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It's given Russians won't get to the Atlantic, and it's also given the West won't conquer Moscow. So why fight? Better Yet: How come there is not a single leader that says: Stop, This got to far. Let's settle. No one is winning here. Almost not mathe
First off congratulations to queens that won they deserved it, it is a good look for my daughter. But my Scorpio rising is tingling it's clear that they are trying to divide the black man and women. In tv you never see a black couple together any more. If
Joined: Dec 08, 2008 · Topics: 207 · Posts: 2929
...or winning man’s heart trough his stomach... I always cook when I am at his place. But this time I had time and cooked home so I am bringing with me all Atkins approved food. He is losing weight... Chicken soup with veggies only Chicken salad Tuna sala
Joined: Apr 05, 2019 · Topics: 15 · Posts: 298
I’m with a cappy who trusts me and opens up to me... but has some emotional bagage holding him back from progressing into a relationship. When we are together we are a bunch of smartass fools making eachother laugh and having intellectual conversations. O
Joined: Mar 29, 2019 · Topics: 6 · Posts: 28
I'm a Virgo and I met this Libra man last week through a common friend at a party. He was coming on strong, heavily flirting with me but I kept playfully rejecting him. He asked for my Instagram, and a few days later, he messages me to ask for my number.
Joined: Mar 27, 2019 · Topics: 1 · Posts: 1

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Matching Messages: winning

Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by MidAtBest
Posted by PhoenixSag
I also have quite serious appearance when I want to, so it makes even the boldest ones uncomfortable to make such move on me and I use this the most in while at work. I'm casual ofc with my colleagues cause we're all very close, but with visitors I'm always dead serious but also polite.

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this has stuck in my head and I think is the secret to winning respect. I realize I'm playing the victim rn, but I think I've been "put in my place" so often (hence the username) that in person I try to present as humble and desperate-to-get-along as possible. so certain people pick up on that and take advantage bc I'm worried about what they think instead of being guarded and waiting for them to prove themselves to me. hard to change habits/adjust personality but you gave me a breakthrough fr.
I have a theory that dumber people are happier

Like higher IQ= miserable/depressed

maybe we're winning
Posted by Stardustmopped
I don’t know how to photoshop but I tried to compare my real face and AIs interpretation of my face. It does a good job with my head shape.
Don’t turn me into a meme. I have dead brother issues and it’s my birthday month.

I'm the complete opposite. I'm literally begging to be turned into a meme so I have a chance at not only running, but winning against JD Vance in 2029.
Posted by Stardustmopped
Posted by Solo
BTW FUCK BERNIE FOR THAT SHIT. I was so disappointed when he went along with the DOGE shit.
Another thing, why are people saying the temp DOGE "agency" is the same as the USDS? It's not. Those are very different things.

People fell for lies.
I was with another Trump supporter friend last night. He said “I don’t know if the Republican Party will recover from this”.
The Trump supporters online act like they’re not regretful or too proud to admit it, but they are. Even if it’s just quietly to their friends and family.
Another thing I learned or kind of confirmed what I’ve seen/thought. The Trump Republicans really see themselves as anti-establishment lol. That’s how Trump positioned himself to appeal to them. I understand why Democrats are not considered anti establishment anymore. They lack a backbone and instead of pushing for bold progressive solutions, they just compromise and adopt the moderate or conservative leaning policies to avoid backlash and uphold or even expand Republican led policies. But I find it interesting that they think Trump is lol. I saw through that persona before he was even elected the last time. Bernie, who is actually anti establishment even fell for it. And now I’m getting a clearer picture of how/why other people did. Joe Rogan and Elon are/were also big anti establishment. I disagree with Argus that Bernie sold out by changing his mind on Elon. He realized what was happening.
Do you know who also pretended to be anti establishment to create a new authoritarian establishment? 🙃🙃🙃

I’m looking forward to watching the History channel when I’m an old lady to see this all laid out.
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Let's be clear here. There are NO ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT PEOPLE IN A GOVERNMENT. THEY ARE ALL ESTABLISHMENT BY NATURE. What people like Bernie Sanders are, are people who want more accountability and reform for the general people AS IT SHOULD BE. He's literally trying to do the job that he signed up for, working for the people. He's STILL establishment. And YES, Trump supporters DO think that he's ANTI-establishment which is fucking HILARIOUS. This dude had or has a fucking gold apartment and is a purported Billionaire and they think he's exactly like them and hates the government because he eats McDonald's and talks shit about the government EVEN THOUGH HE'S THE FUCKIN' HEAD OF STATE LOL. They think that's big brain, not just making us look like fucking fools on the international stage.

