Posted by alexscariesmy last post were from the very beginning of our relationship. that's really not a fair assumption to make. I'm asking for help possibly understanding him. I've been with him for 6 years and this has not been easy. don't be a dick
After reading your other topics, paranoia, insecurity and attention seeking pushed him away.
Posted by nanochipthat's what I'm thinking too and why I've asked him if he thinks we should separate and he always says no. you'd think I'd you wanted a relationship you'd contribute to it but he does the bare minimum. I know there's not a lot of context because I'm not really sure how to sum it up tbh... but basically a few years back we started hanging out with another couple and then it's grown to a huge friend group but with the first couple being our closest friends. friends are nice and I love them but it has spiraled to the point where I feel like a 3rd wheel in my relationship because my fiance (of 3 years, with no set wedding date 🤦🏼♀️) is always so involved with his make best friend. every weekend is filled with his friend, like the entire weekend. lots of drinking and spending money on adventures.. even when we're at home he's constantly on the phone. him and his best friend feel codependent to me and are constantly hyper focusing on some new hobby until the next new fascination comes along. when I tell him I'm tired of constantly being on the go and drinking, he tells me I just need to get more hobbies.. I work full-time, I'm almost 30, and we have kids.. I do have hobbies but what's wrong with a weekend at home just us? going bowling or to the movies? reaching home improvement goals?? is ridiculous.. he drinks way too much and can be argumentative too. he's promised me multiple times he'd quit and hasn't stuck to it. his best friend is not a good husband and his marriage is falling apart for the same reasons
There is not a lot of context here to really know what’s going on, as an outsider
Based on just what’s written there, it sounds to me like a classic case of a relationship running its course
Posted by AbbyNormalI replied with more details in a comment. I do have friends, actually a lot of them but my main friend with the deepest connection should be my partner. I can't even get a date night or family night because it interrupts his plans. that's the problem.
I just don’t know what’s wrong with having friends? Your partner can be your best friend, but you should also have at least one other person outside of the relationship. That’s healthy! So I just don’t know the real issue here.
Posted by Librasetting777that is weird. so your gf broke up with you for your coworker?? I'm sorry, that's tough 😔
Interesting my Taurus gf just broke up with me out of the blue after 3yrs and started dating my one of my coworkers that I was close with,so she says but their not close at all when I watch them interacting their very detached when together.
Posted by libragirl37Wow! You just summed up my last relationship. I got tired of the constant drinking and partying, and his best friend wasn’t nice when drunk. Nasty temper. It’s all they wanted to do, never wanted to grow up. I understand where you’re coming from. Are you American or something else? I noticed that in some cultures, the whole “mate” thing is taken a lot more seriously (currently dating an Aussie). I don’t think there’s much you can do if you’ve already voiced your concern/unhappiness and he promises he will tone back and then doesn’t. I grew out of that shit fast once I saw nothing was changing in 5 years. It’s not fun being drunk all the time, it gets old very fast.Posted by nanochip
There is not a lot of context here to really know what’s going on, as an outsider
Based on just what’s written there, it sounds to me like a classic case of a relationship running its course
that's what I'm thinking too and why I've asked him if he thinks we should separate and he always says no. you'd think I'd you wanted a relationship you'd contribute to it but he does the bare minimum. I know there's not a lot of context because I'm not really sure how to sum it up tbh... but basically a few years back we started hanging out with another couple and then it's grown to a huge friend group but with the first couple being our closest friends. friends are nice and I love them but it has spiraled to the point where I feel like a 3rd wheel in my relationship because my fiance (of 3 years, with no set wedding date 🤦🏼♀️) is always so involved with his make best friend. every weekend is filled with his friend, like the entire weekend. lots of drinking and spending money on adventures.. even when we're at home he's constantly on the phone. him and his best friend feel codependent to me and are constantly hyper focusing on some new hobby until the next new fascination comes along. when I tell him I'm tired of constantly being on the go and drinking, he tells me I just need to get more hobbies.. I work full-time, I'm almost 30, and we have kids.. I do have hobbies but what's wrong with a weekend at home just us? going bowling or to the movies? reaching home improvement goals?? is ridiculous.. he drinks way too much and can be argumentative too. he's promised me multiple times he'd quit and hasn't stuck to it. his best friend is not a good husband and his marriage is falling apart for the same reasonsclick to expand
Posted by DonnaLibraDo not leave our home!!!! Legally you’ll be fucked if seeking divorce. Before any decision. Seek a lawyer
You definitely did the right thing by moving out. Of course if you ask him if he wants to break up he will say no. You have to do what is best for you and let him fall in line if he wants you. DO NOT CONTACT HIM! Call up your friends and go out and have some fun.
