It's given Russians won't get to the Atlantic, and it's also given the West won't conquer Moscow.
So why fight? Better Yet: How come there is not a single leader that says: Stop, This got to far. Let's settle. No one is winning here. Almost not mathe
First off congratulations to queens that won they deserved it, it is a good look for my daughter. But my Scorpio rising is tingling it's clear that they are trying to divide the black man and women. In tv you never see a black couple together any more. If
...or winning man’s heart trough his stomach...
I always cook when I am at his place.
But this time I had time and cooked home so I am bringing with me all Atkins approved food. He is losing weight...
Chicken soup with veggies only
Chicken salad
Tuna sala
I’m with a cappy who trusts me and opens up to me... but has some emotional bagage holding him back from progressing into a relationship. When we are together we are a bunch of smartass fools making eachother laugh and having intellectual conversations. O
I'm a Virgo and I met this Libra man last week through a common friend at a party. He was coming on strong, heavily flirting with me but I kept playfully rejecting him. He asked for my Instagram, and a few days later, he messages me to ask for my number.
felt that i don't need to prove anything to internet strangers anymore. i just have to focus on my life. winning on dxp is nothing compared to winning in life
Why are there so many crabs in contact sports? The top bill has 2 Cancers. Does Geminin Amanda Nunes stand a chance against Cyborg (Cancer)? I give her about a 5% of winning - maybe a big punch else she is going to get mauled into submission.
How about
Have you ever felt that this man is too nice for no apparent reason and he is handsome AF and he likes you a lot and he doesn’t care about you looks because he is sticking up your ass and you don’t understand why because you are fine but he is bit younger
Meaning these are people with a killer instinct who are made to succeed in life, come out on top in competitive situations and just have a way of winning whether it be climbing to the top of a social ladder or just achieving success in any competitive thi
I was seeing and talking with an Aquarius for about four months and everything seemed to be fine from what I understood. Then one night she introduced me to her friends and invited me stay over her place for the first time, everything was fine that night
Ego- Aries
I tend to not care about most people unless i like them a lot. I tend to not react poorly. My moon defintely helps out with this
Mood- Capricorn
I just observe and eventually see myself winning at the things I want. I don’t express
I had a very intense three month relationship with an Aquarius man (I’m a Capricorn). I ended things with him because he was too busy for me, he was getting his masters, interning, and volunteering. I adored him and it was one of the hardest things to do.
Out of the 247 awards ideas submitted, pick 42 you'd most like to see
Please post all 42 in post and try to pick awards where you actually can think of at least three people who would stand a chance at winning. It's about competition, not inside jokes
Relationships & Astrology
Hi, I am a Leo woman. Me and this Scoprio man have been seeing each other for about 4 months. As a Leo woman i am known to love deeply, be loyal and committed. I have hard time expressing my feelings as i have been single for very long time and sadly, i c
Astrology Houses
Do you ever have issues with winning and being the first and being yourself? If so, how do you feel if you lose? How do you cope with it afterwards?
A little focused on people with Sun at first house but all answers appreciated.