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LuckyLibra7 joined March 13, 2023


certified hood classic
Mitt Romney wasn't the best candidate for Republicans. They didn't really have anyone and Trump seen an opening after Obama humiliated him. Trump was a lifelong democrat; the entire thing is really a skit if you think about it. He called the republicans idiots back in the 90s or something and golfed with the Clintons.
His Mars & Rising is both in Leo so that helps. He has to be in the spotlight
This election showed how influential the media really is. Everyone thought Trump's base had shrunk and Kamala had it in the bag simply because she wasn't him. Not only was that incorrect, but he won the popular vote too.
who is more likely to ghost people? Water signs or Air signs?
Goes back into Aqua two weeks after.
Pluto is back in Capricorn which favors politicians/business folk. Interesting we retrograded during the election time.
A very watery Gem is currently love bombing me. Wonder how long this will last?
Ready for this election to be over. I am TIDE
Liver in general is very nutrient dense. Plenty of folks in past times ate liver. Now it's looked down upon.
Scorpio moon, Venus and Leo Mars combo sounds like a complete handful to deal with.
I've noticed you don't see brick homes anymore..

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Posted by KimboSlice
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by KimboSlice
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Her looking me up is not a sign of interest, it's her ego. She's curious as to why I'm not chasing her but John in her DMs won't leave her alone probably. My Gem ex used to do this after an argument. Some time passes and she would attempt to show face by waiting until I post, and she pops up. I would ignore that and eventually she reached out, like adults should do.
A sign of interest is actually reaching out to chat. She doesn't need to "ask me out" or anything ridiculous. This is just seeking a reaction.

How old are you man lol. Why are you worried about John in her DMs when you were never exclusive. Either you got a case of cuck brain or you are unreasonably entitled. It’s always a numbers game with dating. She was clearly rocking with you since she returned the kiss and kept an eye on you.
“At least I didn’t block her” you might as well just lose her number at this point too, even if you’re operating on bad faith. It would be wishful thinking on your part if you think she’ll reach out. Probably dries up when she thinks about you now. Women (especially older) can tell the difference between a man staying busy living his life and a hurt little boy. Remember that or you’ll be a passport bro your whole life.
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You're taking this too serious. I don't need to be a "passport bro". I made a reference that her ego is just bruised because she made zero effort to reach out and would rather stalk at this point.
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Your passport already has South American stamps though lol
It’s not too late to smarten up with other options. You’re done with that chick. She is stalking you because she watched your stories? Haha I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, assume that’s hyperbole. She’s just being a normal woman going about her business, you’re the one who has their ego bruised kiddo.
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I didn't go there for women. We went for the carnival and one of my friend's has family there.

No, we do not follow each other and she's still watching them.
Posted by aquarius09
I can tell from the things you’re assessing in a person from the beginning that you don’t date for fun. For you, it’s serious and you want to consider catches good for long-term relationship.Having lots of male friends (things a person male/female wouldn’t concern themselves with when they are just looking to have a good time, get laid or just go with the flow.
While it’s nice that you date seriously and with intent, there some things that are problematic with this approach, especially in today’s world. I suggest you get out of your head and go with the flow. I know it’s easier said than done for Aqua moons. I say this is problematic because:
1.You’re projecting your level of seriousness or your style of dating on the other person. For example, this is the beginning and you have no business concerning yourself with how many men she’s talking to and how she’s staying busy. The John in her DM shouldn’t even cross your mind unless you were exclusive. The fact that you did think that is the entitlement that she should be exclusively talking to you. Nope! If she’s the only woman you’re talking to, then that’s your prerogative but you can’t force the same on her. If that is something you need to engage a woman, then you need to say that to her. “I only date women who are solely focused on me rather than having their hands in so many pots.”
2. When your level of seriousness is not matched, you feel slighted/disrespected. You can’t be butthurt over one-sided expectations which you didn’t even COMMUNICATE. I’ll cut you some slack if you bothered to mention to her that you like to date 1 person at a time and prefer the same from the other person. Let them decide if they want that or not.

I'm not trying to marry her or pin her down. While there can be a level of seriousness with a long-term prospective, I didn't place her in that category. She's unclear of what she wants. I don't mind casual, I just do not do confusion and that's what this is.

