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AquaNextDoor joined February 08, 2015
35 years old female
Aqua sun, 6x cap stellium, sag mars, leo asc | Married to a Cap
Aqua sun. Cap moon, venus, merc, neptune, saturn, uranus. Sag mars. Leo asc


4 more months to go for our pisces baby boy! 😏 curious how he‘ll mix with us being 2 aquas and 1 cap! He‘ll have his daddy‘s and kuya‘s libra moon as well 😍 (planned c section) xciiiited
I made it! Lost 21 kgs 🙏🏼 my goal 😭❤️
our 3rd wedding anniversary 🌷couldn‘t be happier, he makes every day a good day. Can‘t wait to climb new heights with this perfect man ♑️♒️
Any idea what a south node transit brings? SN is almost exact conjunct my cap venus 5th house
Finally wearing pants in size M again 😍😍😍
Hello saturn return 🙏🏼
Merry blessed christmas dxp family! Eat, drink, laugh and enjoy time with your loved ones 🎄
Ready for date night with my cap ❤️🎄 Feeling so confident about my looks again, took me a long time to lose 20kg in total since our babyboy‘s birth! 💃🏻 Yeeees
Just spent 3.5h working on our yearly financial overview incl doing charts, savings forecast for the next 2 yrs etc and my cap stellium screams „ HELL YEEEAAHHHH“ 😍😍😍
A scorp venus and cap venus battling for the upper hand in bed... puuuhhhh neither is giving in. I surrender
Scorpio venus is DAMN SEXY .... jesus
Now after venting here everything feels less worse 😂 shitty venus rx

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