Virgo men will drag you along bc they're too pussy to let you know they're done or the mere fact that they're scared. They string you along, simultaneously pulling away so much so that they do it until they have the least possible amount of care in them,
Sagittarius Moon
Any people w/ Sag moon or have a close friendship/relationship with someone with Sag moon? I feel so confused and lost all the time. Deciphering logic in my brain and all of the undeniable feelings in my heart. I'm Aries Sun/Venus Pisces/Mars Leo/Sa
LITERALLY every guy that I've liked has been a Virgo -_____- (as just friends or more than)
Every other guy was just a fling, never had feelings for or felt any true chemistry. Even male friends.
Idk what it is but I just click with you guys so much
The Powder Room
Have any of you ladies ever cried during sex? Good, bad, amazing... what were you feeling and what do you think caused it? I've only cried during sex with one person (Virgo Male) I would cry when he would fck me hard and fast. When he would stop, s
For me, I feel like if you are insecure and an Aries, you will always put other's before yourself. This is what I did for years. I just sent a text to the Virgo that has been playing cat & mouse w/ me. I'm speaking my peace. Now some may say, I'm du
I always see posts (mind included) about Virguys taking long (years possibly) to commit. Now, when women on here ask for advice, many ppl say "get a backbone, he's playing you, can't you see he doesnt care..." But at the same time, Virgos are known
Hello everyone, Before getting into the topic here's some of my chart: Sun: Aries Moon: Sag Mercury: Taurus Venus: Pisces Mars: Leo Asc: Sag So, I've been dealing with a long distance situation with a Virgo male for about 3-4 years. (His Ven
Hello everyone, Before getting into the topic here's some of my chart: Sun: Aries Moon: Sag Mercury: Taurus Venus: Pisces Mars: Leo Asc: Sag So, I've been dealing with a long distance situation with a Virgo male for about 3-4 years. (His Ven
How do you see this combo? Do you know anyone with these pairings or are you one of them yourself? :) Please share an
Is it common for Virgos, males specifically, to tell a girl that they love and want to wife them but fail to commit?
Aries and Virgo Compatibility
Hello all, I'm new to this so I'm not quite sure how to approach this but here goes lol... What do you think of this