Posted by MonaLisa26Posted by libragirl37Posted by alexscaries
After reading your other topics, paranoia, insecurity and attention seeking pushed him away.
my last post were from the very beginning of our relationship. that's really not a fair assumption to make. I'm asking for help possibly understanding him. I've been with him for 6 years and this has not been easy. don't be a dick
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He can’t! He IS a dick! See? You think ‘dick’ is an insult…so there! You are sexually BORING and you don’t suck dick well. So yours is tired of
that was weird.. lol have a nice day!click to expand
Posted by Timoneoh he absolutely benefits from my paycheck that has allowed us nice things, that I clean, cook from scratch, and am the main caregiver for the kids. I clearly have value to him and will to someone else too
It's bad when your partner no longer enjoys your company. I think the relationship is pretty doomed. Taurus doesn't like changes. There are probably some things in this relationship that's beneficial to him hence why he doesn't want to end it.
Posted by Ambrathe Taurus stubbornness is to much for me..Posted by libragirl37Posted by nanochip
There is not a lot of context here to really know what’s going on, as an outsider
Based on just what’s written there, it sounds to me like a classic case of a relationship running its course
that's what I'm thinking too and why I've asked him if he thinks we should separate and he always says no. you'd think I'd you wanted a relationship you'd contribute to it but he does the bare minimum. I know there's not a lot of context because I'm not really sure how to sum it up tbh... but basically a few years back we started hanging out with another couple and then it's grown to a huge friend group but with the first couple being our closest friends. friends are nice and I love them but it has spiraled to the point where I feel like a 3rd wheel in my relationship because my fiance (of 3 years, with no set wedding date 🤦🏼♀️) is always so involved with his make best friend. every weekend is filled with his friend, like the entire weekend. lots of drinking and spending money on adventures.. even when we're at home he's constantly on the phone. him and his best friend feel codependent to me and are constantly hyper focusing on some new hobby until the next new fascination comes along. when I tell him I'm tired of constantly being on the go and drinking, he tells me I just need to get more hobbies.. I work full-time, I'm almost 30, and we have kids.. I do have hobbies but what's wrong with a weekend at home just us? going bowling or to the movies? reaching home improvement goals?? is ridiculous.. he drinks way too much and can be argumentative too. he's promised me multiple times he'd quit and hasn't stuck to it. his best friend is not a good husband and his marriage is falling apart for the same reasons
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Ehh taurus can be hard work. They hate to be told what to do. Don't waste your time trying. I am with one too and i learned to ignore his dumb stuff. See I'm Taurus too and we both kinda do the same thing to each other so it's even.
But Libras as i know they actually love to do things together. Do you have other friends you can hang out with? I do hope it for you.
If my man treats me that way and tells me to get a hobby i would not think twice and find so many hobbies to focus on me and let that jerk watch me and my hobbies. Taurus also takes things for granted sometimes. There's this Taurus guy i know. Dear God. What a cheating butthole. He is 45 she is 33 and after having a child together he kept partying and living his fantasies. So she left. He called me crying and said he never ever thought she will do it
I couldn't feel sorry for him even i know him almost two decades because he was the cheating one, neglected her and idk what else.
I think it's good you took a break from all that,take steps back and refocus on whatever makes you really happy. Don't waste the time with thinking about him too much. He's a jerk. Sorry. Try to push yourself in putting that energy into you and not to expand
Posted by LadyNeptunethe house is in his name and I only make a bit more than him but we both make a good amount and our incomes together have allowed us to live middle class. we have a shared bank account to Pau all bills. I'm the main home maker on top of my regular job tho
Whatever else is going on when you try to communicate with him he shuts you down. With that kind of disrespect the relationship is over. I think that reality is finally setting in for you as you left hoping it would trigger him to 'come to his senses' and beg you to come back.
