The Majestic Minotaurs... A Virgo Perspective...

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by GemCurioThe1 on Thursday, September 17, 2020 and has 4 replies.
My Earth Sign Siblings, of all the Zodiac I suppose that you make the most sense to me. Team Taurus has always make us Earth Signs look better.. Just Saying... You are quite possibly the very best and most stable of the Earth Signs. Let’s get to it… 5 Good and 1 Bad for my Taurus….

#1 Flashing Lights…

When it comes to knowing how to spend money, find yourself a Taurus. They were made to spurge and show off the fruits of their labor. I’m certain Taurus purchasing power is probably the only thing sustaining the economy right now. Versace robes, Maybachs, Penthouses on South Beach, and private yacht rides for their spouse’s Birthday Party; Taurus truly know how to make the most out of life and spend their money on things they will be using and experiencing day after day. Not only do they shine brightly externally, but most tend to live healthy life style s and maintain physical fitness regiments most of their lives. Balancing the internal with the external for most of their lives. A Taurus relative of mine is a professional model after having 4 children and she’s in her forties. That in itself is what I mean flashing lights… Go Team Taurus…

#2 Enduring Faithfulness-

Should a Taurus find in you a real friend or a real intimate connection, these Earth Signs will go to the ends of the earth for you and back. They remember their REAL friends who experienced life with them through childhood and possess a loyalty towards them even if they haven’t spoken to them in twenty years. Taurus signs, completely understand how important it is to have and maintain the relationships with real friends. The ones who have similar hearts as they do. Time doesn’t fade away friendships with these people because honest and trustworthy people are rare in this world. If you are in a relationship with a Taurus, be prepared to watch a person lasso the moon and tie it to your back porch or balcony. They will focus all their love, all their sincerity, and all their positive energy on their relationship. They will not allow any external force to tamper or poison their relationships. You will find that in their friendships, partnerships, and those they trust, Taurus people find places to rest, to laugh, and the safety to be themselves, and that is why a Taurus will have a small circle of trusted friends. Because their faithfulness to those in their lives is without question forever… They will not do anything to break their bonds...

#3 The Conquerors-

The true heart of a Taurus most people will never truly know, but I can assure you most Taurus endure more hardships and difficult situations from early childhood well into their twenties. These are the people who will start literally at rock bottom in life and will achieve greatness far beyond the people they grew up with and their friends and families, suffering hardship the entire time. Taurus people somehow survive mentally and physically scenarios that most people would never believe. They should have been called in the Zodiac The Minotaurs because these are the men and women who achieve greatness in spite of teenage homelessness, diagnosed ADHD in their twenties because they never were taken to doctors offices, spouses openly cheating on them and getting them arrested, having to quit careers and move across the country for family, etc. In spite of all oppositions and all backsliding, these Taurus will survive, start over, and completely boss up in situations that would kill the heart and minds of ordinary people. In my opinion, each of their stories can be extraordinary to anyone who would dare to listen.

#4 The Real…

The Minotaur of the zodiac has no time or energy for fake anything in their lives. Their gold is real. Their clothes are designer, and their cars are 2021. They will work as hard as necessary to attain the things that they desire in their lives no matter how large. For this reason, my earth siblings have a very low tolerance for fake people and fake friends. These are the type of people that will have a football team of fake friends following them on a daily basis and they will allow them to be there for a while. Up until the moment they meet another genuine person. Then all those people are out that Bull’s life as fast as they came. They have a natural appreciation of quality over quantity and sense it in friends automatically by the words spoken, and for the most part they have a great judge of character as long as their heart strings aren’t pulled on. Most are loners (internally) who are fully aware of what they want and who they are going to be since childhood. They will reject any beliefs, actions, or groups of people that are just false in their eyes. They really can’t stomach it because they’re too genuine. They will say exactly what they mean in a sarcastic way that only Virgos and most likely Geminis would find funny…

#5 The Lover…

Because Taurus are driven, focused, and naturally self-motivators in their own lives, whenever this sign gives its heart, it gives all of it. Every time. All or none. This sign can be a CEO of a company and you will clearly see how this high and noble person turns fully into a high school kid, trying to have a genuine conversation after school on the bleachers with one special person, if their hearts are moving towards you. Unlike many other signs, Taurus will give their whole heart, dedicating all that is in them mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually to the relationship to maintain it and help it grow in full trust. It truly might be the only Zodiac sign that is willing to do this again and again for love whole heartedly. A Virgo will eventually just say screw it; I’d rather buy me a boat. A Taurus will accept love if it comes there way without hesitation if they know it’s real. Their hearts are truly a treasure to have if you’re worthy of winning it.

Well there are my 5 Great Taurus Qualities that are unique to this sign. I intentionally made an effort not to share too many deep secrets because my fellow Earth Signs are very private persons. So, I made this transparent enough for those curious and private enough not to share the deeper substances you may/may not want shared… Now for the 1 Bad quality…

Healthy Boundaries-

Earth Sign Siblings… You give your whole heart without hesitation based on your feelings. Stop trusting your feelings so much when it comes to people. I know you trust the vibes you get first and foremost, but you suffer deeply because you always give 100% to your relationships when you may receive 10% of that person. Match their energy. Match their efforts. No more, no less. You give far too much for far too little for far too long. You have one of the most beautiful hearts within the Zodiacs and the world seeks to destroy such sincere passions and affections. Protect it as if it were the last undiscovered treasure in the middle of the ocean. I know you value love, I know you wait patiently and seek it as the crown jewel of your existence, but it shows the moment your heart opens up, and many people see it clearly and do not have good intentions. Experience should have taught you that this world is full of users and abusers, charlatans and hustlers, pimps and simps. And you are none of these. You’re a sincere caring person who gives more than they will ever receive back. Treasure your heart and guard your treasure. Pay attention to the red flags and stop giving 100% of you to your relationships. Match their energy. You’re a golden goose in a world of ducks. Set and stick to healthy boundaries and do not settle for less than what you deserve…

Well there it is.. Comments are welcome below. Let me know how I did, and Go Team Taurus…

Posted by TheFalange

Dont forget the majestic ghosting
Hey, at least you know where we stand lol. No?
A Taurus broke my heart when I was 17. 😭 It was right after I graduated from high school and he was so cute.....then I met a Pisces a few months later and forgot all about him.
My Taurus is literally on the side of me sniffing my ears and pulling the hairs on my neck

