I had decided to just go with the flow and not really care if he contacts me or not. Treat it more casually and not care so much. It’s my first FWB so I’m learning. And things have gotten much better. I didn’t contact him again after my initial post. And after a few weeks he contacted me saying that he was coming to the state I lived in to visit family and wanted to take the 2 hour drive from them to come and see me. And he told me how hard it was to talk to me cause I turned him on so much and he knew he couldn’t see me cause I was 10 hours away and we both have busy schedules. We’ve had sex multiples times and the only complaint I have is that the few men I’ve had sex with were Aries too and our sex was very aggressive and fast. Sex with this Taurus is slow and sensual, I’m not use to that lol. Sometimes he has to ask me to slow down and be more gentle, I’m so use to aggression. It’s a new learning experience being slow and sensual. At first it felt weird but I’m getting use to it lol.