So I am a scorpio woman and I was in an 11 month relationship with a libra man. During that relationship I was an emotional reck this guy put me through a lot and I finally left. He cheated multiple times,was very materialistic, and wanted me to be emotionless. I started talking to my first love which is an Aries, he helped me get through the pain I was in from my past relationship. I decided that I wanted to be with him but he didn't want to make it official, so I stopped talking to him. I wasn't talking to anybody and then I met a guy the libra/scorpio. When he told me his bday I kind of put up a gaurd because i thought he would be like my libra ex but he isn't he is so wonderful and actually takes time to get to know me and know what i like. I have been getting to know him for a month now and I like him. But many times I don't know how he feels about me and is thinking like me he is hard to read. Now the aries wants me back of course he was my first love and i love him but he still doesn't want to make it official, official he just wants to tell me that im his girl. What should i do?
@goddessproxy thank you so much im defintely going to give the the libra/scorpio guy a chance