With all the talent on this board, I thought it might be fun if those interested might want to write a christmas story. I know you have your CAFE's but here we could put together a concerted effort and come up with a real original! Happy Holidays!!
The winter wind skated furiously against the cold 2 story bedroom window,scraping a willow branch back and forth on the old glass surface. The furnace had blown out hours ago, and there was no more money for oil.
The two small children huddled together under a mound of blankets, and little puffs of breath came out into the darkness from two tiny noses. They didn't know it, but their very pregnant mother stood at the doorway in the dark, frowning with the worry of a horribly sparse christmas for her kids, or maybe none at all.
Right now, the heat was the most important thing. Her parents could not afford to help, and her deadbeat ex was more than likely sucking down what little money he did make, at the local dive. Unfortunately the guy who ran the down-town oil company had the hots for her, and if she asked for any slight favor, he would take it totally the wrong way. She didn't like him at all. His name was Cody, but she thought ogf him more like "Ki-odee" just basically disgusting,older and letcherous. Just the thought of giving in to one of his advances made her shudder. No extra jobs were available (especially to a woman 7 months pregnant).
She was stuck. Real stuck, and worried. There was only enough to pay rent, eat and keep the electric on.
Turning down the hall, she waddled to her bedroom, whispering a prayer, and went to bed on faith.
O well....maybe someone will get creative and add...if not then I'll finish it later!
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Dec 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 867 · Topics: 39
The white-white light illuminating the bedroom fortold of the sweeping new snow that crowned the earth in glory. The wind had died down with the dawn and Diana silently thanked God for that. Simutaneoulsy rubbing her swelling belly with one hand and lifting herself off of the bed with the other, she went to get the kids ready for the babysitter. Entering their room it was a weird feeling, as if somewhere there was a heater on, a strange calming warmth filled the air. How strange, Diana thought, and to test her own perception, walked back out into the hallway. It was freezing! She walked back into the kids' bedroom and again the peaceful warmth engulfed her. Puzzled, but pleased, she awakened her sleeping beauties,put them in bath-robes and headed for the kitchen, to make oatmeal.