She's not the only person I'm dating and I'm not losing sleep over her. What I'm saying is, I just do not like her coming on strong and then ghosting. Casual doesn't equal ghosting either. There's still communication there and you link up when both parties are free. The John thing was just a reference y'all are taking too serious. I just mentioned I'm sure other men are reaching out to her, but she's worried about someone who unfollowed her and that she didn't respond too.

Ghosting has become a common phenomenon at this point, so I took the liberty to remove her and we part ways. Well, now she's back again but there's still radio silence. That's playing games and for Christ sake, I know I can reach out and ask what's going on. Judging by her actions, it'll be some BS excuse, or she's been really busy etc.

Why enable that behavior? She's the one who did not respond so she will be the one to reach out. That's how the dynamic should work. I'm not cleaning up her mess and this applies to anyone who breaks-off a relationship etc.

Yall defending a ghoster is wild. She knows why she didn’t respond, not me. That responsibility should not be put on me to seek that answer out anyway.
Posted by DMV
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by DMV
She pulled back because she realized she was putting in all the work and wants to see you HUNT after her.
Have you ever played the hunter role? I ask because usually Libra and Taurus placements don’t hunt very much.

Lmao women always say this and it never works out for men.
She didn’t plan any dates. Putting in work is NOT texting someone or responding to them.
Men hunting after women is a myth. No progress is made if she’s not interested in the first place. She HAS to like you first.
Now there’s some interest on Gem’s end. However it is not enough for her to reach out currently. She’s behaving like a Scorpio and observing.
Interest fluctuates and she could reach out or maybe not. Who knows. I’ve done my part, I’ve taken her out multiple times and initiated a kiss. If that’s not enough for her to respond then, sorry. On to the next.
I don’t chase women who don’t reciprocate.
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Absolutely not a myth.
When a man is interested, there is no stopping him.
He will do whatever to be in her energy.
I’ve experienced it with a sag, taurus, Aries, Libra
When men like what they see, baby…ain’t no stopping it
If she reaches out, she’ll be back in the same ol unfulfilling cycle with you…constantly reaching out, taking the lead, secretly wanting to be swept off her feet, wanting a passionate crazy romance but not getting it.
She wants a silly passionate cat and mouse game that always ends with soul merging intimacy .
You’re dug in your heels for some odd reason
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So the man is the leader that proves himself by chasing after a woman and with unrelenting passion wins her over?

Sounds like a Disney movie or someone that wasn't interested to begin with. The birth-rates and relationship dynamics have changed because women control those things.
Posted by KimboSlice
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Her looking me up is not a sign of interest, it's her ego. She's curious as to why I'm not chasing her but John in her DMs won't leave her alone probably. My Gem ex used to do this after an argument. Some time passes and she would attempt to show face by waiting until I post, and she pops up. I would ignore that and eventually she reached out, like adults should do.
A sign of interest is actually reaching out to chat. She doesn't need to "ask me out" or anything ridiculous. This is just seeking a reaction.

How old are you man lol. Why are you worried about John in her DMs when you were never exclusive. Either you got a case of cuck brain or you are unreasonably entitled. It’s always a numbers game with dating. She was clearly rocking with you since she returned the kiss and kept an eye on you.
“At least I didn’t block her” you might as well just lose her number at this point too, even if you’re operating on bad faith. It would be wishful thinking on your part if you think she’ll reach out. Probably dries up when she thinks about you now. Women (especially older) can tell the difference between a man staying busy living his life and a hurt little boy. Remember that or you’ll be a passport bro your whole life.
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You're taking this too serious. I don't need to be a "passport bro". I made a reference that her ego is just bruised because she made zero effort to reach out and would rather stalk at this point.
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by KimboSlice
You removed her on social media for no reason lol
you don't only seem immature, but insecure as well. You kissed her to save your own pride and then deleted her on social media for watching your stories but not reaching out?

