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123Pices joined March 09, 2013



My dear
I had same experience recently,
How many days is he gone silent.
I did turn around,if i didnt he would have come back. I just wanted to share this experience,where i went wrong,to know about others oponions.
Has this guy had an issue?
I did turn around,if i didnt he would have come back. I just wanted to share this experience,where i went wrong,to know about others oponions.
Has this guy had an issue?
Thanks for your thoughts
Hi Sneaky,
I found strange when he said that,but what kind of woman stay with a guy for 6 years with no sex? Living together,is this guy have sexual issus??
You mean run away?
Hi Sneaky
What do you mean he has baggage, and exteremly insecure...

He Hides his emotion, how can I reassure someone in that way. I reassured him, when I was away,contacted him everyday.
He wasn`t affectionate, that makes you think, if he likes you or not. Very confusing..He cares see you, spend time, buy presents..I mentioned all these on my e-mails and messages, that he confused me, even told him, he is with me to heal his wound, coming out of long relationship..I mentioned how his behavior effected me, how he hurt me. No reply at all..
He can see, obviously I am making effort and showing my love, and my feelings are badly hurt. How on earth a guy see woman is suffering, trying to get an answer still ignore her,even say he doesn't like me at all. What type of guy is that?
I have been silly, acted childish i admit, when i did not get an answer from him. I finished relationship, closed all the doors. Even he comes back, I don't want him for sure. I even wrote a nice poem expressing my feeling to him. That was last thing i e-mailed him.
After all my effort, no answer, I even asked if he is a gay? Told him he is a player, and actor..It seems like that..
Still no reply at all...
Hi I am not clingy. Actually he was complaining that, I am not paying attention to him. He was jealous of me meeting my male friend being social person.
I am very easy going person actually, I can`t handle the fact person is manipulative and, going silent for no reason.
I lost my temper with him...
I found out, he lied to me about few things. He done same thing with me before. I was trusting him, but he acted strangly
even though I reassured him about everything.
Reason I threaten him to get an answer from him and talk to him
He said why, where are you going? I said I do not want to continue this silly conversation. Than he wrote again I asked you in the morning if you are upset with me, you said no.. I didn`t respond until next day. I sent him a text about his test, that he has to take test. He responded, said thank you. Than I tried to make thing nice between us, said did you miss me he said sure, but he doesn't like when he is nice to me ., i have been abusive. I said no it isnt i am trying to understand you.
However, we just left it at it is, texted 10 pm in the evening to see if he is asleep. He respndedn that he is with a friend, trying to arrange a venue for the party.
Next day send him a good kiss saying good morning, but no respond, called him no answer waited, I can see he reads my messages, I asked is he still upset no respond. I dont understand a day before communicating with me . Next day gone silent.
I waited no reply. I warned him before, all this if he goes quite no answer to my call or messages, if he wants to finish he can say so, I would understand, if its repeat it will be the end.
I sent a message "no answer it means an answer. Than wished him good luck, hope he can find someone to love.
Still next day no answer. I worried something might happened again, I said I am coming his place to collect the things that I left. He replied I am out of London for work, I will be back at weekend and send them to you
I was shocked, than told him they are not important, he can through away, just wanted to know if he is alive.
No reply. I ve gone mad about this behaviour, send texts called, emailed about, How player is him, liar, Also saw he is attending Valantine event, on website. No reply at all. Than texted saying i will contact his friend tell him how he gossiped about him. Than he called. I asked, why he ignored all the messages and calls. He lied, he said he didnt want to argue, than he said he had problem at work, than he said that I dont care about him. I told him, I am not sending all these messages to chase you, just get an answer. I said I wont be with you anymore, his voice gone so bad. Than wished him a good luck.
I saw he attended 4 days after to Valantine party organized by his friend. He told me before he doesnt celebrate such day. He is against it,just for people to spend money.
What is your opinion about this guy? Was I wrong?
Following day, I left my phone at home, he send me many messages, calling making jokes trying to get back to me.