I am curious since you make more $ $ , are the bills, childcare and household chores equally shared between the two of you? Also who owns the home, you or him? Or is it a rental with both your names on the lease.
Posted by UndineTHANK YOU! I so agree! some people paint a picture they want to see so they can ignore the facts..
Don't let anyone tell you that it's normal to neglect your partner and children and go live the life of a single man! Are they his children? You could have asked him to leave instead, and asked for full custody. Of course he doesn't want to "break up", because....goodbye convenience!
Posted by DonnaLibraI'm trying. I've had zero contact since Saturday and so as he...
You definitely did the right thing by moving out. Of course if you ask him if he wants to break up he will say no. You have to do what is best for you and let him fall in line if he wants you. DO NOT CONTACT HIM! Call up your friends and go out and have some fun.
Posted by alexscarieswhy did you take so much time to create a fictional storyline? odd.. have the day you deserve 💓Posted by libragirl37Posted by alexscaries
After reading your other topics, paranoia, insecurity and attention seeking pushed him away.
my last post were from the very beginning of our relationship. that's really not a fair assumption to make. I'm asking for help possibly understanding him. I've been with him for 6 years and this has not been easy. don't be a dick
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You posted a topic complaining that he isn't complimenting you after sex after you complimented him. What is there to understand you've known him for six years you know him better than most people. As a scorpio moon we put up with a lot and once we are done, we are done, but it takes us a long time to reach that conclusion and get over it. Whether you like it or not I think @BullofHeaven is probably right on this.
Men like hanging out with male friends, someone they can have a laugh, have some banter with, not get judged. After a hard day at the office the last thing they want is to talk about feelings when they get back. Ask any honest man. Scorpio moons clam up and look for an escape when the relationship runs it course and you just gave him the escape rope by taking a to expand
Posted by libragirl37Posted by LadyNeptune
Whatever else is going on when you try to communicate with him he shuts you down. With that kind of disrespect the relationship is over. I think that reality is finally setting in for you as you left hoping it would trigger him to 'come to his senses' and beg you to come back.
I am curious since you make more $ $ , are the bills, childcare and household chores equally shared between the two of you? Also who owns the home, you or him? Or is it a rental with both your names on the lease.
the house is in his name and I only make a bit more than him but we both make a good amount and our incomes together have allowed us to live middle class. we have a shared bank account to Pau all bills. I'm the main home maker on top of my regular job thoclick to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneugh good point! I feel like I know I'm being used but it's hard to actually accept it.. I knew I deserve better than this tho! I've always held more household responsibilities but he did help more. he had ambition to fix things around the house and doesn't do it anymore..
Eventually after you've spent another few years being engaged to him, cleaning his house, cooking his meals, raising his children and paying the bills he will find a woman he actually wants to be with and he will leave you.
Since you don't have your name on the house and aren't married you will be left with nothing for your time but bitterness. Protect yourself and your income. Either household and parenting is split 50/50 along with the bills or he can pay for everything and you continue to be a house slave. He gets the better end of the deal there.
He could easily add your name to the title (ownership of the house) without needing to add your name to the mortgage (the debt) which is a process. Why wouldn't he, after all your the woman he asked to marry... right?
I am insulted on your behalf that he devalues your time and energy to this extent. Did the relationship start off with you doing all the household labor? Or did it slowly devolve into this once he got comfortable and complacent in the relationship?
Posted by alexscariesI can tell you're used to weak minded, easily controlled people. you're truly weird and I mean that with complete sincerity. to even say I'm. responsible for someone's addiction is very odd lol you can keep trying to upset me if you'd like but just know that just because I'm sad about my relationship doesn't mean I'm weak and easily affected by some dumbass on the internetPosted by libragirl37Posted by alexscariesPosted by libragirl37Posted by alexscaries
After reading your other topics, paranoia, insecurity and attention seeking pushed him away.
my last post were from the very beginning of our relationship. that's really not a fair assumption to make. I'm asking for help possibly understanding him. I've been with him for 6 years and this has not been easy. don't be a dick
click to expand
You posted a topic complaining that he isn't complimenting you after sex after you complimented him. What is there to understand you've known him for six years you know him better than most people. As a scorpio moon we put up with a lot and once we are done, we are done, but it takes us a long time to reach that conclusion and get over it. Whether you like it or not I think @BullofHeaven is probably right on this.