She didn't reply after a week. What is the purpose of keeping her on my page? It's not petty, she just serves no purpose if we have no contact with each other. I've kept woman on my page before and it changes absolutely nothing other than them seeking to be nosey or you're another click during the daily spree of scrolling. You're acting like I blocked her.
We aren't friends, no mutual friends and there's no interest romantically. So, remind me of why I should keep her? Give me a break, I met her online. We don't owe each other anything.
I kissed her because she was indifferent during the date. This isn't rocket science.
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Pay attention to Kimbo’s advice. You’re doing the double air sign thing where you are in your head and closed off, so you take the slightest
pull back from the other person as disrespect. As much as you want to deflect blame that she’s a water sign and in her feelings, you’re in your head. Damn shame! You’re a sign of communication yet none of that happened. You know how you’re openly writing here what you felt and what you were doing for what reason. Why didn’t say that to her? “Hey, I feel confused. Are you into me? I can’t gauge you?” If after the kiss she wasn’t reaching out, you could have done that and made a coy remark, “hey is this it? Are we done?”
You are insecure of rejection and extremely prideful too, which makes you take rejection very personally, why else is the Libra charm and communication missing?
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I didn’t chase because no reply is a reply. I don’t see how asking someone “do you like me” isn’t the pinnacle of insecurity.
Gem had no issues communicating prior and did an entire pull-back. I’m not upset at her or quite frankly confused because the answer clear. She's breadcrumbing. Someone legitimately not interested wouldn't even bother monitoring your social media or they would say "hey, I don't feel a connection, but I wish you the best."
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Actions > words.
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Yes, I agree that actions speak louder than words. However, actions can be misinterpreted that’s why we were given a tongue. This generation is socially inept as evident in both your actions. Where is the goddamn communication? Stop being egoistic and accept that you didn’t communicate. You just went onto interpret the action based on the narrative that was in your head.
I’m going to tell you a story to elucidate my point. When I was younger I was painfully shy and didn’t even know it until I had my date with my Libra dude. On our first date, my body was freezing on its own. I couldn’t help it and out of embarrassment I avoided looking at my Libra guy. Had he not explicitly asked me “listen I can’t tell if you like me. I feel like you don’t.” I answered and explained what was happening with me.” Thanks to our open communication we went onto date for a year. Had he not asked me and assumed what he saw my behaviour as, we’d go nowhere! You’re being given solid advice. Don’t be stubborn and take it so you can do better next time. This is coming from someone who used to be like you!
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I understand what you're saying. I'm not reacting like this out of stubbornness though, this isn't my first rodeo. She did not behave like this on our first date. I understand the need for reciprocity and there were no communication barriers prior to the Halloween party.
Are there some assumptions being made? Sure.
What I can tell you is that she halted all communication and effort after that day. Could be an issue with me, could be she's just not ready to date. She wasn't clear on her intentions.
I know I could have fished and asked questions. The sudden coldness was an answer to me because she had been pretty warm prior. She's also 37, so I can't compare her to the scenario you provided.
People who display this type of behavior leave the door open to come back often. She could have easily said she didn't see this working out and chose not to.
Shyness? no, she tongue kissed me. Sounds more like confliction.
One of my Gem friends had a scenario similiar to this. I met the chick, idk what sign she was though. Very cordial and seemed nice. They went on about 4-5 dates and she had invited him to visit Brazil for Carnival (invited him by date 3, then he invited a few friends). I thought it was odd, but he was excited.
Well, she fell off the face of the earth and he sent her a Happy NYE text. No reply.
She replies MLK weekend and says she didn't see the text. No mention of the trip and didn't even say where she had been. He showed me the messages and I affirmed he shouldn't reply. He agreed he wasn't going to.
Same shit.
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I get that people use ghosting to revive themselves from the dead. I rather force them to get a definitive response, so everyone can rest in peace. There’s no revisitation either at that point.
As for your friend, again, no reply is such a cowards way out. It is also a tactic to keep the back door open. I had someone do that to me, when they came back I simply, “you ghosted me. I didn’t appreciate that rudeness. Don’t ever message me again.” The person was reprimanded and dismissed. When did men and women become such pussies? Sometimes I think it’s a way to not look like the bad guy/girl or it’s to keep the back door open for drought season.
Use your mouth to clearly communicate whether or not the woman is doing that. It’s all about you wanting to know where you stand. Trust me, it’s very attractive to both gender when you are confident and communicate! Without communication, everyone’s life is a soap opera *guy furious in the corner* *girl complaining with her friends*
Also age has got nothing to do with maturity. She’s a 37 yr and socially inept, but then so are you.
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I’m not socially inept, I’m just not wasting my time with her.
Like I mentioned already I removed her the other week. Tonight, she popped up on my story. Meaning, she actually typed my name in to find me.
You don’t find that odd? This is the definition of breadcrumbing.
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You are socially inept and the mere fact that you can’t even acknowledge that illustrates my
Point that you’re highly egoistic too, which is detrimental to your approach to romantic pursuits. Did you communicate? Nope. People who don’t know how to communicate = socially inept. You can justify it however you want (e.g I don’t wanna waste my time…) Fact of the matter is you don’t definitively know what happened here as you nor her communicated. It’s all speculation based on your assumption.
If she’s looking you up, she’s interested. You sabotaged yourself! Congrats. Seeking people out = interest! How strong? We will never know because charming Libra never communicated. Your guard is up and for that reason you aren’t letting loose and taking things personally. If she didn’t message after the date, why didn’t you message her?
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Her looking me up is not a sign of interest, it's her ego. She's curious as to why I'm not chasing her but John in her DMs won't leave her alone probably. My Gem ex used to do this after an argument. Some time passes and she would attempt to show face by waiting until I post, and she pops up. I would ignore that and eventually she reached out, like adults should do.
A sign of interest is actually reaching out to chat. She doesn't need to "ask me out" or anything ridiculous. This is just seeking a reaction.
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So many assumptions and nothing confirmed. Let me ask you a simple question: how much did you like her on a scale of 1-10?
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Looks wise, she’s probably an 8-8.5 for her age bracket.

