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Mar 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 967 · Topics: 41
The cancer/Leo cusps I know always attract Capricorns.
I am a Gemini/Cancer but I usually attract Scorpios.
cancer leo cuspers are not good with the aquas cause we need passion-aquas are better as friends imho
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May 17, 2008Comments: 10 · Posts: 1963 · Topics: 279
I have gone through many signs, i am also a Cancer/Leo born on July 22! i attract alot of scorpios and geminis. I am now dating a Libra/Scorpio. and it is such a breath of fresh air! i love it!
I will say, rather based on zodiacs, go for the Vibes!
WE are good vibe catchers and our intuition tells us if something right- connection -fire. SO, go with viberations, don't set rules. It won't help!
I'm also a cancer/Leo Custer born July 22 as well _??_ . I have never been attacked to Gemini men... They are too big of a headcase for my taste. I think ive mainly been attracted to Pisces, & Taurus. Anyone with a bigger ego than mine that will try to out-shine me is a no no lol. Pisces and Taurus have always complimented me .. And I've always wore the pants which I prefer in a relationship. Although I am currently dating a Taurus male, we've been together 5years now and we fight constantly.. Like on a daily basis. We are both very stubborn, and very short fused which is never a good thing. We also have different personalities. But I think opposites attract because we wouldn't have lasted is long if there wasn't a good enough reason. He hates my spending habits as well.. But I cannot control myself on that one lol. Besides the fighting, we always have good days, I see it as, when it's good it's real good. But when it's bad, it's reaaaaal bad. Good luck though!
Im July 22 cusp. based on personality and way of life, I mesh really well with Geminis and Aquarius. Most of my closest friends are Geminis and Aquarius and a few great romantic relationships were with geminis. I always get really intrigued by Sporpios, but the neediness and moodiness of both signs make for a REALLy unsteady relationship (at least to me..)
I think being a cancer/leo makes you able to adapt well to all personalities but the hard part is finding someone who keeps you interested and also balanced.
Gem-cancer Cusper, I attract pisces, libras and Aquas.. Close friends are scorps and sags.
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Sep 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1341 · Topics: 40
I'm a Cancer/Leo cusp with a Pisces moon and unfortunately Mystic is right we attract hella Capricorns but aren't compatible to them.... at least not me. I think Cancer,Taurus,Virgo, and Scorpio work. I'm more interested in the Scorpio/Sag cusp.