Symbol: Bull
Planet: Venus
House: (2nd) Personal Resources
Element: Earth ▽
Gender: Feminine
Value, gain, material and immaterial things of certain value, money, possessions, substance, self-worth, grounded-ness, practicality, responsibility, consistence, dependability, ownership, finances, security, estate, assets, home & family, comforts, domestic affairs, base of operations, natural environment, community involvement, agriculture, support, partners/partnerships, marriage, one on one relationships, love, goals, expectations, sensuality, harmony, pleasure, beauty, resistant to change, need for control, stubborn, routine-oriented, reliable, determined, willpower, inflexible.
Group: Fixed
Light: Powerful, firm, driven, reliable, force, stable, down to earth, humble.
Dark: Headstrong, close-minded, slow moving, stubborn, unyielding, unmoving, vigidity, the most possessive, materialistic nature, fearful, scared.