As a person, maybe a 6. The immediate infatuation thing was odd and she doesn’t really have a lot of women as friends. Mainly men.
Posted by DMV
She pulled back because she realized she was putting in all the work and wants to see you HUNT after her.
Have you ever played the hunter role? I ask because usually Libra and Taurus placements don’t hunt very much.
Lmao women always say this and it never works out for men.

She didn’t plan any dates. Putting in work is NOT texting someone or responding to them.

Men hunting after women is a myth. No progress is made if she’s not interested in the first place. She HAS to like you first.

Now there’s some interest on Gem’s end. However it is not enough for her to reach out currently. She’s behaving like a Scorpio and observing.

Interest fluctuates and she could reach out or maybe not. Who knows. I’ve done my part, I’ve taken her out multiple times and initiated a kiss. If that’s not enough for her to respond then, sorry. On to the next.

I don’t chase women who don’t reciprocate.
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by KimboSlice
You removed her on social media for no reason lol
you don't only seem immature, but insecure as well. You kissed her to save your own pride and then deleted her on social media for watching your stories but not reaching out?

She didn't reply after a week. What is the purpose of keeping her on my page? It's not petty, she just serves no purpose if we have no contact with each other. I've kept woman on my page before and it changes absolutely nothing other than them seeking to be nosey or you're another click during the daily spree of scrolling. You're acting like I blocked her.
We aren't friends, no mutual friends and there's no interest romantically. So, remind me of why I should keep her? Give me a break, I met her online. We don't owe each other anything.
I kissed her because she was indifferent during the date. This isn't rocket science.
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Pay attention to Kimbo’s advice. You’re doing the double air sign thing where you are in your head and closed off, so you take the slightest
pull back from the other person as disrespect. As much as you want to deflect blame that she’s a water sign and in her feelings, you’re in your head. Damn shame! You’re a sign of communication yet none of that happened. You know how you’re openly writing here what you felt and what you were doing for what reason. Why didn’t say that to her? “Hey, I feel confused. Are you into me? I can’t gauge you?” If after the kiss she wasn’t reaching out, you could have done that and made a coy remark, “hey is this it? Are we done?”
You are insecure of rejection and extremely prideful too, which makes you take rejection very personally, why else is the Libra charm and communication missing?
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I didn’t chase because no reply is a reply. I don’t see how asking someone “do you like me” isn’t the pinnacle of insecurity.
Gem had no issues communicating prior and did an entire pull-back. I’m not upset at her or quite frankly confused because the answer clear. She's breadcrumbing. Someone legitimately not interested wouldn't even bother monitoring your social media or they would say "hey, I don't feel a connection, but I wish you the best."
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Actions > words.
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Yes, I agree that actions speak louder than words. However, actions can be misinterpreted that’s why we were given a tongue. This generation is socially inept as evident in both your actions. Where is the goddamn communication? Stop being egoistic and accept that you didn’t communicate. You just went onto interpret the action based on the narrative that was in your head.
I’m going to tell you a story to elucidate my point. When I was younger I was painfully shy and didn’t even know it until I had my date with my Libra dude. On our first date, my body was freezing on its own. I couldn’t help it and out of embarrassment I avoided looking at my Libra guy. Had he not explicitly asked me “listen I can’t tell if you like me. I feel like you don’t.” I answered and explained what was happening with me.” Thanks to our open communication we went onto date for a year. Had he not asked me and assumed what he saw my behaviour as, we’d go nowhere! You’re being given solid advice. Don’t be stubborn and take it so you can do better next time. This is coming from someone who used to be like you!
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I understand what you're saying. I'm not reacting like this out of stubbornness though, this isn't my first rodeo. She did not behave like this on our first date. I understand the need for reciprocity and there were no communication barriers prior to the Halloween party.
Are there some assumptions being made? Sure.
What I can tell you is that she halted all communication and effort after that day. Could be an issue with me, could be she's just not ready to date. She wasn't clear on her intentions.
I know I could have fished and asked questions. The sudden coldness was an answer to me because she had been pretty warm prior. She's also 37, so I can't compare her to the scenario you provided.
People who display this type of behavior leave the door open to come back often. She could have easily said she didn't see this working out and chose not to.
Shyness? no, she tongue kissed me. Sounds more like confliction.
One of my Gem friends had a scenario similiar to this. I met the chick, idk what sign she was though. Very cordial and seemed nice. They went on about 4-5 dates and she had invited him to visit Brazil for Carnival (invited him by date 3, then he invited a few friends). I thought it was odd, but he was excited.
Well, she fell off the face of the earth and he sent her a Happy NYE text. No reply.
She replies MLK weekend and says she didn't see the text. No mention of the trip and didn't even say where she had been. He showed me the messages and I affirmed he shouldn't reply. He agreed he wasn't going to.
Same shit.
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I get that people use ghosting to revive themselves from the dead. I rather force them to get a definitive response, so everyone can rest in peace. There’s no revisitation either at that point.
As for your friend, again, no reply is such a cowards way out. It is also a tactic to keep the back door open. I had someone do that to me, when they came back I simply, “you ghosted me. I didn’t appreciate that rudeness. Don’t ever message me again.” The person was reprimanded and dismissed. When did men and women become such pussies? Sometimes I think it’s a way to not look like the bad guy/girl or it’s to keep the back door open for drought season.
Use your mouth to clearly communicate whether or not the woman is doing that. It’s all about you wanting to know where you stand. Trust me, it’s very attractive to both gender when you are confident and communicate! Without communication, everyone’s life is a soap opera *guy furious in the corner* *girl complaining with her friends*
Also age has got nothing to do with maturity. She’s a 37 yr and socially inept, but then so are you.
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I’m not socially inept, I’m just not wasting my time with her.
Like I mentioned already I removed her the other week. Tonight, she popped up on my story. Meaning, she actually typed my name in to find me.
You don’t find that odd? This is the definition of breadcrumbing.
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You are socially inept and the mere fact that you can’t even acknowledge that illustrates my
Point that you’re highly egoistic too, which is detrimental to your approach to romantic pursuits. Did you communicate? Nope. People who don’t know how to communicate = socially inept. You can justify it however you want (e.g I don’t wanna waste my time…) Fact of the matter is you don’t definitively know what happened here as you nor her communicated. It’s all speculation based on your assumption.
If she’s looking you up, she’s interested. You sabotaged yourself! Congrats. Seeking people out = interest! How strong? We will never know because charming Libra never communicated. Your guard is up and for that reason you aren’t letting loose and taking things personally. If she didn’t message after the date, why didn’t you message her?
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Her looking me up is not a sign of interest, it's her ego. She's curious as to why I'm not chasing her but John in her DMs won't leave her alone probably. My Gem ex used to do this after an argument. Some time passes and she would attempt to show face by waiting until I post, and she pops up. I would ignore that and eventually she reached out, like adults should do.

A sign of interest is actually reaching out to chat. She doesn't need to "ask me out" or anything ridiculous. This is just seeking a reaction.
Posted by DMV
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by KimboSlice
You removed her on social media for no reason lol
you don't only seem immature, but insecure as well. You kissed her to save your own pride and then deleted her on social media for watching your stories but not reaching out?

