I have a promissory note. The defendant lives in a different state
Hi everyone
I have been seeing an aries guy for about a month, however, right after we first met he went on business trip for almost 2 weeks. When he returned we saw each other once and have stayed in touch daily, via texts and occasional calls. His
You say you need to recharge. What are you recharging?
When you need time to be alone, what do you need that time for?
What does it feel like to feel as a Scorpio, and why, despite the intensity, are your emotional reserves so low that you need to
Can someone analyze the following chart for me please...how do you deal with this person exactly (asking for a friend)
Sun Sagittarius 7°00'
Moon Pisces 12°31'
Mercury Sagittarius 10°38'
Venus Capricorn 2°41'
Mars Sagittarius 29°21'
Cap girl sent me porn. Does that mean she likes me? Lmao
So I'm a Scorpio Sun Sag Moon Venus in Scorpio. He's a Sag Sun Aries Moon Venus in Scorpio. We met and hit it off instantly although I felt no sexual attraction for him initially-- he was interesting to say the least. He would text me everyday starting
Needs to be taken more into account around here, aswell as astrology. I'm starting to think...
Which Sign is likely to be single? According to a report from Asia, there is an "unreliable" rank of the single rate in Zodiac Signs.
Nominated NO.1 is Leo.Seems that Leo always confront 2 conditions: no one match me, and Person I love doesn't love me
Just after some insight.
If you as an aqua dumped your partner only to find out months later that they have moved on (you have as well), how would you react to it, if you had a very good relationship and you had told your partner you loved them