Random Rants from JP

This topic was created in the Writing ✍️ forum by juwanapla on Friday, July 14, 2006 and has 9 replies.
Ok, being a "seasoned Server" in a nice restaraunt I have some food for thought. Mind you, average per person is about $ 20.00 here so we're not talking about IHOP or Denny's.
1-When I go to a table to take an order, I HATE it when people are shoving bread into their mouth so fast like it's going out of style . When it's time to order why do people shove a hunk of bread in there mouth and then hold out their finger in the 'give me one minute' gesture. DUDE, they KNOW it's their turn to order! WTF? I feel like walking away and saying sure, just give me a minute. You blew your chance I'll come back when it's more convenient for ME! I've even had people order with their mouths full and they are blowing crumbs at me. Literally half chewed bread is hitting me as they talk. Where were these people raised?
2-Why piss off the person who is serving you food? Do people really think they can treat me like crap and get away with it? The are not the superior one in this situation. Case in point, when I was new at this place I had a very busy night. It took me awhile to get to this table. I apologized profusely and took care of them the best I could. Well, they wrote a letter to the company saying I was the worst 'waitress' in the business. BITCH! I was pulled in the office and almost written up for job performance. I got away with a huge lecture. Anyway, about 6 months later I got the same people again. They were so sweet and kind to me. Like they didn't do anything to hurt my job. BUT, they still acted hautey. Not please and thank you. But we WANT and WE GET because you guys do it for us all the time. You WILL get us cheesecake to go and we are not paying for it because you took 3 1/2 minutes getting out salad. I said sure thing, give me 1/2 a minute, I'll be right back. So went to the pantry and put two cheesecakes in a box on top of a huge pile of spit. The next I waited on them they complimented me on my 'improvement' and they have liked me ever since!
3-We were out of ravioli's on night. When a gentleman ordered it I told him sorry, we're out blah blah...He says in a serious tone "What are you going to do to compensate?" Like it's my fault! I said, "What do you want me to do? Open a can of Chef Boyardee?" His wife laughed so hard! He said, "Its a good thing she's tipping!" He was kinda pissy. OH WELL!!! WTF is wrong with people?
Anyone ever seen the movie Waiting? Think that stuff doesn't happen? Think again. Be kind to your Servers. The always have the
The always have the
They always have the control!
us, I always give the respect. But then I'm in the business. I understand when they are busy. I don't take it out on them. When it's shitty service because they are lazy it reflects in the tip, not my attitude. When it's good service, I'll tip $ 20 on a $ 40 check. I don't give the attitude, though.
OK, here's one more. Where is it in my job description I have to sing happy birthday? I DON'T SING!!!! I had a guy want to know what we do for birthdays. I told him I'll give b-day girl a big piece of cake. He says what else? I gave him the stupid innocent look and said, "I write happy b-day in chocolate on the plate a light a candle?" He goes, "what, you don't sing happy b-day?" I told him I wasn't there for his entertainment. What am I, a frickin' b-day clown? If I told a table it was my b-day, would they sing to me? NO! They wouldn't care.
Plus, no one tips MORE for the entertainment. Seriously.
OK, new rant....
The other day I was waiting on a family. The little girl was a spoiled little shit. She was demanding and yelling. Ugh! She was probably about 5 or 6 years old. Anyway, after dinner the kids get free ice cream. So I bring it out and say, "Look what I found!"
The little shit whines and says real loud, "I WANT CHOCOLATE!" (obviously it was vanilla, all we have). So I look at the mom in shock and the mom says to me, " go find her some chocolate syrup" and WAVES ME AWAY!!!!!! WTF?????
What the hell is this world coming to?

BTW, the dad (who was a hotty) thanked me profusely after he paid, like he was embarrassed. Which he should be. He needs to keep his family in check. He tipped kinda crappy for what his brats put me through, but he did have a hot smile!

Bullshit! You don't pay for the priviledge to let your brats destroy the place! You pay for the cost of the food, the entertainment experience, the chefs creations, and you pay my fucking paycheck! Rent the whole place out and then you have the priviledge! What a bitch! I hate people like that! Makes me a bitter person!
I would seriously love to do a reality show. All about behind the scenes of the restaurant business and the total disrespect of patrons. Which will show the world how disgusting the public really are. You know, how rude people really are and how we get back at them (evil smile). God, that would be a hit show!
Thanks kenny! It's Saturday! Big tip night. I'll walk in and put a big stupid smile on my face and say, "My name is JP and I'm here to service you this evening!"