Asking for a friend - do Taurus men get jealous of their girlfriend's success?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by bad_at_usernames on Tuesday, July 14, 2020 and has 22 replies.
A friend of mine applied for interships and got a few responses, she wanted to move forward with one of them and so asked her boyfriend for advice. According to her, he did give her good advice but seemed uninterested. I'm talking late/short replies and then after a while stopped replying all together.

So the next day she sent him two romantic songs at 2 am telling him she misses him. In the morning, he did not reply to those.

Is it coz he's jealous of her? It was particularly difficult for him to find a job and he's also struggling financially because of the pandemic, while she got responses pretty quickly. She says he's always pushed her to do well in academics for a better future. But got distant when she told him about the internship, which btw, is paid.

Could that be the reason?

Also, you guys are gonna tell me I'm asking for myself, but everyone here knows that my boyfriend is a Sagittarius.
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by bad_at_usernames

A friend of mine applied for interships and got a few responses, she wanted to move forward with one of them and so asked her boyfriend from advice. According to her,

Where do we sign up for these interships?
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I don't know. She did it online, but I don't know what website/app she used.

Did he go to university too?

Did he go to university too?
Posted by Parkourler

Did he go to university too?

Yeah, why?
Why is no one commenting today? Where is everybody?!
He probably did not want to have a lengthy discussion via text where there is endless back and forth. She asked for advice. He seemed to give it. Then she continued asking. Hard to comment as no transcript.

I don't think it is exclusively a Taurus trait. I have not experienced this with my Taurus fella. He is exceptionally supportive of me, and vice versa.

It could be maturity and age. Some times guys in their 20's or 30's (not exclusively) may feel threatened (insert better word) because they don't quite have their shit together in the way they want. I have experienced some guys having issues because of the job I did and money earned. They preferred to be the one earning more or with a higher status job or whatever but this was not often.

He may have just been tired. Maybe she just needs to sort her own decisions out for now.
Yes they do. They won’t say it openly. They’ll just give a half-hearted response. The thing is that they’ll encourage a woman until the point that she actually does the thing. Then they realize she may be advancing better than them and they act apathetic about her success
People are going through a tough time financially emotionally.

It wouldn’t surprise me if he is feeling left out of the job market and opportunities

Compassion is required
Posted by lilyofthevalley

Yes they do. They won’t say it openly. They’ll just give a half-hearted response. The thing is that they’ll encourage a woman until the point that she actually does the thing. Then they realize she may be advancing better than them and they act apathetic about her success

Ohh it it? That's bad.
Posted by DMV

People are going through a tough time financially emotionally.

It wouldn’t surprise me if he is feeling left out of the job market and opportunities

Compassion is required

Yes he did tell her something of that sort.

Compassion from who? The girlfriend? Don't you think she should give him some space if he, in fact, is jealous? That's at least the advice I gave her. Also, my friend asked that does this think have the potential to spoil their relationship?
Posted by lilyofthevalley

Yes they do. They won’t say it openly. They’ll just give a half-hearted response. The thing is that they’ll encourage a woman until the point that she actually does the thing. Then they realize she may be advancing better than them and they act apathetic about her success

What should she do now? Also, does this thing have the potential to spoil their relationship?
Posted by bad_at_usernames
Posted by DMV

People are going through a tough time financially emotionally.

It wouldn’t surprise me if he is feeling left out of the job market and opportunities

Compassion is required

Yes he did tell her something of that sort.

Compassion from who? The girlfriend? Don't you think she should give him some space if he, in fact, is jealous? That's at least the advice I gave her. Also, my friend asked that does this think have the potential to spoil their relationship?
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Compassion on her part.

Yes she can give him space but she also has to remember she can easily wind back up in the same space he is.

Lack of Humility and imbalance can and will end a relationship. 2 people progressing at different speeds can certainly end a relationship.

How the “winner” handles winning is a sign of maturity
Posted by DMV
Posted by bad_at_usernames
Posted by DMV

People are going through a tough time financially emotionally.

It wouldn’t surprise me if he is feeling left out of the job market and opportunities

Compassion is required

Yes he did tell her something of that sort.

Compassion from who? The girlfriend? Don't you think she should give him some space if he, in fact, is jealous? That's at least the advice I gave her. Also, my friend asked that does this think have the potential to spoil their relationship?

Compassion on her part.

Yes she can give him space but she also has to remember she can easily wind back up in the same space he is.

Lack of Humility and imbalance can and will end a relationship. 2 people progressing at different speeds can certainly end a relationship.

