Posted by SeaLionOoooouch! 😂Posted by Reciprocity8Yeah it was pretty sad. 6'4 Puerto Rican with tattoos, big guy. Divorced with kid so I thought well he was married and had a kid so all must be good down there.............we were at my place so I couldn't use an excuse to leave .... . I didnt see him again after that but I kind of let him believe it was his idea. He texted me 3 months later after I deleted his number and so I didnt know who it was and he was so pissed. 😂 I was like...whatever gets him away from me I dont care!Posted by SeaLion😂😂😂 AND he’s PR??? Jeeeeeeez, poor guy has probably brought shame to his family.Posted by Reciprocity8😂😂😂😂 mine was Puerto Rican. Said almost the same thing. Said he was going to make me squirt. Seriously I thought I was being punked when I saw it.Posted by SeaLionIf yours was a black professional football player, then probably.Posted by Reciprocity8Omg did we date the same guy?
There was one that wasn’t a “grower” or a “show-er”. It was probably around 2 1/2 inches. I told him it wasn’t happening and I left.
He was huge, made no sense. About 6’4”...280 lbs.
He was really nice. Talked a big game, when that happened...I couldn’t hide my disappointment.
He said some corny crap like, “Girl, I’m about to turn you out. You know the ladies call me ‘Hurricane’, ‘cause I make it rain.” 🙄
More like a drizzle. If that.
Mine had this sad look on his face then just asked as I was getting my things if he could just go down on me. I told him I had to rush home and clean the lint trap in my dryer.
I felt a little bad at first. That must be so awful. to expand
Posted by -DamousThey lied! They trapped us under false pretenses!Posted by Reciprocity8You absolute savage. “No, I’m in a rush to get home. Got to clean the lint trap in my dryer.”Posted by SeaLion😂😂😂 AND he’s PR??? Jeeeeeeez, poor guy has probably brought shame to his family.Posted by Reciprocity8😂😂😂😂 mine was Puerto Rican. Said almost the same thing. Said he was going to make me squirt. Seriously I thought I was being punked when I saw it.Posted by SeaLionIf yours was a black professional football player, then probably.Posted by Reciprocity8Omg did we date the same guy?
There was one that wasn’t a “grower” or a “show-er”. It was probably around 2 1/2 inches. I told him it wasn’t happening and I left.
He was huge, made no sense. About 6’4”...280 lbs.
He was really nice. Talked a big game, when that happened...I couldn’t hide my disappointment.
He said some corny crap like, “Girl, I’m about to turn you out. You know the ladies call me ‘Hurricane’, ‘cause I make it rain.” 🙄
More like a drizzle. If that.
Mine had this sad look on his face then just asked as I was getting my things if he could just go down on me. I told him I had to rush home and clean the lint trap in my dryer.
I felt a little bad at first. That must be so awful. Ugh.
I’d neck myself that to expand
Posted by SeaLion😂😂😂 AND he’s PR??? Jeeeeeeez, poor guy has probably brought shame to his family.Posted by Reciprocity8😂😂😂😂 mine was Puerto Rican. Said almost the same thing. Said he was going to make me squirt. Seriously I thought I was being punked when I saw it.Posted by SeaLionIf yours was a black professional football player, then probably.Posted by Reciprocity8Omg did we date the same guy?
There was one that wasn’t a “grower” or a “show-er”. It was probably around 2 1/2 inches. I told him it wasn’t happening and I left.
He was huge, made no sense. About 6’4”...280 lbs.
He was really nice. Talked a big game, when that happened...I couldn’t hide my disappointment.
He said some corny crap like, “Girl, I’m about to turn you out. You know the ladies call me ‘Hurricane’, ‘cause I make it rain.” 🙄
More like a drizzle. If to expand
Posted by SeaLionIf yours was a black professional football player, then probably.Posted by Reciprocity8Omg did we date the same guy?
There was one that wasn’t a “grower” or a “show-er”. It was probably around 2 1/2 inches. I told him it wasn’t happening and I left.