Democrats are basically right-light or somewhere around there. We don't even have an extreme left in the US that has ANY sort of grasp on national politics or representation. I'm not even sure we really have a left! I'd have to look a bit more.

I think I'm working on a winning platform, personally, but idk if I'll pass it out to anyone, maybe I will. Idk. I'm trying to do a bit more than just general ideas though, I'm trying to literally figure out if shit could work or not and it's hard lmao.

I think Bernie needed to hold his ground and say that Musk has no business doing that shit. He's been a vocal critic of people like Musk. That looks terrible.


This is my last time addressing your lack of basic comprehension skills ass! Let me break it down for you so perhaps then you'll get it through your thick skull. Jeffrey never claimed nor aserted Bill Clinton signed anything. He simply stated there was an agreement which apparently a whole fuckin world is well aware of except you.

Baring that in mind, before you say anything about how the agreement is invalid becuase there was no signatories, does that then give Russia or China or Iran etc carte blanche to establish their bases in the vicinity of US borders? Oh, right, we have precedence for that. NO da fuck they would not which is why we had Cuba misle crisis. Which, in about of irony, is what i pointed out to you just the other day. So apperently there was no signatories to that agreement either, but Russia honored it!

Furthermore, should you bring Crimea into the equation (like you did during our last interaction during which, may I remind you, you hurled personal insults at me sense any provocation)... they had a referendum back in 2014 in which the residents overwhelmingly voted in favor of joining Russia. To which the US took an affront, but when Kososvo voted to split away from Serbia -which has been a part of for centuries (minus the brief stint during wwii when Italy invaded the region & annexed it to Albania)- NATO swooped in a bombed the shit out of Belgrade!

Serbia is a whole other discussion, however, what the example does, is perfectlyy highlight the hypocrisy of the US policy makers.

Additionally, it is exceptionally hypocritical of you to sit here & argue shit about Russia-Ukraine but when called out on Palestine- Israel bullshit, what's your response?! Exactly! You don't have time & energy to deal with that! Same excuse when I provided link after link, article after article pointing out lies and inconsistencies pertaining Russia-Ukraine, you came back with the same excuse as to how overwhelming it was & you weren't going to read it.

Bottom line, it's really reassuring to know how much more informed you are than Jeffrey Sachs or Saymour Hersh, or Aaron Mate or Chris Hedges (and the list goes on) most of whom are award winning, indipendant, journalists! Sure, I'll trust your judgment & the propaganda used to manufacture consent!

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Matching Comments: winning

And does he play or know about WarThunder? That's a game that pretty consistently ends up getting classified intel on machines (tanks, boats, planes) because nerd ass military people play and get mad if the machine they use IRL isn't winning in the game when it would be IRL lmfaooo. They don't publish any of it or use it to update the game but it's so fucking funny that it happens. And scary lmao
One of the upsides of Trump winning is that it's going to hurt all the dummies that voted for him the most. Bye bye affordable housing, health insurance, and your retirement. His whole agenda is to deregulate everything and destroy all the guardrails that protect the average American against the greedy and power hungry ultra wealthy class that he's a part of.
You claim to want a job, but you don't. You talk about how you like being a loser yadayada. You may some say some stupid things sometimes but I don't think you're stupid. So if you supposedly want a job I think you know the steps that are required to try to achieve that. It's not always easy, it doesn't always work out right away, but if you truly want something you just have to keep trying no matter what obstacles are in your way, there's no other choice. Even if you fail in your attempt as long as you're still trying you're on the right track, which means you're winning

So you have to be honest with yourself. If you want it, go get it. If you don't, then don't
I've read somewhere that her husband literally owns the grammys and ofc the industry's always trying to drive people to attend and gain attention as much as they can so if they get beyonce winning then it would drive what they're aiming for- attendance and attention coz people are all over them when they're there.
Me and the talkative libra that talks a lot who won't let you get a word in edgewise was just talking about this. We both actually agreed on something for a change. The time someone blew up the polls illuminated harris' chance at winning. Not saying that she would've won but those votes that was on those machines we believed her poll numbers would've been much greater. And also I slept great too. The nightmare started when I woke up.

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