
This topic was created in the Zodiac Cusps forum by warholian on Monday, April 27, 2009 and has 19 replies.
Interesting breed. I rarely find taurus which is sad because I like them. Most of my friends are gemini but I avoid dating them at all cost. Someone on this cusp has caught my eye and I'm not very familiar with it. I like the crazy, impulsive, chatty, communication obsessed gemini side matched with the balanced, stubborn, aggressive, friendly, taurus side. I'm a cap, so the earth part is nice. I'm not sure about the gemini side though. Any advice? Observations?
intellectualbrat: Im also gem/taurus cusp born on 21st may. My fiancee is Taurus/aries cusp.
I think we are confusing and contradict ourself often. Its difficult to find a guy who appeal with both of my sign
Posted by harry99
Understatement of the century it is extremely difficult to understand us Taureminis. We aren't sure if we want to
settle down and get married or stay single and travel the world. Honestly we wish we could do both but seriously
what spouse is gonna accept that sometimes you want to just act as if you're single and have no ties to anyone.
Anyways that's my dilemma. I hate being tied down blame my Gemini side so I try to avoid relationships buuut
I hate hooking up and I crave commitment enter the Taurus lol. It's not easy but if you can accept all the sides of
this Cusp Of Energy person then they will stay with you. Also it depends on how strong the Gemini versus the Taurus
is in their chart.
I know this post is 4 years old but hey I figure someone else could use the insight smile

Wow! Im not a Taurus/Gemini cusp but a Sag/Capricorn, and what you posted describes me perfectly.
I'm on the cusp as well! 17th May
Wow this is interesting as my bday is 5/22, always felt grounded, observant and stubborn like a Taurus lol
This is some great info. :-) especially when associating with Taureminis. Lol. A good friend is 5/19. I have learned to give him space when he needs it and be there when he does. With my Pisces sun n Gemini/cancer rising. . I can adapt. Lol cool info
May 20th as wellsmile
I've read in various places that a Sag/Cap is
Our best match.
I too struggle with the contradicting traits
Between our two signs.
I find that when I'm single my Gemini traits shine,
I want to be adventurous & date various people
But when I find that certain someone that catches
My eye & I decide I want to be with them, I feel
Like my Taurus traits take over; committed, loyal, etc
Unfortunately, as yet, I've also found after two years
Or so, I usually realize this person can't handle
All aspects of my personality that I go back to Gemini mode;
Break up, because they aren't "the one" and the
Gemini dating cycle begins again.
I'm almost 30 & feel like giving up on finding the
One, b/c it seems like the above described cycle
Always takes over. Biiiig sigh.
Anyone else understand what I'm talking about?
And for the record, I refer to my Gemini as my
"Bad" side, and my "Taurus" as good. Lol.
Posted by harry99
Posted by Taurinian5
May 20th as wellsmile
I've read in various places that a Sag/Cap is
Our best match.
I too struggle with the contradicting traits
Between our two signs.
I find that when I'm single my Gemini traits shine,
I want to be adventurous & date various people
But when I find that certain someone that catches
My eye & I decide I want to be with them, I feel
Like my Taurus traits take over; committed, loyal, etc
Unfortunately, as yet, I've also found after two years
Or so, I usually realize this person can't handle
All aspects of my personality that I go back to Gemini mode;
Break up, because they aren't "the one" and the
Gemini dating cycle begins again.
I'm almost 30 & feel like giving up on finding the
One, b/c it seems like the above described cycle
Always takes over. Biiiig sigh.
Anyone else understand what I'm talking about?
And for the record, I refer to my Gemini as my
"Bad" side, and my "Taurus" as good. Lol.

How long do your relationships usually last? I didn't start "dating" until a few years ago so I don't have much
experience in this area.
click to expand

Always 2 years.... Then when the two year mark approaches, it's usually when I know.
I am on 18th May
does it make me a cusp?
I am flirtatious though and good at nurturing females ... lol
i liked to have fun always
but deep in my heart i always wanted someone who can spend the rest of my life loving each other
and then i shall not look at others anymore (hopefully ... lol)
Posted by Taurinian5
May 20th as wellsmile
I've read in various places that a Sag/Cap is
Our best match.
I too struggle with the contradicting traits
Between our two signs.
I find that when I'm single my Gemini traits shine,
I want to be adventurous & date various people
But when I find that certain someone that catches
My eye & I decide I want to be with them, I feel
Like my Taurus traits take over; committed, loyal, etc
Unfortunately, as yet, I've also found after two years
Or so, I usually realize this person can't handle
All aspects of my personality that I go back to Gemini mode;
Break up, because they aren't "the one" and the
Gemini dating cycle begins again.
I'm almost 30 & feel like giving up on finding the
One, b/c it seems like the above described cycle
Always takes over. Biiiig sigh.
Anyone else understand what I'm talking about?
And for the record, I refer to my Gemini as my
"Bad" side, and my "Taurus" as good. Lol.