She didn't reply after a week. What is the purpose of keeping her on my page? It's not petty, she just serves no purpose if we have no contact with each other. I've kept woman on my page before and it changes absolutely nothing other than them seeking to be nosey or you're another click during the daily spree of scrolling. You're acting like I blocked her.
We aren't friends, no mutual friends and there's no interest romantically. So, remind me of why I should keep her? Give me a break, I met her online. We don't owe each other anything.
I kissed her because she was indifferent during the date. This isn't rocket science.
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Pay attention to Kimbo’s advice. You’re doing the double air sign thing where you are in your head and closed off, so you take the slightest
pull back from the other person as disrespect. As much as you want to deflect blame that she’s a water sign and in her feelings, you’re in your head. Damn shame! You’re a sign of communication yet none of that happened. You know how you’re openly writing here what you felt and what you were doing for what reason. Why didn’t say that to her? “Hey, I feel confused. Are you into me? I can’t gauge you?” If after the kiss she wasn’t reaching out, you could have done that and made a coy remark, “hey is this it? Are we done?”
You are insecure of rejection and extremely prideful too, which makes you take rejection very personally, why else is the Libra charm and communication missing?
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I didn’t chase because no reply is a reply. I don’t see how asking someone “do you like me” isn’t the pinnacle of insecurity.
Gem had no issues communicating prior and did an entire pull-back. I’m not upset at her or quite frankly confused because the answer clear. She's breadcrumbing. Someone legitimately not interested wouldn't even bother monitoring your social media or they would say "hey, I don't feel a connection, but I wish you the best."
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I don't need to be accessible to everyone. If she wants to chat, she has my number. No peeking to see what I'm up to.
Actions > words.
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I’m confused.
Who played a stupid game and won a stupid prize?
Initially, you said you were worried that she was coming on too strong love bombing you and now you say you’re getting breads crumbs.
The answer is NOT clear.
You’ve yet to talk and communicate with her
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She did come on strong which was concerning to me. She then does a complete pullback and is bread crumbing by looking at my stories and we don’t follow each other.

Doing all of this instead of just replying to the message.

These are games and I don’t play games. I’m not going to block her or anything, she just doesn’t exist now.
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by KimboSlice
You removed her on social media for no reason lol
you don't only seem immature, but insecure as well. You kissed her to save your own pride and then deleted her on social media for watching your stories but not reaching out?

