Aquarius guys

This topic was created in the Zodiac Cusps forum by Rumz on Friday, March 31, 2017 and has 6 replies.
Just wondering if anyone has any idea about this. I'm a cappy to start with my new bf is an Aquarius. He has been extremly clingy wanting to see me everyday and calls and texts all the time which I don't mind but I feel it's moving too quick. I've dated an Aquarius before but we could n would speak about anything and everything. But my new bf just seems to always talk about sex and things he wants us to do and tries to get me to talk to him in that way too and it's kinda putting me off even though I really like him. I've told him I don't talk like that and I feel he gets upset when I dont talk back to him the way he wants. Why is he doing it and how do I cut it out without upsetting him? Is it's true that he feels comfortable enough around me for him to be like that or is that how he talks to all girls he likes all the time? Will he get bored if I don't talk back to him that way and leave?
Yes ^ I know some people will say WTF to that but is true, for us Aqua, we need to feel everything mostly if its with someone we have a deep connection with.

Sex isn't simply sex. Is a very intimate moment, is feeling each other, inside and outside, is the rhythm of both bodies and souls while our minds are only focused on each other and become 1.

We do everything as we feel. We might be overly excited at the beginning but that's just our nature because (in my case) is so hard to find someone you connect with and understand each other.

BUT! Don't do it if you aren't comfortable. Same for us, he wouldn't be telling you if he isn't comfortable around you. Let it flow, if you have the opportunity and you feel the energy around it to do it then I can guarantee it will be pleasurable.

Caps are very passionate when they do it and that attracts us a lot.


you should ask him these same questions he will probably be honest with you about his intentions. for me i do like to move fast when i get into a relationship. if i feel that strongly for my partner im already planning our lives together probably before its even official lol

just think, we dont typically like being in relationships, but when we find somebody that we wanna be with we realllly want to be with them

I understand what the others are saying about Aquarius feelings etc. but what about the other person? I mean if he doesn't see what he does as unusual then ? I mean all she wants is some intelligent conversation and not the non-stop goo goo ga ga crap ... people really need to get to know each other and it's not compatible to me for a Cap I think ... even if you do try to hang it will always be there in your face and before too long I would just say F it because I can't stand it - and so what if he gets po'd if you say something to him - I mean can he have some real conversations without bringing s e x into all of it ?

sorry, just putting in my two cents to add to the mix ...

Posted by tcta

I understand what the others are saying about Aquarius feelings etc. but what about the other person? I mean if he doesn't see what he does as unusual then ? I mean all she wants is some intelligent conversation and not the non-stop goo goo ga ga crap ... people really need to get to know each other and it's not compatible to me for a Cap I think ... even if you do try to hang it will always be there in your face and before too long I would just say F it because I can't stand it - and so what if he gets po'd if you say something to him - I mean can he have some real conversations without bringing s e x into all of it ?

sorry, just putting in my two cents to add to the mix ...

I'm sure he can which is why he is constantly asking to meet her and be with her.

But when we are close to caps is like a strong force of everything and the closing to it all is to make love to this person, the intimate contact.

Aquarius people have to search a lot to find someone that they feel is "good enough" for them. They are very picky, in my experience, but when they find someone they really like, they latch on and open up.

My Aquarius has said to me, "I'll never find someone that I can be comfortable around the way I feel with you." I think this is important to them.

We also talked sexually very early on, but it's because we both wanted to, and we are both sexual people. Sex is not just sex to us, it's an expression of love. We feel comfortable joking about sex, too. For us, it's just normal. But it's not normal for everyone.

If he is doing something that bothers you, this or anything else, and he repeatedly does it knowing it bothers you, that's a problem. You should be with someone that respects your wishes and your boundaries.