I was born on May 20 as well. But I refer to my Gemini side as the good one hehe
I am more Gemini than Taurus though, great at languages (I speak six), love any kind of communication, travelling, love having fun and all kinds of adventure, and I like other Geminis too (along with Virgos (for their talent with words), Leos and Sagittariuses. Geminis are supposed to like Libras and Aquariuses but I find them boring.
Like you, I am commited in my relationships, once I decide to be with them and I stay faithful.
But when I am single, I have no problem whatsover separating love from sex, and just have fun.
I look younger than I am (like most Geminis) but my body looks more like a one of a Taurean lady Winking
Ah, and I don't care abou possessions AT ALL. Mooney matters to me only as means to fullfilling my dreams.
Posted by sunnyvirgo83
The guy I am seeing is a Gem/Taurus cusp. I am a Virgo/Leo cusp....is that a good match?

I dated a Virgo with Leo in Venus from earlier this year to a couple months ago. I fell for her hard but in the end I think some of my past scared her and she wouldn't commit like I was. I miss her immensely, but working on moving on. Hopefully it works out for you.
Posted by sunnyvirgo83
The guy I am seeing is a Gem/Taurus cusp. I am a Virgo/Leo cusp....is that a good match?

I dated a Virgo with Leo in Venus from earlier this year to a couple months ago. I fell for her hard but in the end I think some of my past scared her and she wouldn't commit like I was. I miss her immensely, but working on moving on. Hopefully it works out for you.
May 22 Gem sun, cancer moon, Aries Venus
Posted by taurus/gemBabe
intellectualbrat: Im also gem/taurus cusp born on 21st may. My fiancee is Taurus/aries cusp.
I think we are confusing and contradict ourself often. Its difficult to find a guy who appeal with both of my sign

My ex 21st May was really confusing too.. M a libra/Scorpio cusp deeply hurt by him. How do yu guys act like when in love? And if yu don't like someone do yu jus talk to them out of pity or do yu say things straight or do yu answer really late and be like oh I was busy and I jus read your message and all..my gem/tau ex told me that he loved me and then we started texting each other and he would always respond to my message and be like goodnite I love yu and all the lovey dovey stuffs.. But we jus drifted all of a sudden when I once went for a movie with one of if my guy Fren. He was a hit upset and I told him that we r jus good frenz but it was lyk he stopped trusting me after that and he started being busy messaging someone else when we were together and I didn't wanna act jealous or anything so I didn't ask him who it was or anything.. The thing is he cheated on me once before and then cne back to me. He doesn't know that I knew he was cheating on me when he ha disappeared before. And now he has disappeared again. I heard he is cheating on me again bit this time m not sure because I don't have any proofs. I am scared to ask him coz I won't b able to bear it anymore and I jus said that I am breaking up with him . Furthermore I actually kissed another guy when I was drunk. I wrote that to him too. He was asking for explanations but I jus ignored.. Do yu reckon he is really cheating on me again? He jus asked me for explanations and I didn't reply and he hasn't bothered asking me again. If yu had to dump someone would yu jus cheat on them and get dumped instead? Help!!
Posted by taurus/gemBabe
intellectualbrat: Im also gem/taurus cusp born on 21st may. My fiancee is Taurus/aries cusp.
I think we are confusing and contradict ourself often. Its difficult to find a guy who appeal with both of my sign

my guy is same birthday as you...can you go to Gemini board and read my post...tell me your insight SOO CONFUSING
I'm May 22. The Taurus is def my stabilizing side. I did a 12 year relationship, and while still my flirty self, was faithful. I'm did struggle with indecisiveness at times, but now that I'm older I know what I want pretty fast in the opposite sex. If you are cerebral and witty and can make me laugh, can go from being a homebody some days and maybe take a trek around the world others (even if only in mind!) I'm all for it. I'm a lot to handle in more ways than one. Moody at times, flighty when my thoughts are racing and a bit fickle (gem side). Yet I have learned how to unleash the bull so I can stabilize and ground myself to think more clearly and FOCUS! Feeling misunderstood by people for so many years, I'm realizing finding others like me makes me feel more at home.
Posted by taurus/gemBabe
intellectualbrat: Im also gem/taurus cusp born on 21st may. My fiancee is Taurus/aries cusp.
I think we are confusing and contradict ourself often. Its difficult to find a guy who appeal with both of my sign

So true! Lol!
Has any of you Tau/Gems dated or had experience with an Aqua/Pisc? Curious to know more. I met a Tau/Gem (I've dated both in full signs) but never a cusp.
Could someone share with me, if my moon falls in 0.00deg gemini, will i have emotional characteristics of a taurus?
Posted by NaughtyTaurus
I am on 18th May
does it make me a cusp?
I am flirtatious though and good at nurturing females ... lol
i liked to have fun always
but deep in my heart i always wanted someone who can spend the rest of my life loving each other
and then i shall not look at others anymore (hopefully ... lol)

We share the same life! May 18. Omg why do we have a short attention span

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