Confusing taurus man

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Darky on Thursday, August 29, 2019 and has 10 replies.
Pump the brakes... Slow down. What's the rush? It's been two weeks.
Go with the flow= abort mission
Posted by Darky

After all I've been reading I think it won't be surprising to say that I don't understand this Taurus man behaviour, I am pisces... we've known each other for a long time but were not close. We started talking a few years ago, he made the first move, we got along pretty well but never met and then he said something that made me feel bad and never apologized so I stopped talking to him 'cause I was hurt and he did the same and after a few weeks he blocked me and unfollowed me from everywhere which I found extremely weird so I try to talk to him and he blocked me from there too. The thing is I felt horrible cause I did not understand and I really liked him. After months of that he came back as if nothing ever happened and I was holding grudges so he left again cause I showed him. A few months after I was the one who started talking to him, I was honest about being mad with him and all and long story short we started talking again. It was wonderful, we decided to meet and we kissed, hold hands, touch each other. Then I felt him a bit hot and cold. We met again and had sex, it was more of two people embracing naked, talking, saying how much they like each other than the sex. He told me he wanted me to be his and I told him I could fall in love with him and he said "do it" all that while kissing and touching. After that we kept talking, I've been busy with lots of work, the talking with us consist in small texts to check if everything's fine. It almost been two weeks since we met and I started feeling him hot and cold again. I feel he is testing me, somedays I think he doesn't even like me and other days I'm certain he does. I don't find his behaviour coherent and it is frustrating to me because I really like him and I don't want things to be ruined again. He once told me I think too much and that he wants things to flow but I don't feel is going anywhere. I don't know if I should meet with him again or if I just should wait, I feel that if I don't talk he is going to think I'm not interested anymore and will left... he thinks I get mad when he doesn't talk but it is not true I get frustrated and confused. Please HELP ME I don't know what to do, cause I'm so afraid of him hurting me again Sad

As he told me he wanted things "to flow" I'm scared of doing anything cause I don't want him to feel I'm rushing things up. To me it is so complicated cause I already know that I want him but I'm hesitant to get too involved cause I might be hurt, i don't trust him. He is sending mixed signals, he told me that he was going to commit to make things work and then told me he wants to be my friend. But then told me he said that because I was pressuring him. Yes, I know, i am doing what he told me not to. I'm a pisces, we overthink but also I feel too much and is scary. What should I do?
I completely feel you! I'm in a similar situation. Also Taurus man, I'm Pisces aswell...
you've jut got to have patience. if you're still talking and making plans to see each other then that's good and it's progressing as it should.

i'm not certain but what are you expecting? hours spent on the phone each day? long conversations, lots of romantic utterances muttered over late night texts?

if you don't trust him, why in the world are you sleeping with him????

sometimes, i just don't get it.
All I know is, Bulls move very slow and hate change in their daily routines. I see it in the Bull that I'm interested in. Atm, we have bare minimum contact since the weekend. I dont know why, all he said was, he's extremely tired. He works 2 jobs. We met 2 weeks ago in person after 4 months of texting, phonecalls and 3 cancelled dates. Had great time, lots of physical touch, huge grins n smiles, lots of kissing and deep convo's about his future plans and his kids. And now, bare minimum contact. So again, I feel you! But I cant help you as I dont know what to do either. I've decided to send something thru snailmail as I know he loves physical items and keeps them. For the rest, am trying to sit back n keep calm. I'll send a text a day, asking how his day went and ask about the kids. He responds to that. He still calls almost daily but also bare minimum.

Only time will tell with our Bulls
Posted by PiscesGal76

All I know is, Bulls move very slow and hate change in their daily routines. I see it in the Bull that I'm interested in. Atm, we have bare minimum contact since the weekend. I dont know why, all he said was, he's extremely tired. He works 2 jobs. We met 2 weeks ago in person after 4 months of texting, phonecalls and 3 cancelled dates. Had great time, lots of physical touch, huge grins n smiles, lots of kissing and deep convo's about his future plans and his kids. And now, bare minimum contact. So again, I feel you! But I cant help you as I dont know what to do either. I've decided to send something thru snailmail as I know he loves physical items and keeps them. For the rest, am trying to sit back n keep calm. I'll send a text a day, asking how his day went and ask about the kids. He responds to that. He still calls almost daily but also bare minimum.

Only time will tell with our Bulls
you have to be careful not to fall into a feeling of false security because of this.

bulls don't always act slow. after my first physical encounter with my partner, i couldn't shake him. i got the taurus charge. i was the one trying to slow things down, i even told him we needed to go back to being just friends, he wouldn't have it.

there is a difference between proceeding slowly and slowly coming to a stop.
Give him space. Not a ton. But always give him space. Don’t text every day. Don’t pressure him. Let him reach out to you more than you reach out to him.
You are BOTH holding a grudge.

Are you desperate or needy?

"You're afraid to hurt him again?" 🤦Yet, he hurt you first AND FAILED TO APOLOGIZE 😒

Makes me wonder, if when you both started talking and talked it out, whether he apologized then.

Anyway, I think you're wasting your time w this one and if you keep giving off needy vibes, he's gonna end up using you and discarding you.

Get your power back.

Posted by DMV

Go with the flow= abort mission
I agree.
I'm afraid HE hurt me again.

You're right I'm going to move on.