You guys have integrity

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Sag89 on Friday, February 15, 2013 and has 5 replies.
Like really. No matter how nuts you are, or dunk you are you always to still manage to really do your best to do the right rational thing. ( I think anyway )
This is just something I've noticed with virgo girls and boys I've met/been friends with/ dated.

it's cool smile
Ive done some stuff Im ashamed to admit after getting drunk/high Tongue but most of the time I can keep my sanity..
Not all Virgos, but, some.

I especially like how much they are hypocrites ......

If a person comes in here and says somethign they don't like, then they start yelling ..... generalizations, generalizations

But, if a person comes in here and says soemthing they do like ... then they are happy that they were all put into the same basket.

A judgement, no matter positive or negative, is still a judgement .... and it's funny as shit that Virgos don't seem to be able to discern this.

Again ... not all Virgos have integrity, but, some do
Well if you can have opinion it was just something i noticed with the ones I MET. not everyone is the same.
Posted by CluelessCancer
The only Zodiac sign that you can say has complete integrity is a CANCER..everyone else is a LIAR.

Awesome! maybe go start a thread about it.