How the “winner” handles winning is a sign of maturity
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How to show compassion??

She does realize that already. She didn't take that internship on his and another friend's advice coz it was a hard job, target based. Would that be helping him feel better?

IMO, there's slight chance she'll move at a faster pace than him. She's in college sending in applications for summer interships and he's already been working full time for some time now. Shouldn't he not compare himself with her? I think he must've felt bad that she landed one pretty quickly while he's been struggling coz of the pandemic at his current job.

Again, how to show compassion after giving him space?
Go to YouTube and search how to be compassionate if that action is foreign to her
Posted by DMV

Go to YouTube and search how to be compassionate if that action is foreign to her

Lol no🤣 She's gone home now so I can't ask her, but I think she meant being compassionate like addressing the whole thing, like asking him if he felt bad, etc?
She should've called not texted.

I wouldn't automatically assume 'jealousy' based off of this interaction or lack there of. But if thats where her mind goes first when it comes to her partner then she needs to sort that out with him.

i've not had this in my experience. my partner is very supportive of my career/job prospects etc. i've actually offered to take a step down to help him in his business but he has said it would be beneath me to do that.

so, no. no jealousy. as agentp said, it could be a maturity thing.

or even that he was not responsive to her in the way she would have liked could be for any other sort of reason. eg it was late, he was engaged with something else.
Posted by LadyNeptune

She should've called not texted.

I wouldn't automatically assume 'jealousy' based off of this interaction or lack there of. But if thats where her mind goes first when it comes to her partner then she needs to sort that out with him.

He actually gave her great advice. Something I hadn't even thought of. Like really useful for her kind of advice, but stopped replying after it. And now she tells me he hasn't even viewed her WhatsApp status though it's been some time since she put it up. This only happens when he's mad at her especially during the night time (here) coz that's when everyone checks WhatsApp for sure. I don't know what to tell her.
Posted by bad_at_usernames
Posted by LadyNeptune

She should've called not texted.

I wouldn't automatically assume 'jealousy' based off of this interaction or lack there of. But if thats where her mind goes first when it comes to her partner then she needs to sort that out with him.

He actually gave her great advice. Something I hadn't even thought of. Like really useful for her kind of advice, but stopped replying after it. And now she tells me he hasn't even viewed her WhatsApp status though it's been some time since she put it up. This only happens when he's mad at her especially during the night time (here) coz that's when everyone checks WhatsApp for sure. I don't know what to tell her.
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Tell her not to get in her head about it.

If he’s mad, he’s mad.

But he could’ve also fallen asleep early or had other things to tackle. Maybe this inspired him to start sending out his resume and he was up late updating it.

Every time I jumped to conclusions in my own relationship it ended up being something else entirely and I felt like an asshole.

Plus it’s not like she made ceo. These are internships aka cheap/free grunt labor. A vital step into the door but hardly worth being jealous or insecure over...
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by bad_at_usernames
Posted by LadyNeptune

She should've called not texted.

I wouldn't automatically assume 'jealousy' based off of this interaction or lack there of. But if thats where her mind goes first when it comes to her partner then she needs to sort that out with him.

He actually gave her great advice. Something I hadn't even thought of. Like really useful for her kind of advice, but stopped replying after it. And now she tells me he hasn't even viewed her WhatsApp status though it's been some time since she put it up. This only happens when he's mad at her especially during the night time (here) coz that's when everyone checks WhatsApp for sure. I don't know what to tell her.

Tell her not to get in her head about it.

If he’s mad, he’s mad.

But he could’ve also fallen asleep early or had other things to tackle. Maybe this inspired him to start sending out his resume and he was up late updating it.

Every time I jumped to conclusions in my own relationship it ended up being something else entirely and I felt like an asshole.

Plus it’s not like she made ceo. These are internships aka cheap/free grunt labor. A vital step into the door but hardly worth being jealous or insecure over...
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Yes, exactly. As much as I know him (third person point of view), he's not the kind to get jealous over his girlfriend getting an internship. Mayyyyy be that felt bad coz she landed one pretty quickly while he's struggling and I hear his family is too these days coz they have a small business and shops aren't allowed opening. So I don't think it's jealousy, but he got upset, may be?

Or could it be Taurus's need for space after a few times of good interactions? I hear they tend to want that.
Posted by MissKrabs
Posted by bad_at_usernames

Why is no one commenting today? Where is everybody?!

We got rona. Jk.

Where is the internship? Far?

He is maybe scared she will meet someone else.
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It's online. Everyone's working from home these days.