I called when I came hope, we talked everything was sorted. We met that weekend, had nice time. He started a new job, but he was worried about it. He had to travel other city for the whole week, for training but had bad flue. I went to look after him one day, we met in train station waited for him, he looked a bit miserable, he hardly talk to me, face down sulking like a little kid. When we arrived his place, i try to cook, he said it will take longer, but he cooked we eat, than I cooked for next day for him. He was very cold with me. I said to him you look miserable he almost cried. Than I hugged him,he was like a mummy boy.
Early in the morning he came out of bed, with no good morning rushing, he said good morning in the lift, outside he hold my hands. But there was something strange, I could n `t figure it out. We left he texted me saying thank you, he feels guilty he couldn`t look after me. Usually when I was in his place, he treated me like a princes.
After that day, we met every weekend, but he stop kissing having sex with me, he mentioned he is stressed with his new job. But still caring hugging. This has continued for a month. last time when I went to stay in his place, before the a week of Valantine day. He asked strange questions, if my friend invited me to go with her to my country. She was going to see her boyfriend. I said why should I go with her, His response : You might have missed your family. I said I just came back , why should i go with her. That was strange. We went bed, still same like two friend, reading stuff on his phone. Told me that he didnt have sex for 6 years with his ex. I said is it joke. He said it is my private life you don`t need to know. Than he went asleep. I couldnt sleep, felt bad, questioned myself, who i am with. Went to living room, soon he came after me hugged me dragged me to bed.
In the morning i left upset, he noticed tried to be sweet with me. But i took my stuff left
Than later texted him asked, if he was joking about 6 years not having sex with ex. He said it was joke. Than I asked is he deppressed ,responded, worried about new job. I said it means not really depressed. I said you are acting as a friend with me Why. He responded so rude. Why arent you going straight to the point. Is it problem if we don`t fuck.
I was shocked. I told him that is rude, he said surely he can be rude. continue.
I met a cancer man in an event, he took my e-mail start sending me links. This is how all started. During this time we met in event two times, it took him two months to give me his number and ask me out for lunch.
Everything started nicely, we start spending every weekend together, being in contact everyday.
On of the strange experience I ever had in my entire life. He came to see my flat, we spend few hours in my place, I give him some hot drink, just normal two friend we had conversation, than he invited me next day in his place to cook for me.
I went he cooked nice meal, romantic table, than showed me some of his collection of old photos.
We watched documentary, no sign of affection at all, but suddenly he hold my hands, that was nice, he asked me to stay over nigh but, I didn`t. He took me to the station hold my hands all the way, no kissing involved.
Since we were in contact, he said does he has to wait untill, weekend to see me. I said no than went to visit him, he pick me up from the station. Again no affection, just watched some movies, we went to bad and watched TV like a normal two friends.
I was tired, i was about to sleep he started to kiss me, than again I was surprised, why he had to wait until,I am about to sleep. All went fine after that day. We start having a proper relationship.
He told me that he came out of long relationship 4 months before we met.
We were in contact everyday, he was telling me about his daily stuff, sharing links with me about films, documentaries so on.
However, I went to see my family over the xmas holiday, he was feeling sad to be alone. We communicated every day The day
I arrived, he didn`t call until evening, than he called me, I had miss call, returned his call. He asked if I am happy to be back I said no because I left my family behind. He went quite I said I will talk to you soon, he didnt mention to see me. 10 min later received a text from him saying" I am sorry to know that you are not happy to be back, as I am part of your world here, to see me It wont make any different. Tell me if I am wrong" i texted said you are the only one here for me said nice things,called him no answer. Explained nothing to do with him no answer.
I thought that he is after excuses to leave me. Next day send him a message, dont look for excuse, if you want to leave tell me. Texted saying that "it will be difficult to see you leaving one day, we shouldnt waste our time." I explained try to convenice him.nor reply.

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