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Elle joined October 15, 2007


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I knew a Capricorn male who was a arrogant, self-important, callous, abusive, a cheapskate though he claimed to have taste,a manipulative cheating jerk. He had a harem of women always in the wings.
He told me he had thoughts of me after one of a string of failed relationships.
Over the course of the next few months he continually made condescending remarks and insults he passed off as jokes tpward me. He never took me anywhere nice
and my self-esteem eroded. Finally, when I had enough of this deteriorating behavior I called him on it and he said he had never had feelings for me like he did for his other relationships and while I was breaking it off with him he said he was
already talking to another girl, he said this in a laughing way. I have never met such a self-satisfied, evil, destructive callous creep and he wasn't even good looking nor very successful. Sure I wished he would drop dead but now I think that whatever harm he has caused to all the women who have had the misfortune to meet him will come back and bite him in the ass. One can only hope.

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