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Apr 14, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1077 · Topics: 33
July 21 female (cancer/leo cusps, libra moon, venus gemini, mars aries) in a relationship with male (capricorn sun, capricorn moon, venus aqua, mars taurus). Is this compatible? What do you think?
She is a friend of mine. They have lived together for more than 5 yrs less than 10 yrs but nothing happening yet. I can tell she is antsy to move the relationship to the next level.
Just curious what you experts think about this combination.
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Aug 09, 2011Comments: 265 · Posts: 18811 · Topics: 125
The Can/Leo I know proposed to her husband, because she wears the pants.
Is he capricorn 2 Jan 1-10
cancer leo cusp hook ups
Pisces Aries Cusp, Aries I, Gemini II, Cancer I, Libra III, Sagittarius I, Capricorn II,Capricorn Aquarius Cusp, Aquarius III
marriage Taurus II
Taurus III
Leo I
Virgo II
Scorpio II
Aquarius-Pisces Cusp
Pisces II
know to scare the life out of you I'm a pisces aries cusp