She didn't reply after a week. What is the purpose of keeping her on my page? It's not petty, she just serves no purpose if we have no contact with each other. I've kept woman on my page before and it changes absolutely nothing other than them seeking to be nosey or you're another click during the daily spree of scrolling. You're acting like I blocked her.
We aren't friends, no mutual friends and there's no interest romantically. So, remind me of why I should keep her? Give me a break, I met her online. We don't owe each other anything.
I kissed her because she was indifferent during the date. This isn't rocket science.
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Pay attention to Kimbo’s advice. You’re doing the double air sign thing where you are in your head and closed off, so you take the slightest
pull back from the other person as disrespect. As much as you want to deflect blame that she’s a water sign and in her feelings, you’re in your head. Damn shame! You’re a sign of communication yet none of that happened. You know how you’re openly writing here what you felt and what you were doing for what reason. Why didn’t say that to her? “Hey, I feel confused. Are you into me? I can’t gauge you?” If after the kiss she wasn’t reaching out, you could have done that and made a coy remark, “hey is this it? Are we done?”
You are insecure of rejection and extremely prideful too, which makes you take rejection very personally, why else is the Libra charm and communication missing?
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I didn’t chase because no reply is a reply. I don’t see how asking someone “do you like me” isn’t the pinnacle of insecurity.
Gem had no issues communicating prior and did an entire pull-back. I’m not upset at her or quite frankly confused because the answer clear. She's breadcrumbing. Someone legitimately not interested wouldn't even bother monitoring your social media or they would say "hey, I don't feel a connection, but I wish you the best."
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Actions > words.
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Yes, I agree that actions speak louder than words. However, actions can be misinterpreted that’s why we were given a tongue. This generation is socially inept as evident in both your actions. Where is the goddamn communication? Stop being egoistic and accept that you didn’t communicate. You just went onto interpret the action based on the narrative that was in your head.
I’m going to tell you a story to elucidate my point. When I was younger I was painfully shy and didn’t even know it until I had my date with my Libra dude. On our first date, my body was freezing on its own. I couldn’t help it and out of embarrassment I avoided looking at my Libra guy. Had he not explicitly asked me “listen I can’t tell if you like me. I feel like you don’t.” I answered and explained what was happening with me.” Thanks to our open communication we went onto date for a year. Had he not asked me and assumed what he saw my behaviour as, we’d go nowhere! You’re being given solid advice. Don’t be stubborn and take it so you can do better next time. This is coming from someone who used to be like you!
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I understand what you're saying. I'm not reacting like this out of stubbornness though, this isn't my first rodeo. She did not behave like this on our first date. I understand the need for reciprocity and there were no communication barriers prior to the Halloween party.
Are there some assumptions being made? Sure.
What I can tell you is that she halted all communication and effort after that day. Could be an issue with me, could be she's just not ready to date. She wasn't clear on her intentions.
I know I could have fished and asked questions. The sudden coldness was an answer to me because she had been pretty warm prior. She's also 37, so I can't compare her to the scenario you provided.
People who display this type of behavior leave the door open to come back often. She could have easily said she didn't see this working out and chose not to.
Shyness? no, she tongue kissed me. Sounds more like confliction.
One of my Gem friends had a scenario similiar to this. I met the chick, idk what sign she was though. Very cordial and seemed nice. They went on about 4-5 dates and she had invited him to visit Brazil for Carnival (invited him by date 3, then he invited a few friends). I thought it was odd, but he was excited.
Well, she fell off the face of the earth and he sent her a Happy NYE text. No reply.
She replies MLK weekend and says she didn't see the text. No mention of the trip and didn't even say where she had been. He showed me the messages and I affirmed he shouldn't reply. He agreed he wasn't going to.
Same shit.
