Taurus Men: How long did it take yall to let go of your first love?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Gem03 on Sunday, January 17, 2021 and has 12 replies.
Curiosity purposes smile
Posted by PowerLunch

2 years but they can’t unlick that ass

Wait wut

A Taurus with a Libra moon told me that he liked his toes sucked and ass licked.

I stopped talking to him 😂😂😂😂


I seriously think men like it way more then women.
i'm not a taurus man but i can tell you about a taurus man i know. it took a long time to let the feelings go but she really did a number on him. he was never going to give her another chance or even contemplate about going back there but it take a few years for the light on that torch to dim.
Either a really long time or a very short time. They are black and white. If they are done with you, prepare to never see them again. 😭
Posted by PowerLunch
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by PowerLunch

2 years but they can’t unlick that ass

Wait wut

A Taurus with a Libra moon told me that he liked his toes sucked and ass licked.

I stopped talking to him 😂😂😂😂


I seriously think men like it way more then women.

It’s standard now with millennials
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I know. Younger guys are into way more sexually. I wonder if the younger women are the same.

It took a few weeks, and then I dated other woman cause I am too proud to do that sissy pisces heartbroken thing smile, but all my exes keep coming back when I am daydreaming.

It took a few weeks, and then I dated other woman cause I am too proud to do that sissy pisces heartbroken thing smile, but all my exes keep coming back when I am daydreaming.

It took a few weeks, and then I dated other woman cause I am too proud to do that sissy pisces heartbroken thing smile, but all my exes keep coming back when I am daydreaming.
Posted by TheFalangeReturn

First aqua """gf"""" like 2 years but always contacting each other

Gemini crush like 4 years? or maybe 3, in the meantime i had a not serious thing with another gemini, and only talking to a cancer (almost leo july 22th) but went nowhere bc i ghosted

I am starting to crush on aries women now and i am not liking it, feels weird

I realized now that i only roll around with air women

I have a tendency to barely care about dates for long periods of time but when it hits, hits hard, taurus venus in the 4th house btw

Wait, you ghosted?

And you not feel bad about it 😅
Posted by TheFalangeReturn
Posted by Sadboi
Posted by TheFalangeReturn

First aqua """gf"""" like 2 years but always contacting each other

Gemini crush like 4 years? or maybe 3, in the meantime i had a not serious thing with another gemini, and only talking to a cancer (almost leo july 22th) but went nowhere bc i ghosted

I am starting to crush on aries women now and i am not liking it, feels weird

I realized now that i only roll around with air women

I have a tendency to barely care about dates for long periods of time but when it hits, hits hard, taurus venus in the 4th house btw

Wait, you ghosted?

And you not feel bad about it 😅

Ended peacefully at least

She leveled up in looks nowadays

I regret a bit lol
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That's Karma!

It will get you 😉

I really think ghosting is better then slow fade.

If you not answer, it shows that you some kind of pussy and no one will deal with you.

So that's fair enough I guess.
Libra sun taurus moon here

dated a taurus man many years ago

was my most toxic but passionate relationship ever, great sex, cuddling and eating, but was physically abusive and he cheated on me

long story short he got another girl pregnant while we were together, lied about it then got me pregnant (i was naive) ... i aborted my baby, she kept hers

til this day this man wont leave me alone and lets me know how much he loves me while complaining about his BM drama lol

it took me atleast 3-4 years to get over him ... he has not gotten over me yet
Posted by jeane

i'm not a taurus man but i can tell you about a taurus man i know. it took a long time to let the feelings go but she really did a number on him. he was never going to give her another chance or even contemplate about going back there but it take a few years for the light on that torch to dim.
A taurus I knew was hung up on his for 8 years he had libra moon....