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Apr 18, 2011Comments: 3 · Posts: 185 · Topics: 50
Taking refuge behind the wings of a saint,stained by the blood of a sinner,Who knew all these trials would only lead me to the stages of a novice beginer.
Pleading my case with a jury so corrupt and unjust,is it them or me who I should not trust?
My heart craves the pure,my physical realm overwhelmed by the greed and lust.My child craves the bond,for his companionship i feel the must,Is it my decisions or my reflection who I plead my disgust
Who do I turn to when I feel human and crave compassion for myself,Who do I pay somebody to show my self wealth,how do you save the man who will not lend to help someone else?
How do you count on you when you dont even trust yourself?,
How do you save the man who is alive in the flesh,but has already died a slow and blasphemous death?
You have no choice to be weak,any wavering indecision a leader makes shows his troops a fearful admission accompanied by a cowards disposition,Do you save yourself or the innocent masses?,Decisions,Decisions....