Activists Unite!!!

This topic was created in the Writing ✍️ forum by tripod on Thursday, September 21, 2006 and has 13 replies.
Tomorrow, Sept.22 is the first anniversary of the introduction of bill to the Senate for the establishment of a Dept. of Peace. Please join me in contacting your government officials to voice your support for the establishment of the United States of America Department of Peace. Do a search on the Dept. of Peace to learn more about this. and then spread the word! Thanks!!!
regardless, we can benefit now from your support.
the web-site for more information is, it's worth the effort to check it out.
i promise you there is nothing sinister about it,
in fact, and intent, it is quite the opposite.
it's ok with me if you're not into it.

I'm reading this site now. By first glance, there aren't enough big players listed as endorsers, so that's a blow on its side.
"This historic measure will augment our current problem-solving modalities, providing practical, nonviolent solutions to the problems of domestic and international conflict."
This poses a conflict of interest for our men and women serving our country overseas as well as those in blue here. Are there efforts not practical? What about the United Nations and all of the U.S. Embassys all over the world? What about the Peace Corps already in existence?
If this so-called Dept. of Peace is erected, does this mean that we will elect yet another group of people to serve on this committee? Does this mean that we will have yet another committee for which to blame when the national and international public thinks it's not doing its job?
"There are currently 75 congressional co-sponsors of this initiative in the House of Representatives and two in the Senate. Out of the 440 Congressional districts, 286 have team leaders. Fourteen states have District team leaders in every district and 51 have them in some districts."
*That's not a lot of backing for this bill.
Goodnight all. I'm feeling a wee bit under the weather tonight. Sad

yes, so far the backing is low in numbers. i'm not sure how this crossed my path, but when it did i signed up for their newsletters. honestly i found this initiative to be inspiring. as far as law enforcement, service men and women, and veterans, it would be very interesting to hear their perspective on this. i spoke with an officer of the law the other day and he asked me for the site info!
BTY thanks all,(ahh.. both!) for taking the time to look at this and respond.
hope you're feeling better h74.
Thanks, Tripod. I'm feeling a little better. Seasonal allergies are kicking in. Everytime it rains here (at least 3 times a weeks as of late), the rain and the wind brings in all sorts of allergens that mess with me. Oh, and I have a cat and I'm allergic to him, but I'm not about to give him up. smile
I seriously doubt this Dept will be voted in. There are far too many other political agendas out there, most recent one is Clinton's whiney, piss-ant, point the fingers at the republicans for Bin Laden, "you people" commentary he ranted about on FoxNews. This will be the foundation for political talks for at least the next few months.
He claims he was set up for that interview, but he went on FoxNews, a reputable primarily conservative station for reporting "Fair and Balanced" news. He knew what he was walking he took the opportunity to spin it.
definitely not FOR the people either....
awww, Prime. She's not a whale.
awww, Prime. She's not a whale.
I stopped paying attention to her. I think I've watched maybe 5 of her shows and how long has she had her show?