused, (being so much surrounded by virgos who are confused and confuse every one else.)..
How can a non-virgo advice a virgo for any thing?!!Advicing others is ONLY virgo birth right!!!
Damn.. Now I remember! :-)
good one archie...
You talking too much lately (w/o posting you nice and full pic.) I either put every thing or nothing...
Oh you are LIBRA! That explains it!!!
Be you, do not change to suit anyone unless it suits you.
But that would go against virgo quality of being "mutable" and changable and we all know how much virgos play by rules Winking..
He no alkie. That's the thing. We both only drank on weekends or special occasions. It's more like his operation is keeping him down a little, and I think maybe he's afraid I might find entertainment elsewhere. (Which I will if he doesn't quit pushing me).

**Folds arms and wait for cappy's smart ass insight**
Thanks bling...that's how I feel. Glad someone validated me smile
Thanks DC...I'm contemplating bringing home a 6 pack (I NEVER go to bar without him) and RELAX...but he will make a war of it. Hey War or no War...I have to make a stand.
how come cappy could be smart!!
Only V-s can be intelleactual!!!!
Nope - I do not think I am smart! I never said that myself.
Oh may be others said so...CONFUSED!!!
Don't you know????....YOUR SMART BECAUSE I SAID SO!!! Winking
I'm contemplating bringing home a 6 pack
I just fedexd 60! Just 6! it's nothing...
I mean dammit girl..you KNOW everything ELSE!
NO - I seriously don't (because I don't listen to EVERYONE/EVERYTHING)!
By the way MY "SET" is bigger than yours!
no problem with that! Go ahead!
Seriously, I've been putting up with this for 2 months and I'm about to tell him get the f out...I DO NOT LIKE BEING CONTROLLED or EVEN A FAINT HINT OF IT!
Ok Gotta go for fun weekend..
Have fun!
O.k. DC that sounds very reasonable. Good advice. I already know though he's going to make snide remarks and give me a dirty look. His favorite thing to do when he doesn't get his way is threaten to walk out...go home. (we have each our own place, he lives with me right now). Thing is, so does his daughter for now. She even told me he's being an ass about it. Said she wanted to chill out with me and share a six pack but was afraid he'd cause a scene.
DC I wish you were here to really talk to. I like you alot. Archer too. Just for the record. I sure could use a supportive friend nearby. His issues are draining me. I keep trying to keep my chin up and keep smiling, but it's getting too hard to do. Gnight till monday!
Oh you are LIBRA! That explains it!!! NO BLING VIRGO BIG TIME!
I will try to find pic but don't have recent. He needs a SMACK no hugs!