I have met this Taurus-Gem guy on a dating site.He knows that I am still waiting for my residency documents to properly divorce my husband who is a substance abuser and into escorts.I have been dating him for almost 6months now.No " I love yous," just "I like you very much but I don't want to rush our relationship" .We text each other on a daily basis, spend time on the weekends, he gives me gifts, we cuddle and do all couple stuff , he is always worried for me and helps me whenever I have problems at home.I don't know what's going on in his mind, he does not seem jealous whatsoever despite the fact that I still live with my husband.He seems to be very good at handling his emotions.I just really wonder how they are at love.Any thoughts is appreciated.
good* sorry for the typo lol
Ill look for more sites, but they have like a long version of it. It depends on what you like 2 read, i like much shorter stuff
I'm trying to find out for myself as well, so far so god for me. It's starting to get more serious right now, I always attract cusps. Maybe because I'm a cusp myself. (Virgo-Libra)
us taurus-gemini’s are not jealous people, but we really, truly love very hard and give our all to people. we want to be your best friend and your lover in one package. we can adapt to you and your ways easily...when we are not in a relationship we can easily enjoy you as a friends with benefits situation, but in a relationship we want to be loved very much back.
a virgo libra cusp sounds like a perfect combo. no wonder why you’re attractive to him
Hello, wow, thanks a lot for the nice insights.I can see that he's not jealous as he knows that I still live with my husband.The relationship is blooming little by little however he still has a dating profile on the site where we met.I don't have the courage to tell him to take it down as I am still married.I don't have the right to demand.it makes me sad coz I adore him.It was just after 8 months of dating that he said im his gf.That's after the situation when my hubby almost left me to live within his prostitute gf. I am really wondering how he thinks about us, if this relationship has a future.ARE taurus gems risks takers?
Thanks a lot