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DonnaLibra joined October 11, 2017
Sun:Libra, Moon Libra, Mercury Libra, Venus Scorpio, Mars Libra, Asc Virgo, Des Gemini


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The Aries man I had sex with was really passionate and great in bed. As soon as he would cum immediately it got hard again and again. The sex was so damn good I almost passed out. That's the only Aries man I've ever had sex with.
I've noticed that the people I know who have Virgo Moons struggle with being overweight.
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by crabjune
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Yeah that's right I guess all us men are easy catches to Sagittarius women 🙄. We have quite a lot of them on my block. Yeah I know they are possibly the most masculine of the fire signs and come off a bit too strong and needy but is there any men on here even got any kids from a Sagittarius lady, is the million dollar question. Cus I know who got kids from them ( "them" plural)

Keep it real Sagittarius are probably the most likely sign to let you "shoot their club up", if you know what I mean.
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Also, Sagittarius women are prone to commit SA. I know that because I was SA'd by a Sagittarius woman.
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What is "SA"? Is it sexual assault? If so, how?
I've been hit on by at least 5 Leo women in my life. They obviously don't mind going both ways.
I love Scorpio women too. They are loyal friends, good cooks, have good taste and are hard workers.
Posted by serenidad
i agree with Libras surprisingly being dry, self focused, self interested , Machiavellian almost? etc
all the things ppl normally accuse aries of which is interesting. (the opposite sign to libra)
but here’s the thing though; people expect libras to be accommodating towards everybody else (due to the widespread stereotype) so when they aren’t being accommodating, people are really surprised. i think that’s what it is lol 😂 but most humans are self-focused to an extent so it might not be fair to hold libras to a different standard solely due to stereotype lol

Libra's are too lazy to be too accomodating.
Maybe they'll have sex. lmao
Posted by Polyannanana
Posted by Lumin
Gemini: careless, social party animal. Reality: intensely loyal and protective introverts
Aries: impatient, always angry and looking for fights. Reality: needy, requires tons of validation, loves life, sensitive
Pisces: passive, conflict avoidant. Reality: stands up for what they want, firm boundaries, social butterfly in their own way
Virgo: disciplined, critical and judgemental. Reality: dreamy, imaginative, messy. Looks out for others before themselves
Aquarius: detached, doesn’t fit in. Reality: is te status quo, is nostalgic and sentimental, holds on to memories

Aquas are very friendly, they are better at friendships than Libra which is supposed to be the most social sign
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It's true. We Libras like to be alone a lot. I also agree about emotions. I must have left mine somewhere because I can't find them.
I'm exhausted from all the hate going around. It's ridiculous.
Posted by Rania_1498
Posted by icfml
Posted by Rania_1498
Posted by icfml
This ain't Scorpio shit. this is gay shit.. ur dude is gay. leeave the nigga. what's wrong with u? u attracting gay niggas because u got masculine in you u gotta get rid of maybe.. this ain't no typical scorpio test shit, he just asked to get cucked.. I done cucked a dude before and he wanna watch.. he gay.. stop textin him

Oh .. i didnt think he is gay he doesnt give that vibe.
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He asked you to let another dude fuck you while he watches.. That's not gay?
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He said he wants us to have sex and he is participating to not only watching .

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A man requesting 2 dicks in the bed is gay shit.
Posted by IamTheRam
I love doing it, because from my experience, women cum really fast (I mean really..) when I couple that with a proper 2 fingering on the jay jay and the thumb thumb on the flicker switch.
And there is nothing more ecstatic for me in sex then watching a woman orgasm in front of me. It makes me feel, in a way, very powerful.
Aries Sun, Scorpio Mars.
So yeah.
Posted by DewiK91
I am with the sweetest most loving man on this planet he's a Virgo with gemini moon and i am a Virgo with sagittarius moon i always spark his interest in doing new things together.
He has told me that there will be no other man and that i am all he wants and desires. ( he is not possessive or jealous by nature just protective)
I can't get this man off of me always wanting to hold me take care of me provide for me and i have never felt so loved.
We dated 9 months last year from january till september before we got into a relationship due to our past relationships, and already looking to buy a house together since january this year. Went on vacation twice and he's telling me he wants to marry within now and 2 years and have kids within 3 years.
Did i tell you he and i were old colleagues for 4 months 8 years ago, but at the time he was too young and i was with somebody else. We reconnected again after 8 years. he said "why didn't you dump the guy back then so you could be with me " we would have been a better match haha
What makes a Gemini moon say she or he is the one for me ?

My husband is a Gemini sun, Gemini moon and he has been with me everyday since we met. I don't know why.

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