Men like hanging out with male friends, someone they can have a laugh, have some banter with, not get judged. After a hard day at the office the last thing they want is to talk about feelings when they get back. Ask any honest man. Scorpio moons clam up and look for an escape when the relationship runs it course and you just gave him the escape rope by taking a break.
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why did you take so much time to create a fictional storyline? odd.. have the day you deserve 💓
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You created a fictional version of your ideal man. You wonder why he spent more time on his hobbies bc men do, it's important. If he's not spending time with you, you aren't that interesting. It's easier to blame him than yourself there's two people in a relationship and you both let things drift apart.
Ofc I created a fictional storyline bc I'm not kissing your ass, you created an alcoholic. Have a great to expand
Posted by alexscariesHey she ain’t his court jesterPosted by libragirl37Posted by alexscariesPosted by libragirl37Posted by alexscaries
After reading your other topics, paranoia, insecurity and attention seeking pushed him away.
my last post were from the very beginning of our relationship. that's really not a fair assumption to make. I'm asking for help possibly understanding him. I've been with him for 6 years and this has not been easy. don't be a dick
click to expand
You posted a topic complaining that he isn't complimenting you after sex after you complimented him. What is there to understand you've known him for six years you know him better than most people. As a scorpio moon we put up with a lot and once we are done, we are done, but it takes us a long time to reach that conclusion and get over it. Whether you like it or not I think @BullofHeaven is probably right on this.
Men like hanging out with male friends, someone they can have a laugh, have some banter with, not get judged. After a hard day at the office the last thing they want is to talk about feelings when they get back. Ask any honest man. Scorpio moons clam up and look for an escape when the relationship runs it course and you just gave him the escape rope by taking a break.
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why did you take so much time to create a fictional storyline? odd.. have the day you deserve 💓
click to expand
You created a fictional version of your ideal man. You wonder why he spent more time on his hobbies bc men do, it's important. If he's not spending time with you, you aren't that interesting. It's easier to blame him than yourself there's two people in a relationship and you both let things drift apart.
Ofc I created a fictional storyline bc I'm not kissing your ass, you created an alcoholic. Have a great to expand
Posted by Truemara
Your whole salary should go to your own account
He pays the mortgage n you may pay the smaller bills
You should be living rent free .
Don’t see season for shared bank. Taurus are users when it comes to money.
Posted by alexscariesyou're making assumptions still without asking questions to understand. he drank everyday before we got together, it's just progressed significantly. ever heard of a blue collar alcoholic? they're highly functioning. we're both in a trade job. so your assumptions of office jobs was also wrong. his friend that I'm pushing him "away from" is the same friend he didn't associate with for years due to him repeatedly cheating on his wife. my fiancee standards have dropped and I'm not responsible. you have little experience in life clearly and think being "blunt" is a cool personality trait when really you're just an ass a dumbass at thatPosted by libragirl37Posted by alexscariesPosted by libragirl37Posted by alexscariesPosted by libragirl37Posted by alexscaries
After reading your other topics, paranoia, insecurity and attention seeking pushed him away.
my last post were from the very beginning of our relationship. that's really not a fair assumption to make. I'm asking for help possibly understanding him. I've been with him for 6 years and this has not been easy. don't be a dick
click to expand
You posted a topic complaining that he isn't complimenting you after sex after you complimented him. What is there to understand you've known him for six years you know him better than most people. As a scorpio moon we put up with a lot and once we are done, we are done, but it takes us a long time to reach that conclusion and get over it. Whether you like it or not I think @BullofHeaven is probably right on this.
Men like hanging out with male friends, someone they can have a laugh, have some banter with, not get judged. After a hard day at the office the last thing they want is to talk about feelings when they get back. Ask any honest man. Scorpio moons clam up and look for an escape when the relationship runs it course and you just gave him the escape rope by taking a break.
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why did you take so much time to create a fictional storyline? odd.. have the day you deserve 💓
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You created a fictional version of your ideal man. You wonder why he spent more time on his hobbies bc men do, it's important. If he's not spending time with you, you aren't that interesting. It's easier to blame him than yourself there's two people in a relationship and you both let things drift apart.
