WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE OLD LOOK??!!! Please go back to the old look. My eyes are crossed from trying to read the tin
I read somewhere, that libra males can't distinguish between the love they have for a friend versus the love they may/ma
First things first I'm a sagitarious female, with an Aries men. People are pulling me in different angles and I need so
Okay Taurus men, tell me the truth! If you're being propositioned by 2-3 women on average a week from doctors to nurs
How do Scorpio rising women look like? like description wise? i've never seen a women with that rising sign irl but ive
Ive seen many people post stuff like that, and its pretty amazing how people nail it? I'm curious what sun sign do i loo
Does anyone else agree that Sagittarius' tend to admit their feelings indirectly? That there's a certain shyness about t
Dominated in during sex. Women do you or can step up and dominate men in bed? I think all men like to some level of bei
I just did a quick count of the current threads on each of the water sign pages with the theme being... relationship iss
Duncan, While your taking the time to screw around with the format of the site I would like to say... first, thanks f