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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
It's been a while since we've spoken. Parts of you reflect back at times, it's a constant reminder that you are part of me and I was once part of you. The blessings you say have all been curses and I wonder if I could ever draw that line.
Isn't it ironic the life you sought for me have turned out to be your own or perhaps I've been weak and have fallen. I do wonder if you'll ever say those words. Just as well, no hellos and no goodbyes, let's keep things professional.
I'm still in fantasy hoping I still have the chance to appeal to your better nature. He said I had your temperament, as cold as they come, and your eyes, ever changing like a chameleon, and deceitful. I know that not to be true. What's better say you? Blind faith?
Grateful would suffice. Though the fear of solitude and abandonment rings through these halls, this scared child seeks nothing but to show love in the face of adversity. Was this your master plan? Rather humorous if you ask me. Just like the archetype I've portrayed dreams and hopes and falter to make any sense.
Perhaps the thought of you proved to be soothing. Lessons indirectly taught that has defined me. Still I can't fathom whether if it's love or hate or perhaps it's one of the same. I've come to learn that life is precious and that I cherish my very own. We are forever bound by blood.
Lady, forgiveness is all I can ask for, like the child I am I still seek for your approval. Tell her I'm sorry for I know you loved her and I'll forever bear the guilt. Reciprocation perhaps futile now but there wasn't a doubt that I've always loved you.
Kindred strangers? Now there's a thought. Ruhe in frieden Mutter, ich leibe dich. I wish things would've been different but they are what they are.
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Sep 26, 2012Comments: 1648 · Posts: 8573 · Topics: 67
LIKE! Much. Well written, loved the emotional imagery.
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Sep 26, 2012Comments: 1648 · Posts: 8573 · Topics: 67
Hmmm, I sense it's highly personal nature...
It can be applied on so many levels, but enjoyable to read nonetheless =)