Leo Virgo Cusp

This topic was created in the Zodiac Cusps forum by leovirgocusp on Saturday, April 14, 2007 and has 7 replies.
Is there any Leo-vigo cusp happen to date a Capricorn man?
For me, I'm attracted to Capricorn and my ex is cap. Now I've found a new guy. He's a cap also. They both are so much into me. But it's just for the first couple of months. After a while, we don't get along too well and basically ego fighting.
Any suggestion for Leo-vigo cusp and capricorn compatibility?
lol I've been in your situation and I am a leo/virgo cusp as well. I think that as far as the ego part is concerned you guys will always fight. I'm pretty sure at times he tries to dominate you. That's how they are. The best thing to do is to pretend to let them have the hot seat or ignore them. Either way don't let them think that they can push you around because they will abuse it. Other than that, I had a pretty good time with mine. We are not together now. Long story. Hope you can work out your problems with your Cap
I am a Leo/Virgo cusp on the dual zodiac wheels; the Tropical and Sidreal, on the tropical, I'm a Virgo, but on the sidereal, I'm a Leo, because I was born in early September on the 6th in 1988. I don't really know what I am anymore becuase now I have knowledge of another new zodiac, and I moved back a sign.
hey there Virgoexalted
I'm a Virgo/Leo Cusp...Aquarius Moon.......in the Tropical
A Leo in the sideal with a Capricorn moon
well I identify with the Tropical chart more..........I can def relate to this chart more........in every aspect.............but I'm def a Virgo with a 4 planet stellium but I also have some Leo tendenciesi .... so with people I don't know I tend to be rather shy and quiet but once people accept me and get to know me.....then my more playful/loud side emerges..........I swing from introverted and extroverted depeneding on my surroundings .......I also walk with alot of pride....and funny thing I was talking to my mother and she looked at me and she said your remind me more of a Leo.......so apparently the Leo side does show up
I'm born Aug 24........depending on which year it can be Aug 23 or Aug 24 when Virgo changes from Leo
i am leo-virgo girl currently involved with a cap man myself. i think maturity has a lot to do with the compatibility of these signs. we've known each other since high school and back then we hated one another. several years passed and we ended up re-uniting by chance a couple of years ago. it was instantaneous attraction! it's been both electric with a slow, smoldering burn ever since. the first year was pretty tough because caps are not easy to get close to. i almost gave up on him but i intuitively knew better. we've only grown closer and our relationship gets better and better as time goes on. i am so glad i stuck with him. he is incredibly deep, passionate, loving, affectionate, and protective of me. he's made it clear that he never wants me to leave him. i don't know... we don't just complete each other, we compliment each other too. we appreciate the differences. we are, in fact, vastly different than the other but only on the outside. we are strikingly the same at the core and that's what matters most to both of us. i just wish he would stop thinking he's not good enough for me! btw, the sexual attraction is still intense!
Posted by ninjamu
i am leo-virgo girl currently involved with a cap man myself. i think maturity has a lot to do with the compatibility of these signs. we've known each other since high school and back then we hated one another. several years passed and we ended up re-uniting by chance a couple of years ago. it was instantaneous attraction! it's been both electric with a slow, smoldering burn ever since. the first year was pretty tough because caps are not easy to get close to. i almost gave up on him but i intuitively knew better. we've only grown closer and our relationship gets better and better as time goes on. i am so glad i stuck with him. he is incredibly deep, passionate, loving, affectionate, and protective of me. he's made it clear that he never wants me to leave him. i don't know... we don't just complete each other, we compliment each other too. we appreciate the differences. we are, in fact, vastly different than the other but only on the outside. we are strikingly the same at the core and that's what matters most to both of us. i just wish he would stop thinking he's not good enough for me! btw, the sexual attraction is still intense!

oh my lol.
I'm a capricorn woman attracted to a leo-virgo cusp man. I know the feel is the same on his end -- actually, he liked me before I liked him.
Its just difficult at the moment.
looks like an old thread but typical virgal that I am -trying to dig up whatever I can find on cappy relationships, came across this...
To be more specific Im a leo/virgo 23rd August with a jan 13th cappy. He has an Aqua twist to his personality with a wild streak.
Anyhoo... just thought Id say we do really really well together until he kicks up his goaty heels and has a few too many or decides to indulge in reckless behaviour which sabotages our relationship...
for my part I get complacent and needy and sometimes my emotional side overwhelms our communication and things get stormy while I sulk and carry on which makes me withdraw and he just mirrors my feelings.
Overall one hundred percent this is the best combo so far in my experience... I wouldnt mind virgo-virgo or virgo-scorpio either but this a relationship to be truly grateful for! in every way I have found my soulmate!
I will just say that honesty and communication are key to making it work, but thats like any relationship really, it just seems more apparent to me now for some reason...