He was huge, made no sense. About 6’4”...280 to expand
Posted by ELIGABCaps keep their composure. I wouldn’t say “nice”.
Why do cap ladies continue to be nice when not liked??
I find it to be completely evil lol
Posted by CrabbyGemYou exhibited strength, and Caps, both men and women, appreciate that. Call it “tough love” or whatever, the thing to take from it is: we need to know our partner can handle things should the day ever come, God forbid, we can’t steer the ship. That’s why my father chose my mother: she was very traditional, but she was the strongest person he’d ever met. She ended up raising us on her own, so that’s a testament to that fact.Posted by Capricorn91Posted by Reciprocity8Yup I can vouch for that. And that's why we take things slow.Posted by Capricorn91The males definitely more often than the females. Especially the younger males.Posted by Reciprocity8Lol we do have commitment issues!Posted by CrabbyGemAnd they will sabotage it. That’s what my Cap former best friend did.
Do caps do the whole fwb thing? I read a lot that this is not their style . This cap am seeing has a past and is holding back on commitment but no matter us what goes on between us (separation, disagreements) he's always coming back to me. I few months he’ll be cold a few he will open up to me then he gets real passionate at times. I think hes afraid to do any relationship type thing and when it gets real hot and heavy he sabotages it.
I told him not to overanalyze things and make shit weird when I went to visit him in LA. He did just that. Left me in his apartment one night when I was asleep to go do cocaine and sleep with someone. The next morning, while he went to grab us breakfast, I called a cab, went to the airport, and bought a new plane ticket that cost me nearly 2 grand. I didn’t speak to him for about two years. When we did finally speak, he said it just hit him that night in LA that he knew he was in love with me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me...and he “panicked”. 🙄
At one point I could say we were friends. He opened up to me alot about his child, hobbies, and family. Hes almost cried infront of me. And hes a super tough guy.
Issues with his ex/mother of child ✅.He is super honest with me about it. Tells me he feels like he cant move forward into a relationship because of it. But then randomly comments once in a while how he needs a wife at home to do the chores around the house. Recently he cooked his lunches, gave me a taste and as he argued with the dishes it slipped out that i should be washing them. He doesn't want more kids and i dont have any. I think in his mind thats an issue.
In nov we took a break, i told him i needed space after he tried to sabatoge shit and i admitted to him that i had feelings and wanted a relationship. He started lurking on social media in Jan and i gave in on march. We’re back to our “fwb” ways. I didn't think he would come back after i poured my feelings out to him. We had an argument the other day and typically i would just leave or coward down, but i put him in his place kinda and he went from angry lion to cute kitty within seconds. Dont know what to do with this to expand
Posted by L-E-N-OHe’s a dick. Couldn’t even send a simple “happy birthday” wish? Nope. He’s trying to get you to chase him because it strokes his ego. Don’t engage him whatsoever. As a matter of fact, unblock him...BUT ignore the living hell out of him.Posted by starlordOkay so we have a long history... basically he will flirt and let me know he likes me but as soon as i start to show interest he shuts me down by saying things like oh he doesnt want a GF he has his dogs to keep him company and basically blows me off EVERY TIME, i have been so persistent trying to get him to let me in bu the never does so this is going nowhere and its hurting me... I sent him a song by the way and he didnt even respond... I happened to mention that it was my birthday the following day as well and that i felt so old.. he didnt even wish me happy birthday... so 2 blows... why have i even been wasting my time with someone who has zero interest im just an idiot and im donr looking like one so he is blocked and i want nothing from himPosted by L-E-N-OWhy did you block him though?! 🤔🤔 Did I miss something?
why the mind eff though ? honestly i will never understand why its so hard for some people to be open and honest... well anyway i blocked him but for some reason when i block him then he gets all excited and tells my friends "oh she still has me blocked" like how are you that dense that you dont even know why i blocked you.... no just nooooclick to expand