Libra/Scorpio cusps man and Scorpio woman

This topic was created in the Zodiac Cusps forum by deekscorp on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 and has 3 replies.
So I am a scorpio woman and I was in an 11 month relationship with a libra man. During that relationship I was an emotional reck this guy put me through a lot and I finally left. He cheated multiple times,was very materialistic, and wanted me to be emotionless. I started talking to my first love which is an Aries, he helped me get through the pain I was in from my past relationship. I decided that I wanted to be with him but he didn't want to make it official, so I stopped talking to him. I wasn't talking to anybody and then I met a guy the libra/scorpio. When he told me his bday I kind of put up a gaurd because i thought he would be like my libra ex but he isn't he is so wonderful and actually takes time to get to know me and know what i like. I have been getting to know him for a month now and I like him. But many times I don't know how he feels about me and is thinking like me he is hard to read. Now the aries wants me back of course he was my first love and i love him but he still doesn't want to make it official, official he just wants to tell me that im his girl. What should i do?
@goddessproxy thank you so much im defintely going to give the the libra/scorpio guy a chance
I'm a scorpio woman and I dated a libra-cusp scorp for about 5 years on and off, mostly serious. I'm on the sag cusp myself, so I thought it would work. Like your libra, mine cheated on me multiple times... he always made me feel like my emotions were ridiculous and unimportant. most of his friends were female, which made it almost impossible for me to trust. in the end, that lack of trust is what ended up tearing us apart. I dunno if this is true for your libra, but he was also very much a little boy in a lot of ways. He didn't know how to cook or clean, and I ALWAYS to be the one deciding what we would do, and like a very typical libra he usually responded with "I dunno" to just about everything. we will be great friends some day... he's very important to me. but I started dating a scorpio recently and i think we're a better match. although both him and my ex have GEM MOONS. wtf?!?! why do the gemini moons always come my way! I have a scorp moon... maybe it's my leo rising and my sag placements? who knows. anyway, in terms of the aries, make sure you make it clear what YOU want. they can often be very self involved without even realizing it... you have to be firm with him. if you can't handle being in an undefined relationship, then definitely follow your heart as @kalin said... otherwise, if the love you feel for him is more important than labels, i say go for it! smile