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I get that people use ghosting to revive themselves from the dead. I rather force them to get a definitive response, so everyone can rest in peace. There’s no revisitation either at that point.
As for your friend, again, no reply is such a cowards way out. It is also a tactic to keep the back door open. I had someone do that to me, when they came back I simply, “you ghosted me. I didn’t appreciate that rudeness. Don’t ever message me again.” The person was reprimanded and dismissed. When did men and women become such pussies? Sometimes I think it’s a way to not look like the bad guy/girl or it’s to keep the back door open for drought season.
Use your mouth to clearly communicate whether or not the woman is doing that. It’s all about you wanting to know where you stand. Trust me, it’s very attractive to both gender when you are confident and communicate! Without communication, everyone’s life is a soap opera *guy furious in the corner* *girl complaining with her friends*
Also age has got nothing to do with maturity. She’s a 37 yr and socially inept, but then so are you.
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I’m not socially inept, I’m just not wasting my time with her.

Like I mentioned already I removed her the other week. Tonight, she popped up on my story. Meaning, she actually typed my name in to find me.

You don’t find that odd? This is the definition of breadcrumbing.
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by KimboSlice
You removed her on social media for no reason lol
you don't only seem immature, but insecure as well. You kissed her to save your own pride and then deleted her on social media for watching your stories but not reaching out?

She didn't reply after a week. What is the purpose of keeping her on my page? It's not petty, she just serves no purpose if we have no contact with each other. I've kept woman on my page before and it changes absolutely nothing other than them seeking to be nosey or you're another click during the daily spree of scrolling. You're acting like I blocked her.
We aren't friends, no mutual friends and there's no interest romantically. So, remind me of why I should keep her? Give me a break, I met her online. We don't owe each other anything.
I kissed her because she was indifferent during the date. This isn't rocket science.
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Pay attention to Kimbo’s advice. You’re doing the double air sign thing where you are in your head and closed off, so you take the slightest
pull back from the other person as disrespect. As much as you want to deflect blame that she’s a water sign and in her feelings, you’re in your head. Damn shame! You’re a sign of communication yet none of that happened. You know how you’re openly writing here what you felt and what you were doing for what reason. Why didn’t say that to her? “Hey, I feel confused. Are you into me? I can’t gauge you?” If after the kiss she wasn’t reaching out, you could have done that and made a coy remark, “hey is this it? Are we done?”
You are insecure of rejection and extremely prideful too, which makes you take rejection very personally, why else is the Libra charm and communication missing?
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I didn’t chase because no reply is a reply. I don’t see how asking someone “do you like me” isn’t the pinnacle of insecurity.
Gem had no issues communicating prior and did an entire pull-back. I’m not upset at her or quite frankly confused because the answer clear. She's breadcrumbing. Someone legitimately not interested wouldn't even bother monitoring your social media or they would say "hey, I don't feel a connection, but I wish you the best."
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Actions > words.
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Yes, I agree that actions speak louder than words. However, actions can be misinterpreted that’s why we were given a tongue. This generation is socially inept as evident in both your actions. Where is the goddamn communication? Stop being egoistic and accept that you didn’t communicate. You just went onto interpret the action based on the narrative that was in your head.
I’m going to tell you a story to elucidate my point. When I was younger I was painfully shy and didn’t even know it until I had my date with my Libra dude. On our first date, my body was freezing on its own. I couldn’t help it and out of embarrassment I avoided looking at my Libra guy. Had he not explicitly asked me “listen I can’t tell if you like me. I feel like you don’t.” I answered and explained what was happening with me.” Thanks to our open communication we went onto date for a year. Had he not asked me and assumed what he saw my behaviour as, we’d go nowhere! You’re being given solid advice. Don’t be stubborn and take it so you can do better next time. This is coming from someone who used to be like you!