Ofc I created a fictional storyline bc I'm not kissing your ass, you created an alcoholic. Have a great week.
click to expand
I can tell you're used to weak minded, easily controlled people. you're truly weird and I mean that with complete sincerity. to even say I'm. responsible for someone's addiction is very odd lol you can keep trying to upset me if you'd like but just know that just because I'm sad about my relationship doesn't mean I'm weak and easily affected by some dumbass on the internet
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I've seen relationships absolutely break male friends and someone I flat-shared with became an alcoholic due to his girlfriend's abuse and false accusations of infidelity, so it ain't a huge leap to make.
Maybe be honest with yourself instead of being reactive. He chose escapism whether through alcohol or partying. Have thought that maybe he gets what you aren't giving him from the man you refer to as being an alcoholic and a bad husband - positive attention, companionship and support? I fail to see why it's complicated scorpio moons leave a trail of breadcrumbs - he says you make him unhappy and he's waiting for good times. If he says it feels like you are nagging that means stop; men don't like talking about feelings.
You can call me a dick, a dumbass or that I'm making up stories. I said it in a harsh way, not to hurt you, but because I don't sugar coat it and get straight to the point. Truth is you wanted attention from him and you're not getting it. He's just about given up on you, maybe you weren't the fun girl he met 6 years ago? By all means take a break, but get back with him again and the same cycle starts over. I might be an asshole, but I know scorpio moons and male to expand
Posted by Truemarayea if I go back, I will be addressing this. I was just all in you know? I've raised his 2 kids like my own in everyday imaginable
Your whole salary should go to your own account
He pays the mortgage n you may pay the smaller bills
You should be living rent free .
Don’t see season for shared bank. Taurus are users when it comes to money.
Posted by Truemararight!Posted by alexscariesPosted by libragirl37Posted by alexscariesPosted by libragirl37Posted by alexscaries
After reading your other topics, paranoia, insecurity and attention seeking pushed him away.
my last post were from the very beginning of our relationship. that's really not a fair assumption to make. I'm asking for help possibly understanding him. I've been with him for 6 years and this has not been easy. don't be a dick
click to expand
You posted a topic complaining that he isn't complimenting you after sex after you complimented him. What is there to understand you've known him for six years you know him better than most people. As a scorpio moon we put up with a lot and once we are done, we are done, but it takes us a long time to reach that conclusion and get over it. Whether you like it or not I think @BullofHeaven is probably right on this.
Men like hanging out with male friends, someone they can have a laugh, have some banter with, not get judged. After a hard day at the office the last thing they want is to talk about feelings when they get back. Ask any honest man. Scorpio moons clam up and look for an escape when the relationship runs it course and you just gave him the escape rope by taking a break.
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why did you take so much time to create a fictional storyline? odd.. have the day you deserve 💓
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You created a fictional version of your ideal man. You wonder why he spent more time on his hobbies bc men do, it's important. If he's not spending time with you, you aren't that interesting. It's easier to blame him than yourself there's two people in a relationship and you both let things drift apart.
Ofc I created a fictional storyline bc I'm not kissing your ass, you created an alcoholic. Have a great week.
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Hey she ain’t his court jester
And he’s an alcoholic because of himselfclick to expand
Posted by libragirl37If he was contributing to the shared household and parenting throughout the week/weekend it wouldn’t be a big deal that he spends time with friends now and again. Healthy even.Posted by LadyNeptune
Eventually after you've spent another few years being engaged to him, cleaning his house, cooking his meals, raising his children and paying the bills he will find a woman he actually wants to be with and he will leave you.
Since you don't have your name on the house and aren't married you will be left with nothing for your time but bitterness. Protect yourself and your income. Either household and parenting is split 50/50 along with the bills or he can pay for everything and you continue to be a house slave. He gets the better end of the deal there.
He could easily add your name to the title (ownership of the house) without needing to add your name to the mortgage (the debt) which is a process. Why wouldn't he, after all your the woman he asked to marry... right?
I am insulted on your behalf that he devalues your time and energy to this extent. Did the relationship start off with you doing all the household labor? Or did it slowly devolve into this once he got comfortable and complacent in the relationship?
ugh good point! I feel like I know I'm being used but it's hard to actually accept it.. I knew I deserve better than this tho! I've always held more household responsibilities but he did help more. he had ambition to fix things around the house and doesn't do it to expand