Neptune: Ruler of the Rising Sing of the Solar Return 18-19
Camino de Vida 2 and 11
Ms=V J~^Mrc St*Mrc V~^Mo Sn=Asc Mo^Lil
natal Chiron (in the 3rd) square Sun and Mercury, opposition to MC, Uranus, and Pluto
Sag Stellium in 1, Sat+Chi in 3, Jup in 4, U in 9, Pluto in 10.
busca la armonia y paz
considerada|atenta de los demas
muy leal
extremadamente sensibles a los demas
tiene la capacidad de escuchar de verdad.
el número de la verdad y el aprendizaje
excelente diplomatica o consejera
puede ser timido y un tanto indeciso.
Puede crear los cambios que desee en su vida.
Nakshatras: Mula, the root; 0.00 to 13.20 Sagittarius
Deity: Nirriti, the god of dissolution and destruction
Stars: galactic center. good judgment. interest in spiritual nature, brings people before the public.
Mythology: Nirriti; Her wild dance destroys illusions; she helps us see reality, the disgusting and beautiful.
VENUS Mahadasha Phal in Sagittarius:
1) Luck on your side if thinking about a rolling the dice on some project or speculation.
2) chances of good career progress. [DOM: yes, happening]
3) excellent period promising success if willing to work on it.
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