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I understand what you're saying. I'm not reacting like this out of stubbornness though, this isn't my first rodeo. She did not behave like this on our first date. I understand the need for reciprocity and there were no communication barriers prior to the Halloween party.

Are there some assumptions being made? Sure.

What I can tell you is that she halted all communication and effort after that day. Could be an issue with me, could be she's just not ready to date. She wasn't clear on her intentions.

I know I could have fished and asked questions. The sudden coldness was an answer to me because she had been pretty warm prior. She's also 37, so I can't compare her to the scenario you provided.

People who display this type of behavior leave the door open to come back often. She could have easily said she didn't see this working out and chose not to.

Shyness? no, she tongue kissed me. Sounds more like confliction.

One of my Gem friends had a scenario similiar to this. I met the chick, idk what sign she was though. Very cordial and seemed nice. They went on about 4-5 dates and she had invited him to visit Brazil for Carnival (invited him by date 3, then he invited a few friends). I thought it was odd, but he was excited.

Well, she fell off the face of the earth and he sent her a Happy NYE text. No reply.

She replies MLK weekend and says she didn't see the text. No mention of the trip and didn't even say where she had been. He showed me the messages and I affirmed he shouldn't reply. He agreed he wasn't going to.

Same shit.
Posted by Bumboklaat
Didn't read much into it but I saw she has Scorpio Moon with Gemini Sun. Yikes, she's gonna need control. Not good for long term, maybe just a fling.
Scorpio moons are for Taurus energy that can handle it.
Don't know her well enough that. But IMO, Gem & water energy is chaotic. I think of 50 cent & Future lol.
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by LuckyLibra7
Posted by KimboSlice
You removed her on social media for no reason lol
you don't only seem immature, but insecure as well. You kissed her to save your own pride and then deleted her on social media for watching your stories but not reaching out?

She didn't reply after a week. What is the purpose of keeping her on my page? It's not petty, she just serves no purpose if we have no contact with each other. I've kept woman on my page before and it changes absolutely nothing other than them seeking to be nosey or you're another click during the daily spree of scrolling. You're acting like I blocked her.
We aren't friends, no mutual friends and there's no interest romantically. So, remind me of why I should keep her? Give me a break, I met her online. We don't owe each other anything.
I kissed her because she was indifferent during the date. This isn't rocket science.
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Pay attention to Kimbo’s advice. You’re doing the double air sign thing where you are in your head and closed off, so you take the slightest
pull back from the other person as disrespect. As much as you want to deflect blame that she’s a water sign and in her feelings, you’re in your head. Damn shame! You’re a sign of communication yet none of that happened. You know how you’re openly writing here what you felt and what you were doing for what reason. Why didn’t say that to her? “Hey, I feel confused. Are you into me? I can’t gauge you?” If after the kiss she wasn’t reaching out, you could have done that and made a coy remark, “hey is this it? Are we done?”
You are insecure of rejection and extremely prideful too, which makes you take rejection very personally, why else is the Libra charm and communication missing?
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I didn’t chase because no reply is a reply. I don’t see how asking someone “do you like me” isn’t the pinnacle of insecurity.

Gem had no issues communicating prior and did an entire pull-back. I’m not upset at her or quite frankly confused because the answer clear. She's breadcrumbing. Someone legitimately not interested wouldn't even bother monitoring your social media or they would say "hey, I don't feel a connection, but I wish you the best."

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I don't need to be accessible to everyone. If she wants to chat, she has my number. No peeking to see what I'm up to.

Actions > words.

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