Coffin of Aries Ice

This topic was created in the Writing ✍️ forum by dofacc on Saturday, October 20, 2012 and has 6 replies.
Once there was a Happy Dofacc
Full of wonder and cheer
When that certain person
Happened to draw near
But it wasn??t true
None for good, all for bad
Just a thoughtless experiment
Leaving Dofacc wounded and sad
Pity poor Dofacc
Bound by hurtful memory tape
A heart full of sorrow and hurt
A coffin of Aries Ice for him to take

That coffin to be entombed in stone
A vast monolith
Etched with words
Steeped in pain and pith
???Look upon this in horror and fear
For your dreams died here!??
I, for one, cannot wait for me to pen an appropriate reply to thissmile
Blingy rang JAMES and said, "Mate I think
we better sit Dofacc down with a drink.
He sounds rather down, like a sad old pup.
What can we do to keep this Ram's pecker up?"
JAMES txt'd VB
who said she was coming right over
and they tracked down old Rnap
who baked a pavlova
and this triad of drunkards
took dofacc to the pub
and marched him down the back
and threw him down in the snug
many rounds were ordered
and many beers were downed
til dofacc stood up
(as best he could) and he frowned
He scratched his head and he asked,
"Now why are we here?"
And VB got the giggles and said,
"Sit down dear.
"We have gathered here today
to help drown your sorrows.
To talk you out of marrying
any more Scorpiorros."
Wha', wha' ya' mean it's October 4th?!?!?!?
What happened?!?!!?
Last I remember it was Sept 29!!!!
I missed Halloween!!!!!!
Damn, I feel like crap, or more corrected crapped on.....
Hmmm, why do I have this urge to flee anytime someone mentions a scorp?????
Hey, admit it, "Coffin of Aries Ice" is a good line.